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Please help ex has taken my son


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Guest guest12791
i have walked around the house all day today like a zombie. my eyes are stinging from crying. i think im shocked at how under handed hes gone about it, i have ALWAYS given him access to our son never stopped him even when our son didnt want to go down i still told my son he should make an effort with his dad, and i have stupidly never pushed him for money. i have allowed him to walk all over me and now it has backfired and im the one whose lost out. i feel in total limbo and completely lost x


I have read all the posts and my heart breaks for you. Ring your ex and arrange a time to go see your son, you need a hug from him, he will know how much you love him and im sure he will be missing you too, believe me he will soon realise youre the one who has been there for him all his life, words mean nothing. Im sure that you will work something out, all will be ok hun, take care of yourself and get as much support as you can from close friends dont struggle alone, keep posting everyone cares


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Hi everyone,


I went through all my sons clothes last nite and found he had taken one set of uniform but no shoes and that was it. Called school this morning and he was there, apparently his father has told them he now has custody gave them his details and told them hes to be contacted form now on!!. Atleast hes at school. You would not believe how hards it been to find a lawyer today willing to give us advice straight away and to see us quickly. Hubby works for local council so the council solicitor has actually put us in contact with a very good firm of solicitors here in Edinburgh.


So had a telephone chat this morning they are calling back very soon for a longer discussion. Basically parental rights agreement or not i am still my sons legal guardian and i have legal custody of him. He cannot just on the say so of him or my son take him and change his life it doesnt work like that. He should have gone down the route of speaking to me and trying to sort abetter access route first. Solicitor says that although no comfort to me right now be assured they deal with these cases all the time with kids at this age, and majority of the time within a few weeks a month they want to return home. Being an open public forum i wont explain the whole situation. So i have 2 routes to take leave him there and let him come home in his own time or take legal action which involves court, my son will be returned to me but after that court will be involved. So for now i will see what happens. I feel calmer today now i have sought legal advice, i was just so helpless over the weekend i could do nothing. I am desperate to hug him and just talk to him but everyone has said leave him be just now let him get on with it for a week or so. WE have booked to go away next week for 4 days as its his 13th birthday, he wont be going now and we have swayed over going or not, i think we will still go we need to get away to be honest. I cant thank everyone on here enough for the heartfelt support you gave me over the weekend and this morning, its an absolutely horrific experience, and i have every sympathy for absent parents who have really made the effort with their kids, unfortunately my situation is not like that and i have been punished for being too soft and giving in


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Guest Hearne_Family
Kelly, Legal advice is your first step. Until a solicitor gives you some firm advice everything is up in the air.


I am also with another poster here. I think we should refrain from judging `Dad`. None of us know both sides of the story and we should respect that there are 2 sides to every story. My husband is a divorced Dad so I have seen the other side of the coin. Personally I Think he has had a huge wake up call and it has sunk in that it that it could be some time before he sees his son again. Thats a tough thing for anyone to think about, whether they are a fantastic father or an absent father.


Kelly, I feel for you, I really do and I do hope that you and your son are reunited soon. I am sure that you will be.


Joanne x


Agreed, although this is a horrible situation to be in we should remember that there is another side to this story and we could just as easily be replying to a thread entitled 'Please help ex has taken my son' posted by the father of this child, I think that although the OP has asked for help and advice there are certain things that should not be bought into the public domain and this is one. There are organisations and individuals out there who are better placed to help and advise than us in this kind of situation and I call on admin to close this thread before things get said that could harm either parents argument.



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Guest guest33730

Hey Kelly,


You sound a lot calmer and it's obvious you have spoken to someone who has put your mind at rest - I'm so glad for you even though matters are not yet resolved.


Sounds like you could do with a break so I say go for it!!



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Guest guest36187

Kelly, Glad to hear that you have some news today.


This thread is being closed now. I have PM`d Kelly to inform her. KElly is aware that all PIO members send our support.

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