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Bad News from WA re employer sponsors


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Hi all,


we have recently applied to WA dep of Corrective Services for 2 posts, they are a big employer and are also happy to sponsor. We applied 5 weeks ago so called today to see how far forward they were only to be told this...


"unfortunately we cant sponsor you unless you are on CSL. We have been told by WA Gov we are only allowed to sponsor applicants whose occupation is on the CSL. This may change but we dont know when that will be. I suspect most other gov agencies and even outside employers maybe the same?"


So there you have it at the mo in WA it would seem CSL is leading the way even with employer sponsors, it is more than frustrating as corrective services want to sponsor us but have been told no by thw wa gov. im not sure of the full impact this has on other employers in WA but thought best to share it with you. Hopefully this will change with the new SMPs???


a very gutted Kelly:sad:

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Guest Caitmelbourne

That's terrible!


They really should publicise something if this is the case...will save lot's of people effort in job & visa apps if they are only granting CSL occupations. I have an interview on Monday for a non-CSL occupation and need sponsorship, little concerned now!

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Guest JK2510

Hi all



Perhaps this is a governmental thing. We would of heard before about this or at least been notified. Perhaps George Lombard or gill gollywobbler can shed some light on this?!

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Guest JK2510

Im gonna call my agent and ask about the above subject as i was gonna call them anyway to hassle them about something else!

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Guest nigel and marie

i think other states will follow we have been waiting 2 years now we lodged our application for the 175 GSM VISA my husband as applied for a number of jobs in oz hoping they will sponser him but they are not sponsoring any one at the moment. again this is why they have stopped the 457 VISA and a few others.

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Guest JK2510



I dont think the ENS 121 or ENS 457 have been stopped. There is nothing on DIAC stating this and all of us that have agents would of emailed us of any changes. PIO have plenty of people in the know!

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Guest Gollywobbler

Hi All


It might well be WA State Government Policy not to hire & sponsor any migrants for the time being. I suspect that this may well have more to do with local State Government Policy in WA than it has to do with the CSL.


The WA Dept of Corrective Servicss sent a delegation to the Expos in the UK at the beginning of 2008. They were looking for prison officers, probation officers, social workers etc:


International recruitment


The DCS' plans went wrong for some reason once the delegation returned to WA. The DCS told enquirers that they were putting a Labour Agreement into place. I am still waiting for this Labour Agreement to be finalsed so that recruitment and employer sponsorship can start..... (A Labour Agreement has to be approved by the prospective employer, DIAC, the relevant State Govt if appropriate, the relevant Unions if appropriate and generally, they have to be approved and signed off by Uncle Tom Cobley and All so they can take forever even on a good day, which the last few months has not been.)


Fiona 1975 asked about possible employer-sponsorship for her aunt, who is a Registered Nurse who wants to join Fiona in Perth, WA. The "State Health Authority" people in WA (I don't know what their proper name is) told Fiona that the public service is not sponsoring any Nurses for the time being.


Nurses are on the current CSL. The public sector employer has been told not to sponsor them, however.


I don't know what is going on but I suspect that Kelly has been told what a particular employee believes is going on, when what s/he believes might not be the full and whole story about what is actually going on.





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Hmm, I work for WA state gov and I am hoping to sponsor a few people this year, we have 'pre approval' so I hope this doesn't affect us. I will enquire tomorrow and see if I can shed some more light on this.

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Guest nigel and marie

i think okay they have shut the doors at the moment i just hope they are not going to do the same to anybody like they have to 2007. applicants i have a gut feeling it is not going looking good at the moment watch this space

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We have been here for 2 and half years now and hubby has his own Bricklaying company. My brother is in the trade but not qualified as a Brickie but is setting about that in the Uk. Could my husband sponsor him as he finds it quite difficut to get good tradies here and would prefer to employ someone he knows who is good and reliable!


Also I have heard about Silver Trowel here in Perth and am not sure whether this could be another route into Perth for my brother to take the qualifications here rather than there. It would be just him and his wife as they have no dependents but as he is 42 things need to get moving and I understand that they have just removed Bricklayers from the MODL list but does that apply to the ENS 121 or am I looking in the wrong place?


Would really love to have some family here :(

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Just a thought if he came on a 572 student visa to study the course here in Perth and get qualified, he could work 20 hours pw for 2 years with my hubby and then do his TRA here whilst on a bridging visa. Then he can work full time but would then have to apply for a PR. This means he would get experience working here and be Aussie qualified, all good but would the PR be applied on or offshore and how long would that take? Where can I look.......hmmmm advice would be good:)

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Guest theredmenace

180 years ago getting a job as a prison warden wouldnt have been a problem!!!

My how times have changed.


Seriously though, this suggests to me they are not being totally upfront with anyone

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Im in Perth now(second week), a friend was granted employer sponsorship 2 weeks ago (painter), ive been fortunate to find somebody who wants to sponsor me this week(mechanic), so i have the joy of filling in more p/work as we speak.And so too my 'proposed' employer has the joy of applying to be a sponsor and also has to apply to nominate me as well.


So im guessing that employer sponsorship is still available



Keep going guys...:yellow_guy_smiling_:yellow_guy_smiling_

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I think the issue is a WA State Government issue, anyone finding a private employer wishing to sponsor them will not have the same issue. WA State Government have decided on a policy that only those on CSL can be sponsored. I can understand why that is the case, imagine in the UK if public sector jobs were being given to immigrants where there was no shortage of local applicants!


