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Guest highlander

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Guest CanadianInOZ
You do it one by one, or you pay a PR flack to do it on your behalf


Yahoo! Directory AU & NZ > Newspapers > Australia > Complete List


List of newspapers in Australia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


You don't need a professional to write you up, some of your stories here in the thread are dramatic and heartbreaking just by themselves.


Just use your own storylines in messages here as a base and expand on them, everyone pick say 10 papers (split them up amongst yourselves by saying which ten you will take in list order), go to the Contact Us page of the various websites and head the email up to "Journalist or editor responsible for migration issues".


Make sure you also guide them pack to these two threads (this one and "what would you say to the Minister") so they can see your letter is not the only one likely to be written.


And go for it. :yes:

I think the news media is good. But also like I mentioned earlier, 'Current Affair', based in Australia. They air a weekly show that brings out the 'bad guys' and tells heart wrenching personal stories. i have thought of this for some time now, but am not gutsy enough to do it. I am more than happy to write my story up, but I would want someone else to be the contact.

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Guest jilkfree1978

why dont you write to all the newspapers in england?

im sure they can make a scandal of it!,and then maybe someone in england maybe house of commons hear about it,maybe they will back up all the people who have wasted money, think of all the money that uk people have paid applying for visas to australia sitting in australia banks,

the uk could have and done with it in there banks!

the australian newspapers are just going to stick by australia because its there country!







Hi Jamie,


I have written to every man and there dog relating to this issue, since 23rd September with very little response. That said I have not voiced them to the appropriate individual just to the editor, and perhaps they were a little factual and not heart felt enough to get a response. You are of course correct that all media sources are unlikely to react to an individual, so I am more than happy to try again and again to get a result.

Lets be honest politicians will not say or do anything without due pressure!

Here is a list of email contacts I have used for some of Australia's press.


letters@theaustralian.com.au <letters@theaustralian.com.au>; letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au <letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au>; sunday.letters@canberratimes.com.au <sunday.letters@canberratimes.com.au>; newsdesk@smh.com.au <newsdesk@smh.com.au>; online@ntn.newsltd.com.au <online@ntn.newsltd.com.au>; cmonline@qnp.newsltd.com.au <cmonline@qnp.newsltd.com.au>; mailedit@adv.newsltd.com.au <mailedit@adv.newsltd.com.au>; mercuryedletter@dbl.newsltd.com.au <mercuryedletter@dbl.newsltd.com.au>; newsdesk@theage.com.au <newsdesk@theage.com.au>; cweir@publicitas.com <cweir@publicitas.com>; tbeeston@publicitas.com <tbeeston@publicitas.com>


Keep your head up if we all try our dreams will come true. Remain positive, I firmly believe good things will happen for good people. :biggrin:

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Guest Kangaroo

Hi, here is our story. In march 2008 we (I, my wife and our children) decided to migrate to Australia. We hired a visa bureau, and they told us we'd make a good chance to get a 475 visa. On august 2008 we uploaded our application and paid the fee to the DIAC. Normally it would take about 7 months before you'll receive the decision about your visa. Our application was already allocated to a Case Officer and in the process of being finalized. On 23 september everything changed. What happened before:

- I’ve to tell my boss that we want to go to Australia, because he has to write and sign a letter in which he described what kind of work you do. After that everybody expects that you’ll leave the company within about a year. Don’t expect you’ll ever get promotion or ..

-We sold our house in august

-The children were preparing school and friends that they’ll move after last school year

-We’ve done our medicals and police clearances for the CO

-We sent our dog to Australia for 30 days quarantaine

-We quit our jobs in September and sold our cars en all furniture

-We went to New Zealand on 21 September for a nice holiday and to wait for our visagrant

-One day after we arrived in New Zealand we heard about the Priority Processing news

-Now we are in Australia on a tourist visa and….

Yes, we all did this Before we were granted our Visa, but under normal circumstances it’s better to arrange all those things before and it’s the first time in history that changes from the Department of Immigration also affect existing GSM applicants.

How about HUMAN RIGHTS for honest skilled people Downunder?



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Guest Jamie Smith
I would like to but truly speaking I don't think I can write a really perfectly sound and justified letter like Jamie or Golly can.

Maybe everyone should write its own and then we will chose the best one.


