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SUMMARY: Spouse Visa Processing times OFFSHORE-UK. Please add your Stats.

Guest sr1992

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Congratulations to everyone that have received your visas over the past month or so.


Our news is that our PR visa grant came through today! It came through in a little under 4 months, exact timeline in my signature.


I just wanted to sasy thanks to everyone for the advice and support given over the past few months. I also want people to take heart in knowing that my OH's visa was granted despite only being cancer free for 2 years and having undergone a stem cell transplant in April 2008.


Congratulations on your visa!


I hope that you and hubby enjoy a wonderful, healthy life in Australia!




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Congratulations to everyone that have received your visas over the past month or so.


Our news is that our PR visa grant came through today! It came through in a little under 4 months, exact timeline in my signature.


I just wanted to sasy thanks to everyone for the advice and support given over the past few months. I also want people to take heart in knowing that my OH's visa was granted despite only being cancer free for 2 years and having undergone a stem cell transplant in April 2008.


Well done MW and OH! Glad yours has come through. It is worth the wait believe me - just warmng up here in Sydney!:yes:

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That's a shame, I was getting excited! I'll have a read through when I get home later anyway


Quick question while I'm here. Will a job offer in hand speed up the process at all? I'm likely to have one sorted out in the next month or so, but won't be able to apply for the defacto spouse visa until December. As the company want me to start Feb-ish, the 6 month waiting time is a problem.


I had a job offer but it did not make a difference - though that was now 8 months ago since when I gather that processing has slowed a little. Good luck!

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Congratulations to everyone that have received your visas over the past month or so.


Our news is that our PR visa grant came through today! It came through in a little under 4 months, exact timeline in my signature.


I just wanted to sasy thanks to everyone for the advice and support given over the past few months. I also want people to take heart in knowing that my OH's visa was granted despite only being cancer free for 2 years and having undergone a stem cell transplant in April 2008.


Huge Congrats MW.. May your move run smooth :wubclub:

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Congratulations to everyone that have received your visas over the past month or so.


Our news is that our PR visa grant came through today! It came through in a little under 4 months, exact timeline in my signature.


I just wanted to sasy thanks to everyone for the advice and support given over the past few months. I also want people to take heart in knowing that my OH's visa was granted despite only being cancer free for 2 years and having undergone a stem cell transplant in April 2008.


Michele, congratulations with your visa coming through, early too, excellent. I hope your cruise is very relaxing, you really aren't missing anything weatherwise as it has been quite rubbish since you left! Try a cheesecake from The Cheesecake factory and watch your waistline grow ;-).

Enjoy Australia and your new life to be. :wubclub:

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Guest geordieoz
Hey there,


Originally MN and now JF? It's so frustrating... if I hadn't have called our file could have potentially 'got lost' in the pile as the new CO was not aware of our case at all.


Keep me posted on your progress as our applications are days apart. fingers crossed hey!

Hi there,

I'm in the very same situation - emailed case officer to check on progress and received an undeliverable message notification. Then phoned the number I was given and told new case officers name and number!!


My question is did you find it easy to get hold of JF? I don't have an email address and only ever manage to get through to his voicemail...

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Hi there,

I'm in the very same situation - emailed case officer to check on progress and received an undeliverable message notification. Then phoned the number I was given and told new case officers name and number!!


My question is did you find it easy to get hold of JF? I don't have an email address and only ever manage to get through to his voicemail...


Hey there,


I didn't have any problems when I originally called, I think I actually got straight through - seemed like a really nice CO.


I emailed yesterday, as I'm at the '4 month mark' but have had no reply as yet.


Try not to stress too much... (so much easier said than done I know) - if you leave a voicemail I'm sure he will come back to you within the next few days.


When did you last call?

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Hey there,


I didn't have any problems when I originally called, I think I actually got straight through - seemed like a really nice CO.


I emailed yesterday, as I'm at the '4 month mark' but have had no reply as yet.


Try not to stress too much... (so much easier said than done I know) - if you leave a voicemail I'm sure he will come back to you within the next few days.


When did you last call?


I'm also at the 4 months mark so my CO is being chased today (different CO to yours). Remember to bear in mind that they are closed on Monday for the Labour Day bank holiday so theres a possibiity we won't hear until after then..........:biggrin:

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Guest geordieoz
Hey there,


I didn't have any problems when I originally called, I think I actually got straight through - seemed like a really nice CO.


