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Guest highlander

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A minor point: much as John Brumby would like to be called a PM he is in fact the State Premier ... :twitcy:


Best regards.



:biglaugh: wjk

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Guest Gollywobbler
hi danny

i dont think just bcoz the fee is accepted things are in the right direction in the sense you meant. of course they are in right direction but much much slower than it was before sep 23. it is not about which visa subclass we have applied for. it is all about our nominated occupation.


Hi Jains


I think a lot of this is political. And face saving......


According to the Minister, Australia desperately needs the people whose occupations are on his CSL Mk II.


The fact that none of them can be forced to go to the places which need them the most, and they also can't be forced to work in their nominated occupations once they get to wherever they choose to head for has been glossed over.


I suspect that the truth lies in the figures below:


State nominated with CSL, Unallocated 27, Allocated 720, Total 747

Family sponsored CSL, 1130, 279, 1409

All other CSL, 6335, 4289, 10624

All other State nominated, 3678, 0, 3678

MODL only, 12388, 0, 12388

Other, 15659, 0, 15659

Total, 39217, 5279, 44496


So Adelaide hold 12000+ CSL applicants, allow another 12000 for Brisbane and more for Perth etc.


That's the rest of this year's quota right there, and all have priority processing and CSL.... not much hope for the regular non-CSL applicant, sad to say.


The only positive there is that the CSL numbers built up as did all other categories while everyone was being treated evenly. CSL ratio to non CSL about 27%.


If they have double what they need and CSL inflow is 1/4 of usual numbers then , it will take six mionths at least to process the CLS now, plus 3-6 months to process the new CSL that arrive after today, adn then they can look at the oldest non CSL which will probably be State sponsored and about 6000 or 4 months processing capacity by then, and only then will they move onto MODL in no less than about 6 months plus 3-6 months plus 4 months at the earliest.


The downside is that this new situation will encourage more use of RSMS and ENS, and every one of those ENS/RSMS is one less spot for a MODL or CSL visa to be processed.


[Source: Jamie Smith, quoting figures obtained from DIAC at the recent MIA Conference.]




In fact I think it's worse than that - Jamie and I extracted those figures from DIAC together and another telling statistic is that there are 166,000 applicants in the pipeline and only 63,000 visas in the annual GSM program (less if ENS and RSMS increase), so think the real question is why doesn't DIAC suspend the 475 visa altogether if new applications will take three years and possibly five years to process? The only hope is that the CSL will disappear when the new MODL is concocted, but it seems clear enough that however they define their priorities there won't be enough visas to go around.


[source: George Lombard RMA, again quoting figures obtained from DIAC at the recent MIA Conference.]


My view is that it is nonsense to imagine that DIAC will be able to get at least 24,000 unsponsored CSL applications operating smoothly and being allocated to COs within 10 days of receipt "by the end of October 2009." They do not have anything like enough visa processing staff to be able to manage any such thing.


A more conservative estimate from DIAC has it that they hope to start processing unsponsored CSL applications promptly by the end of January 2010. Even that might be over-optimistic but I think it is certainly less unrealistic than the end of October 2009.


With regard to non-CSL State sponsored applications, I am sceptical about these figures:


All other State nominated, 3678, 0, 3678


That might be the number of applications that they currently hold at the ASPC and BSPC but what about the facts that thousands more applicants applied for sc 175 visas originally and are now in queues in the State processing centres, trying to get State sponsorships for sc 176 visas instead? As far as I know, none of the States have announced a moratorium - or indeed a halt - on processing sponsorship applications received by them?


The Minister is presiding over a Ministerial Mess is what this lot comes down to. His handling of the mess has been tacky. His own media releases are below:


Multicultural experts to further Australia's strength in diversity - Immigration Media Release ce08122/2008


In December 2008 the Minister believed (as shown by the CSL Mk I) that the Aussie construction industry is short of skilled workers as well, considering that Bricklayers, Plumbers, Electricians etc were all on the first CSL.


The Construction Industry Union(s) then jumped on him and insisted there is no shortage of Construction Industry workers. On 16th March 2009 he caved in to their militance and produced the CSL Mk II. He told the world:


Government cuts migration program


In May 2009 he defended his Budget, insisting that he had the skilled migration program under control.


Budget 2009-10 - Migration Program: the size of the skilled and family programs


On 31st August 2009 the Minister again insisted that State sponsored migrants are essential to Australia's future:


Migration program targets overseas workers Australia needs


A bare 3 weeks later, the Minister hid below the parapet and left it to DIAC to admit that the situation is anything but "under control" and it has not been under control for at least a year now.


The Minister has been hiding ever since but he will have to come out of hiding tomorrow to explain himself to the Senate Committee because they want to know how and why this shambolic mess has occurred and what the man intends to do about it.