It's better if everyone writes their own story. My form can be used as a template by anyone who needs one and some of the points in it will help strengthen individual efforts.


But a large number of indivdual stories will work better.


I suggest that letters are written to the news editor rather than letters to the editor that appear on page umpteen in small print.

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Guest Jamie Smith
I think the news media is good. But also like I mentioned earlier, 'Current Affair', based in Australia. They air a weekly show that brings out the 'bad guys' and tells heart wrenching personal stories. i have thought of this for some time now, but am not gutsy enough to do it. I am more than happy to write my story up, but I would want someone else to be the contact.


Happy to help.


Everyone who wants to go the TV route in addition to writing a letter can send your info via PM or email to Jamie AT hireamigrant DOT com and I'll work it through with the MIA and a some agents who want to move things along in the media.

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Guest Jamie Smith
why dont you write to all the newspapers in england?

im sure they can make a scandal of it!,and then maybe someone in england maybe house of commons hear about it,maybe they will back up all the people who have wasted money, think of all the money that uk people have paid applying for visas to australia sitting in australia banks,

the uk could have and done with it in there banks!

the australian newspapers are just going to stick by australia because its there country!


Good point. The Indian news media got a lot of coverage that reached into Australia about a few Indian students getting beaten up.


Maybe the UK press will respond to news that DIAC have cheated more money from UK applicants than any shonky agent will ever be able to do so.:biglaugh:. I have a Uk news paper contact, I'll start with him.

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Dear friend,

I have send detailed post to all indian channels they are not respond it.I will try to publish through some media person,But i dont know when will it happen...So please indian applicant please send a mail to all media like NDTV,CNN,etc...


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hi guys,

had the same thought this morning about contacting the uk media, after all australia are still trying to, and spending alot of money on promoting themselves as a premier migration destination in the uk, the skills uk nationals have are are second to none, and australia ( the government) cannot afford a scandal that could set them back years maybe a decade on an immigration policy the have heavily invested in.

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Hey, guys I wrote something. Not sure it's a brilliant letter so we may change it together or somebody has a better one. Feel free to make any adjustments though.


Dear Mr. Murdoch,


We would like to share with you our thoughts and deep worries about the Australian immigration policy that has being realized since December last year. Your supportive, favourable attitude towards migration to the country is well known. That is why, we have decided to attract your attention to some negative, frustrating changes that have been implemented by the current Australian government.


You may not be aware but since 1 January this year Migration Minister Mr. Chris Evans introduced new processing priorities for Skilled Visa stream. These measures were applied to better cope with financial crisis and for lowering unemployment rate in Australia. The main innovation was appearance of a list of professions that are in high demand (which is called Critical Skill List). Those migrants whose specialities were in CSL and those who were sponsored by one of Australian states were given processing priority and all other were sent into suspension with stopping visa processing for their cases. So, those were changes with retroactive effect.


Here is a link to the official site: (should be added)


Although, that was hush news for many foreign migrants who have chosen Australia as their destination we have taken it as an appropriate measure in difficult time even though the new rules were effected post factum. So, we set down and thought what we can do now to cope with the new obstacles? And we found appropriate decisions. Somebody applied for a state sponsorship and changed visa subclass for State Sponsored, somebody re-sat English tests even though it incurred additional money and time spent. Thousands and thousands skilled migrants tried to be flexible because they new it was difficult time.


Nevertheless, a few moths later the immigration minister gave migration community another blow by suddenly cutting Critical Skill List without any previous warning.


Here is a link to the official site: (should be added)


The processing of all applications that were no longer included in it was stopped once again. Even though many of them were already advised by the migration department to undergo medical and police check or to pay the second instalment for visa processing. Which were real signs of their visa finalisation in the next moth, weeks, or even days. No care with regard whether people had already paid their requested instalments or sent medicals was applied. All of them were left with nothing but unpredictable timeframe.


Again migrants decided it is a compulsory measure, excused it and tried to adjust their way to lovely Australia to comply with the reality.


Nevertheless, there came another big blow. On 23/09/2009 the minister once again announced major changes for skilled migration. Those, State Sponsored, who were among the most needed (fast processed) became almost the last ones with prospect for waiting into “limbo” for at least two or four additional years ahead whereas the reasonable expected time on the date of their applications were lodged, for example, for state sponsored was about 6 month.