BUT the CSL is flawed and doesn't reflect the detail of particular roles or job markets. My skills aren't on the CSL and yet it is very difficult to find people for my team with those skills locally even more so who want to work for a gov agency.


I am guessing the same is true for OP, it takes a very special person to be a good prison officer - they turned me down in the UK many years ago!


There is no DIAC directive preventing WA state gov sponsoring it is their own policy, however each case will no different. I have been told providing we nominate before September we can still sponsor as the visas are pre-approved but expire then. There are also 'Schedule 1' employers in gov who don't have the same employment restrictions, it is possible though I don't know that a gov agency who is a schedule 1 employer could still sponsor.


For the OP they have an answer but others shouldn't generalise or jump to conclusions.


To the OP hang in there, it will almost certainly change, I'd contact the dept in 3 months (& every 3 months!) and enquire again, they are duobtless desparate to have you. I interviewed people last August and they & I are still waiting.

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seems to me one contradicts another here, do these people know their ass from their elbo!


Any employer can choose to sponsor or not, in this context WA state government is an employer and has decided on a policy to only sponsor where the skill is on the CSL.


Whenever an employer wishes to sponsor they have to demonstrate what they have done to recruit within Australia, IMHO this is fair and right, afterall people who have gone through the personal and financial stress of GSM would feel it was unfair if a job for which they were suitably qualified went to someone still overseas.


It is frustrating, especially where a dept can't get anyone locally even though they are not on the CSL but IMHO it is wrong to say they don't know what they are doing.


Federal gov and state gov are very different entities. In lots of ways Federal gov is like the European Parliament and WA state gov is like the British gov. WA is stubbornly different, a bit like Britain is to the rest of Europe. I'm surprised there isn't a WA Independence Party :)


My sons school allows Crocs, I don't - I frequently hear 'but we're allowed' in this case I'm the local gov setting a local policy. And I'm just as popular :)


WA is very slow going but eventually they will catch up with the demand and if you are to believe the hype we're going to be booming again. With all the fit young men off to earn their $100k plus in the mines, state gov will be desparate.

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I think the issue is a WA State Government issue, anyone finding a private employer wishing to sponsor them will not have the same issue. WA State Government have decided on a policy that only those on CSL can be sponsored. I can understand why that is the case, imagine in the UK if public sector jobs were being given to immigrants where there was no shortage of local applicants!


BUT the CSL is flawed and doesn't reflect the detail of particular roles or job markets. My skills aren't on the CSL and yet it is very difficult to find people for my team with those skills locally even more so who want to work for a gov agency.


I am guessing the same is true for OP, it takes a very special person to be a good prison officer - they turned me down in the UK many years ago!


There is no DIAC directive preventing WA state gov sponsoring it is their own policy, however each case will no different. I have been told providing we nominate before September we can still sponsor as the visas are pre-approved but expire then. There are also 'Schedule 1' employers in gov who don't have the same employment restrictions, it is possible though I don't know that a gov agency who is a schedule 1 employer could still sponsor.


For the OP they have an answer but others shouldn't generalise or jump to conclusions.


To the OP hang in there, it will almost certainly change, I'd contact the dept in 3 months (& every 3 months!) and enquire again, they are duobtless desparate to have you. I interviewed people last August and they & I are still waiting.



I thought you had to be an Australian Citizen before you could work for the Government is that not true then?

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I think the issue is a WA State Government issue, anyone finding a private employer wishing to sponsor them will not have the same issue. WA State Government have decided on a policy that only those on CSL can be sponsored. I can understand why that is the case, imagine in the UK if public sector jobs were being given to immigrants where there was no shortage of local applicants!


BUT the CSL is flawed and doesn't reflect the detail of particular roles or job markets. My skills aren't on the CSL and yet it is very difficult to find people for my team with those skills locally even more so who want to work for a gov agency.


I am guessing the same is true for OP, it takes a very special person to be a good prison officer - they turned me down in the UK many years ago!


There is no DIAC directive preventing WA state gov sponsoring it is their own policy, however each case will no different. I have been told providing we nominate before September we can still sponsor as the visas are pre-approved but expire then. There are also 'Schedule 1' employers in gov who don't have the same employment restrictions, it is possible though I don't know that a gov agency who is a schedule 1 employer could still sponsor.


For the OP they have an answer but others shouldn't generalise or jump to conclusions.


To the OP hang in there, it will almost certainly change, I'd contact the dept in 3 months (& every 3 months!) and enquire again, they are duobtless desparate to have you. I interviewed people last August and they & I are still waiting.


It is illegal to turn down an application in the Uk based on the applicant not being British. That would be Race Descrimination so long as they can legally work in the Uk they have to have their application looked at. All the Civil Service jobs that I have looked at in Australia have all said that you have to be a citizen before you can apply, I would love to think I had got that wrong.

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It is illegal to turn down an application in the Uk based on the applicant not being British. That would be Race Descrimination so long as they can legally work in the Uk they have to have their application looked at. All the Civil Service jobs that I have looked at in Australia have all said that you have to be a citizen before you can apply, I would love to think I had got that wrong.



Hi Catherine,


For Federal (Commonwealth) positions, yes you must be an Australian Citizen or in the process of applying for citizenship, however, for State Government, you can be a Permanent Resident.... I work for WA State Gov as well.





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Hi Catherine,


For Federal (Commonwealth) positions, yes you must be an Australian Citizen or in the process of applying for citizenship, however, for State Government, you can be a Permanent Resident.... I work for WA State Gov as well.







OOOh thanks I will have to bear that in mind, is it more like our County Councils in State Government then?

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