Peter Speldewinde is a senior DIAC official. He told some of the delegates at the recent MIA conference that two years ago, DIAC foresaw the situation which has now arisen.


FWIW, they knew 2 years ago that the overseas students would come through and swamp the skilled migrant programme. DIAC made the previous Government aware of things but there was a labour shortage on so I guess they just shrugged and thought the numbers would take care of themselves. They should have funded DIAC more to process more cases more quickly.


Then when the next Govt comes in they too have an oversubscribed visa programme and a labour shortage, so again another shrug, and again they should have cranked up processing but didn't.


It's not entirely the current Government's fault that we have the problem now, but what they're doing about it IS their fault. Overreaction without communication is just shoddy behaviour.


[source: Jamie Smith following the recent MIA Conference.]


I think this Minister has been trying to do far too much at once, far too quickly, and that in the process he has created a situation which he is not able to control.


His best bet is to hope that Kevin Rudd will call a snap election soon, without waiting until they must go to the polls again in November 2010. If they can get themselves a 3 year mandate then the Minister can afford to relax his squeeze on the skilled migrant intake and start to drag the present mess under some semblance of proper control.


Whatever his "vision" for the future might be, the Minister needs to understand that you cannot introduce and manage a radical change in philosophy in ten minutes flat - which is what he has been trying to do throughout the last year, with a conspicuous lack of success. We are now enduring Plan C, Plans A & B having failed. Plan C will not last long either because it is due to be replaced by Plan D either later this year or early in the New Year.


In May when the Minister last got a grilling from the Senate Committee, he bragged that he has been beating DIAC around the head, ignoring all their objections to his demands and insisting that they jump around doing his bidding.


So - DIAC obeyed him. Has he fixed the mess? No. Has he fixed any part of the mess? No. 26 months ago a replacement for TRA Pathway D was going to be announced "very soon." Over two years later, the world still awaits the promised announcement.


This man needs to take his own hands OFF the wheel. He needs to leave it to his Department to drive his chariot for him. Then some common-sense, reasonable solutions might start to emerge. Andrew Metcalfe has been running the Aussie Immigration Program - not unsuccessfully - for a lot longer than Minister Evans has been interfering with it.





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Guest Justin JIANG

Dear WJK,


You've mention that 'the senator by the states to allow some movement on MODL Non CSL applications' in your repsonse. May i ask you where is the resource for that?

Many thanks!

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Hi all

I have a an ACT state 176 Sponsorship valid till 10th of December 2009(CAT 5) .. I am in a confused state should I be applying with DIAC sooner, later or never. All this changes are driving me nuts, can anyone advice me on what to do next???????????


Well my gut feeling says I should apply the sooner the better.

But when I ponder on this further my conscious says I should not waste my hard earned money.


Am I in a Casino !!!!!!!!

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Guest tommo66

Hi there,


Please could anybody help me on this?


I applied for state sponsorship in early September but have not recieved confirmation as yet.


What I'm wanting to know,


Is it o.k. to apply for 176 visa (STATE SPONSORED) as it only asks for the states correspondence code which I have and gamble that I will recieve state sponsorship.

If I didn't get state spon. would I be able to change to family spon.




Is it worth applying 176 Family sponsored and change to state sponsored when I recieve confirmation (just to get an entry date on my application)




Would the second option about the date not benefit me and may end out with my visa application in the wrong que.



Look forward to your replies


cheers Andy

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I just don't understand what connection is between too many applicants (if it's true) and introduction of all this mess with priorities and changing it through the whole last year?


Want less migrants - cut yearly intake numbers. Have suspicions for scam - investigate them.


But, of course, if you want it to be "a great perversion" add priorities and don't forget to apply them with retroactive effect and mix it regularly that no potential applicants can understand how it works.


Canada and others will thank you Mr. Evans after all. :wubclub:

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Guest guest17301

Wow...confusing stuff....Now a purely selfish question. I have applied for 175 (17th Sept) also applied for WA State Sponsorship on 1st Sept. Do you think I will get the visa before the SS is approved???Was it a waste of time applying for SS? I am on the CSL as a nurse. Any guess as to my timescale? I'm hoping for January grant???Unrealistic...I just don't know anymore!

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Guest spurious
There is meant to be a parliament discussion about the changes on October 20th


Hi John,


Could you let us know where your agent got this October 20th date from, if possible? I've not seen any announcement or confirmation of this at all.


Thanks :)

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Guest melbish35

Hi everyone, new to this forum, we have submitted our visa application in june 09, does anyone know any time scale, as we have heard nothing so far! I know there is now a critical skills list and I am not on that! ........

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Guest johnsonclan

Hi, what i want to know is what about people like us who have CO, SS, had Medicals and done PCC. How long is our wait bearing in mind our medicals will expire in 12 months or less. We were within weeks/days of getting our visas and now dont now what our wait will be.