Here is a link to the official site:



It is amazing how Minister Evans could do this to us! All our work that was done, all our hopes and plans that we had, all our money that we spent, all this came almost in vane. Many migrants had come a long and expansive way to get their visa applications submitted. Many of them were days of getting visas and knowing this some had sold houses and even bought tickets to Australia. It is all because they were advised by migration department and Mr. Evans that the State Sponsored would be ones who most welcomed in Australia thus have changed their independent visa applications for those with obligations to live in the Sponsored State for definite time.


Moreover or, maybe, to add more affect to it – no money refund is possible for those who want to withdraw their applications. There would be many of them because the whole system looks like a big money scam today.


Although, we are not generally against any measures that Australia implement to fight out global downturn but we are strongly against any of them that are applied with retroactive effect. It spoils from the very basis the whole Australian migration program. It cast a huge shadow on it because it is unpredictable. It takes your money, time, nerve and gives nothing instead.


To be heard we have submitted numerous complaints to the Australian migration department and other state institutions. Nevertheless, the law is on the minister side and we have not received any apology or satisfying compensation with the regard to this always sudden, post factum changes. So, it seems today Australia needs our money but not us.


That is why, we, world migrant community, would like to ask you for paying your attention towards the current inappropriate situation with Australian skilled migration because we know your opinion will be heard there and we also know you will make fair judgments.


If you are interested in reading personal stories you may visit here. (not decided yet)

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Probably a silly comment here... Its just a passing thought... but what about copying the Queen in on these stories/letters?


I know she doesn't hold any power in Australia, but she does own a house right next to Kevin Rudds (I believe) and you never know she may bring up the issues with him next time she speaks to him???:cute:

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Guest jains005

i hope all these attempts will help to let some light into the brains of the concerned...


If the minister found that the skilled migration didnt solove the shortage of professionals why dosesnt he just introduce some measures to ensure that the skilled migrants work in their own nominated profession??? instead of putting everything upside down???


If a skilled migrant is not working in his own nominated occupation he could be asked to provide the proofs of he tried to get the job of his own nominated occupation...

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Guest siamsusie
Probably a silly comment here... Its just a passing thought... but what about copying the Queen in on these stories/letters?


I know she doesn't hold any power in Australia, but she does own a house right next to Kevin Rudds (I believe) and you never know she may bring up the issues with him next time she speaks to him???

Perhaps explaining that this year for prospective migrants this year has been

"annus horribilus":biglaugh:

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Guest jains005
Hey, guys I wrote something. Not sure it's a brilliant letter so we may change it together or somebody has a better one. Feel free to make any adjustments though.


Dear Mr. Murdoch,


We would like to share with you our thoughts and deep worries about the Australian immigration policy that has being realized since December last year. Your supportive, favourable attitude towards migration to the country is well known. That is why, we have decided to attract your attention to some negative, frustrating changes that have been implemented by the current Australian government.


You may not be aware but since 1 January this year Migration Minister Mr. Chris Evans introduced new processing priorities for Skilled Visa stream. These measures were applied to better cope with financial crisis and for lowering unemployment rate in Australia. The main innovation was appearance of a list of professions that are in high demand (which is called Critical Skill List). Those migrants whose specialities were in CSL and those who were sponsored by one of Australian states were given processing priority and all other were sent into suspension with stopping visa processing for their cases. So, those were changes with retroactive effect.


Here is a link to the official site: (should be added)


Although, that was hush news for many foreign migrants who have chosen Australia as their destination we have taken it as an appropriate measure in difficult time even though the new rules were effected post factum. So, we set down and thought what we can do now to cope with the new obstacles? And we found appropriate decisions. Somebody applied for a state sponsorship and changed visa subclass for State Sponsored, somebody re-sat English tests even though it incurred additional money and time spent. Thousands and thousands skilled migrants tried to be flexible because they new it was difficult time.


Nevertheless, a few moths later the immigration minister gave migration community another blow by suddenly cutting Critical Skill List without any previous warning.


Here is a link to the official site: (should be added)


The processing of all applications that were no longer included in it was stopped once again. Even though many of them were already advised by the migration department to undergo medical and police check or to pay the second instalment for visa processing. Which were real signs of their visa finalisation in the next moth, weeks, or even days. No care with regard whether people had already paid their requested instalments or sent medicals was applied. All of them were left with nothing but unpredictable timeframe.


