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Victoria Cross hero, refuses to shake Gordon Brown's hand


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Johnson Beharry, Victoria Cross hero, refuses to shake Gordon Brown's hand - Telegraph


I remember saying in a previous post about Brown and how dis- interested he was at the ceremony. I hope this could be another nail in his coffin.

Now the a*sh**e has written to the guy expressing his respect! ELECTION YEAR!!:arghh:



Brown idirectly caused needless deaths cause he wouldnt buy helicopters or proper armoured trucks, then has the audacity to lie about spending. well done to the soldier if you ask me

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You have to congratulate the soldier for the courage of his convictions and I am so glad it has made the news, my only concern for the chap is that he would get into trouble with his superiors for disrespect shown to the PM.

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Is this allowed in the British army??

Isn't that soldier wearing the uniform representing the British government?

Didn't he take that uniform knowing that?

Shouldn't he shake the hand of the 'Title' of Prime Minister?

He represents this country, he is a professional soldier, he surely knows his job?

Maybe that's the problem - he's just a professional, he doesn't believe in what he's doing?

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Guest guest37336

Tell you what. This soldier may already have several medals, but I would give him a new one just for doing what he did to Brown. Congratulations to him. Brown and his cabinet short changed him and his comrades, they basically hung them out to dry. Good on him, well done that man.:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

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Guest guest37336
But, Tony, the reason he gave for doing it was because GB was 'fidgeting and moving about'!!

Not government spending or policy!!!



I take your point, but I would say the only reason that GB and his 'team' were fidgeting and moving about was the fact that deep , deep, they KNOW that they shafted these men and women, and knew full well what they had done. Our armed forces are treated worse than criminals at times. This isn't just a poke at GB, any government that has acted in this way should be held to account.


I will add this point to make sure people know I'm not just having a go at this particular government. After last years cenotaph service for the fallen and wounded, both GB and Cameron were halled in front of a committee and asked to explain themselves when it was revealed that they BOTH used the service as a photo opportunity.


They BOTH admitted that they had in fact 'employed' their own cameras to shoot them walking amongst the wreaths left, LOOKING sad and dejected. They admitted doing this. To me, reprehensible, vile, disgusting. But once again the 'spin' doctors got involved and the whole situation was 'forgotten'. Well, it hasn't been forgotten by me, I remember how both these 'lizards' acted.


I will take this thought with me to the grave. I will be voting for a change of government, but know full well that any 'new' government will once again slip into old ways and shaft the people that should be of paramount importance.


Cheers Tony:wink:

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Is this allowed in the British army??

Isn't that soldier wearing the uniform representing the British government?

Didn't he take that uniform knowing that?

Shouldn't he shake the hand of the 'Title' of Prime Minister?

He represents this country, he is a professional soldier, he surely knows his job?

Maybe that's the problem - he's just a professional, he doesn't believe in what he's doing?


Hi Sue


I can understand what your saying and agree with you, but that's in a Black and white world.


However, these people are putting themselves on the line for this country and I believe he has earn't the right to choose who's arm he shakes.


My full respect goes to all of the men and woman who fight on behalf of their country :notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:


I also think it's wrong of any government to reduce spending, while we have people over there, cut back spending thats fine but bring back the troops, if you want the troops to stay there, then buy them what they dam well need!!!!!!

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"However, these people are putting themselves on the line for this country and I believe he has earn't the right to choose who's arm he shakes."


But that's my point.

Wearing that uniform, does it mean he can diss whoever he feels like it? (party politics aside/lack of spending aside) He, as a soldier who has fought in a war for his government, should have the respect to shake the hand of the leader of that government, the representative, the title.

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"However, these people are putting themselves on the line for this country and I believe he has earn't the right to choose who's arm he shakes."


But that's my point.

Wearing that uniform, does it mean he can diss whoever he feels like it? (party politics aside/lack of spending aside) He, as a soldier who has fought in a war for his government, should have the respect to shake the hand of the leader of that government, the representative, the title.


Let's agree to disagree


Now give us a kiss you sexy minx :Randy-git:

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