Most of the talk on PIO seems to be people waiting CO or SS and not much from those of us at the end of the process ?? Tracy & Steve

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Hi, what i want to know is what about people like us who have CO, SS, had Medicals and done PCC. How long is our wait bearing in mind our medicals will expire in 12 months or less. We were within weeks/days of getting our visas and now dont now what our wait will be.

Most of the talk on PIO seems to be people waiting CO or SS and not much from those of us at the end of the process ?? Tracy & Steve


Tracey & Steve

try Taz's thread

this is where we all are waiting like you

have heard rummours of three to four months delay up to three years ( so wasted cost of medicals pc etc) a slight glimmer of hope that after tommorows meeting something might be announced but I for one are not over hopefull

replies received from CO officers seem to be that they should be able to make a further announcement towards end October what that means is anyones guess




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Wow...confusing stuff....Now a purely selfish question. I have applied for 175 (17th Sept) also applied for WA State Sponsorship on 1st Sept. Do you think I will get the visa before the SS is approved???Was it a waste of time applying for SS? I am on the CSL as a nurse. Any guess as to my timescale? I'm hoping for January grant???Unrealistic...I just don't know anymore!



not selfish just trying to do whats best for your family I hope your visa is granted soon

the way they drop changes on everyone the sooner the better good luck




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Guest jains005

It is the same minister gave permission to states and territories to invite migrants based on their needs. I applied for visa only bcoz i got sposorship. Now they say something else. what is the responsibility minister and the state take after pocketing a huge amount without any reason???

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Guest Gollywobbler
It is the same minister gave permission to states and territories to invite migrants based on their needs. I applied for visa only bcoz i got sposorship. Now they say something else. what is the responsibility minister and the state take after pocketing a huge amount without any reason???



Hi Jains


Is abject incompetence on the Minister's part a viable excuse for swindling somebody?


If not, then I could not agree with you more. Please see here:




Growling on your behalf.


Gill :hug:

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It is the same minister gave permission to states and territories to invite migrants based on their needs. I applied for visa only bcoz i got sposorship. Now they say something else. what is the responsibility minister and the state take after pocketing a huge amount without any reason???

The main problem for us (migrants) is that the Minister thinks he has no obligations to us, even moral.

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Guest jains005

Minister could have tried to solve the crisis (is it to sustain his chair?) at the state level itself. if there is a problem in oz migration as he says he should take responsibilty not being able to foresee it based on the current trend (everywhere they say oz economy is getting better).

now he used his power and put the lives of many people on hold. why we paid for the inefficiency of the minister? does it say the we shouldn't have even trusted the states that gave us sponsorship??

why didnt he watch the states and territories who were giving sponsorship? how it appears is, he just sat back without monitoring the sponsorships states and territories were giving.

when the constitution gives the minister some power it is taken for granted that minister is a person who acts within the commonly accepted ways.

After inviting number of applications and fees he just one fine day morning says that he is responsible only to maintain the economy. being immigration minister he also has a responsibility to the migrants from who he received the money through the migration policies he set...

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Guest jains005

dear friends if anyone of you get any news from todays meeting please share it here. our agents have already stopped us from contacting them.

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Guest bilaln30

This is the response I got from DIAC through my consultant:

Dear Sir/Madam,


In response to your recent eMail and query regarding the 176 Sponsored

application for _________, I advise that it seems that the further

processing of this visa application is affected by changes to the

Migration Program as announced on 23 September 2009. These changes are detailed

on our website at -



and at




The ASPC is developing procedures to process applications in accordance

with the new Government Direction that has been announced effective 23

September. CSL cases will be given the highest priority and that is


the ASPC will be focussing its attention. Once the ASPC has established

processing arrangements for CSL cases, we will be in a position to

provide further advice, which, hopefully can be done by the end of October 2009.


If medicals have not been carried out it is advisable to wait for

further instructions before adhering to this requirement as they are only valid

for 12 months.


Please do not reply to this email address. Any further enquiries can be

made via our website


Yours sincerely,




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Hi.,., I was under the impression that Mr Evans was supposed to under some sort of `grilling` today - not seen any news regarding...apart from this news feed- Not sure what the drill is with this little number? more tests? New Australian Citizenship test launched



Not much really look at Jamie’s thread the Oz members kept posting details through the night extracts from the meeting live on radio I was going to get up to listen glad I stayed in bed now

another meeting is due in November by all accounts that the state representatives will be at that might be more interesting but again I for one not over confident it will bring any good news







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Guest Justin JIANG

No questions related to the changes on 23 Sep 09 by DIAC raised by senators today, thus, let's wait more time and have some good sleeps and wait for the advice from the processing centre. That's it, nothing has been challenged by senators as they are focusing on 'the poor'-Humanitarian people, not 'the rich' who have the money on hand and skills possessed.

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