Again migrants decided it is a compulsory measure, excused it and tried to adjust their way to lovely Australia to comply with the reality.


Nevertheless, there came another big blow. On 23/10/2009 the minister once again announced major changes for skilled migration. Those, State Sponsored, who were among the most needed (fast processed) became almost the last ones with prospect for waiting into “limbo” for at least two or four additional years ahead whereas the reasonable expected time on the date of their applications were lodged, for example, for state sponsored was about 6 month.


Here is a link to the official site:



It is amazing how Minister Evans could do this to us! All our work that was done, all our hopes and plans that we had, all our money that we spent, all this came almost in vane. Many migrants had come a long and expansive way to get their visa applications submitted. Many of them were days of getting visas and knowing this some had sold houses and even bought tickets to Australia. It is all because they were advised by migration department and Mr. Evans that the State Sponsored would be ones who most welcomed in Australia thus have changed their independent visa applications for those with obligations to live in the Sponsored State for definite time.


Moreover or, maybe, to add more affect to it – no money refund is possible for those who want to withdraw their applications. There would be many of them because the whole system looks like a big money scam today.


Although, we are not generally against any measures that Australia implement to fight out global downturn but we are strongly against any of them that are applied with retroactive effect. It spoils from the very basis the whole Australian migration program. It cast a huge shadow on it because it is unpredictable. It takes your money, time, nerve and gives nothing instead.


To be heard we have submitted numerous complaints to the Australian migration department and other state institutions. Nevertheless, the law is on the minister side and we have not received any apology or satisfying compensation with the regard to this always sudden, post factum changes. So, it seems today Australia needs our money but not us.


That is why, we, world migrant community, would like to ask you for paying your attention towards the current inappropriate situation with Australian skilled migration because we know your opinion will be heard there and we also know you will make fair judgments.


If you are interested in reading personal stories you may visit here. (not decided yet)

On 23/10/2009 the minister once again.... should be changed to 23/09/2009

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Dear firends,

I come to know from other forum..Thanks to original poster...

There MODL was scheduled for a review some time in the month of October 2009, however due to some reasons it did not happen. Now the same is likely to be reviewed in the month of November 2009.


In the review some of the occupations may be deleted or added and when the same come into effect the CSL category shall get phased out.


So we have to wait for the new modl changes... the new MODL, which is expected to be announced next month (November), the Minister can specify that


(a) a certain occupation will be considered a MODL occupation for a specific visa class,. Say, only for Class VB, onshore Skilled (Residence) visas

(b) a specific occupation will be considered a MODL occupation for a specific visa subclass within a visa class, say, for subclass 176 (state sponsored) only within visa class VE

© an occupation will be a MODL occupation by reference to specific characteristic like requiring applicant to have proficient English. (say the occupation Accountant with IELTS score of 7 or more)


The effective date of 22nd September suggests that we may expect the above mentioned details and characteristics for MODL occupations in the new MODL to be announced soon.


Also, I wont be surprised if the CSL, which we understood from previous announcement is to be phased out, is built into the new MODL, at least for some occupations.


I am sure the migration agents who visit this forum will be able to give further valuable input on this.


November is not far away. Hope we will get answers to many of our queries soon.


Australian Immigration - Legislation Change Update





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Guest jains005
Dear firends,

I come to know from other forum..Thanks to original poster...

There MODL was scheduled for a review some time in the month of October 2009, however due to some reasons it did not happen. Now the same is likely to be reviewed in the month of November 2009.


In the review some of the occupations may be deleted or added and when the same come into effect the CSL category shall get phased out.


So we have to wait for the new modl changes... the new MODL, which is expected to be announced next month (November), the Minister can specify that


(a) a certain occupation will be considered a MODL occupation for a specific visa class,. Say, only for Class VB, onshore Skilled (Residence) visas

(b) a specific occupation will be considered a MODL occupation for a specific visa subclass within a visa class, say, for subclass 176 (state sponsored) only within visa class VE

© an occupation will be a MODL occupation by reference to specific characteristic like requiring applicant to have proficient English. (say the occupation Accountant with IELTS score of 7 or more)


The effective date of 22nd September suggests that we may expect the above mentioned details and characteristics for MODL occupations in the new MODL to be announced soon.


Also, I wont be surprised if the CSL, which we understood from previous announcement is to be phased out, is built into the new MODL, at least for some occupations.


I am sure the migration agents who visit this forum will be able to give further valuable input on this.


November is not far away. Hope we will get answers to many of our queries soon.


Australian Immigration - Legislation Change Update





Ritu...doest it mean that it will be a happy news for those who are in MODL and a more sad news for those who are not in MODL also? Because MODL is a longer list than CSL and will take longer to finalise the applications in it... therefore it is a taller hurdle for those who are not in MODL. I'm not sure about it? please comment what you friends think about it...


To read what is happening to the MODL follow the link :




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Dear friend,

I have send detailed post to all indian channels they are not respond it.I will try to publish through some media person,But i dont know when will it happen...So please indian applicant please send a mail to all media like NDTV,CNN,etc...



Hi ! Ritu and Jamie Smith,

Thanks for trying hard. I think that media can help us a lot. I did this a week ago. wrote to all media houses in India , Australia and other newspapers all over the world. Keep it up ... we will be heard... I am sure.. Mr. Jamie, Thank you for the effort. I have just dropped a mail at your ID.. Please help us to raise this issue in the media. Thanks a lot..

Take care

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hi guys,

just a quick thought, all write to the other political parties in oz, im sure they will be pleased with the ammo we supply

Great Great IDEA.. Find some people here...

senator.fierravanti-wells@aph.gov.au --- VERY VERY fiery Senator ... must write

http://www.senatortrood.com/ -- contact me

Guy Barnett, Liberal Senator for Tasmania - Home Page -


Parliament of Australia: Homesenator_abetz



And find all -- Parliament of Australia:Senate:Senators:Homepages by Political Party


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Guest Off to the Sun

Great Great IDEA.. Find some people here...

senator.fierravanti-wells@aph.gov.au --- VERY VERY fiery Senator ... must write

www.senatortrood.com/ -- contact me

Guy Barnett, Liberal Senator for Tasmania - Home Page -


Parliament of Australia: Homesenator_abetz



And find all -- Parliament of Australia:Senate:Senators:Homepages by Political Party



Thanks Babboo, I was looking for a few more to mail bomb, I've sent my mails via 5 different email addresses twice already and I'm getting carried away with this email sending, very theraputic, just waiting for Australia to wake up to my lovely email :jiggy:

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I agree - sticking together and ruffling up some feathers - creating attention is the way forward.,., spanner in the works for all!!


Due to the 3 yr delay - my OH thinks we need to start planning children now! And here was me thinking i would finish work just before the world cup started [jun 2010] and watch it all with my mates acting as a good send off party!! How things change!!

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Guest johnsonclan

We have had an email today from our agent who has said he does not expect Catergory 5 to commence processing again until mid 2010- 6 to 8 months at least he reckons !! Although he said it could be much longer ????

I think he has a good idea as he has worked for the DIAC in the past so he knows how their minds work. I do hope that for once he may be wrong but i fear not !!


Tracy xx

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hi everyone


like all of u we are also in limbo on what to do, completely p****d with the whole situation.

we are right down the pecking order for a visa. tra passed in july 09, 175 skilled submited 7 august 09, paid $2525 to diac. oh is boilermaker, trade is on MODL, was on CSL but removed in march.


have just applied to nsw for off list nomination ( a long shot i know), but we thought it was worth a try ($240) . i am a midwife newly qualified, and my job is on the CSL. However, now dont know what to do.


1. am still waiting for answer from NSW (not looking good though i know)

2. cant cope with the thought of another possible 3 yr wait, my oh thought it would be approx 6 months wait, hes now saying why bother.

3. we applied on oh job because we thought i needed a years experience to be able to submit an application on my job. CAN ANYONE PLEASE CLARIFY IF THIS IS CORRECT

4. if there is a remote possibility that we can apply on my job, then how would we go about this. do we have to do a fresh application for a 175 or 176 (if NSW agree), another fee of $2525

5. all of my family are in newcastle, nsw and are quite willing to sponsor us, although i believe this wont speed things along either.




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