I emailed yesterday, as I'm at the '4 month mark' but have had no reply as yet.


Try not to stress too much... (so much easier said than done I know) - if you leave a voicemail I'm sure he will come back to you within the next few days.


When did you last call?

thanks, called a couple of times today and several times in the last week.


Just trying to make sure that my application hasn't fallen through the cracks during the changeover - 4 months would be a long time to wait to potentially find out that its gone missing & be delayed further!!

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Hi there,

I'm in the very same situation - emailed case officer to check on progress and received an undeliverable message notification. Then phoned the number I was given and told new case officers name and number!!


My question is did you find it easy to get hold of JF? I don't have an email address and only ever manage to get through to his voicemail...



I had MN too and I went through his old voicemail to get the new CO's number. When I phoned to check all was ok and that my application hadn't gone though the doors with MN, I got straight through to him. He seemed a decent chappy and was very helpful.

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Guest sweet tooth

I have same CO as both of you & previous was MN. When the changeover first happened took me about 3 attempts to get through to JF but he was very nice when he did pick up, although I do only have a phone number for him now & not an email addy so when it gets to my 4 month mark I'll have to bug the poor bloke with phone calls!

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thanks, called a couple of times today and several times in the last week.


Just trying to make sure that my application hasn't fallen through the cracks during the changeover - 4 months would be a long time to wait to potentially find out that its gone missing & be delayed further!!



I have literally just put down the phone to him having got through straight away - maybe today is a good time to call...


Apparently hoping to have our application finalised in the next few days. Fingers crossed!!!!

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Guest johnson

Well I'll be damned. I had a response to the letter I wrote to the department of Immigration about the Spouse Visa waiting times. I thought it would be worth informing those in the waiting game.




It wasn't written response it was a phone call. A very very nice gentleman from the immigration department called and made some suggestions to my current position and said if I have any further questions please get in touch with him directly. I was absolutely dumb founded by the service over a letter.


Anyway FYI the extended waiting times are due to the cutbacks in the amount of spouse visa's on offer now, and in turn this reduces the amount of processing resources. Still worth a letter. Shear volume of highlighting the issue can't harm the situation.

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Chased visa today (1 day short of 4 months) and have been advised I will have it Wednesday when I am out of Australia!! They definately seem to be sticking rigidly to the 4 month timeframe. Good luck for everyone else waiting...... :wink:

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Guest AltoOz


Does anyone have AB as case officer and heard from him recently?





He's been on leave from 17th Sept until Oct 5th.

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Guest GeorgeD
Chased visa today (1 day short of 4 months) and have been advised I will have it Wednesday when I am out of Australia!! They definately seem to be sticking rigidly to the 4 month timeframe. Good luck for everyone else waiting...... :wink:

Congratulations!!!! When my CO realised I was offshore when I phoned at the 4 month mark she said I would have my visa approved in 2-3 days, and true to her word, it came through by email when she said it would. You'll have it midweek no problem. Well done!!

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Guest sweet tooth
Chased visa today (1 day short of 4 months) and have been advised I will have it Wednesday when I am out of Australia!! They definately seem to be sticking rigidly to the 4 month timeframe. Good luck for everyone else waiting...... :wink:


Hooray! :jiggy:Congrats to you & good luck to those who hopefully should have theirs granted this week, got my fingers crossed for you Kay J & Christinnpete

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Guest Welshfem

Hi Guys!! So we finally put our 309/100 Offshore temp/perm Spouse visa in yesterday by special delivery into Australia House. Anyone have any idea of what happens next and how long we should expect to wait until we hear something? What is the waiting time at the moment?


I will keep you all posted!



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Guest sweet tooth
Hi Guys!! So we finally put our 309/100 Offshore temp/perm Spouse visa in yesterday by special delivery into Australia House. Anyone have any idea of what happens next and how long we should expect to wait until we hear something? What is the waiting time at the moment?


I will keep you all posted!





Basically once it has arrived at AH then within 10 days you should receive an email/letter (depending on which method of communication you opted for) from a Case Officer which you will have been assigned and they will tell you if you are required to submit any further documents/evidence for your case.


They will also state in the email what the current processing times are for your visa application...at the moment people seem to have been given a 5-6 month waiting time from recent submitted applications. You will see some people on here being granted their visas lately in as little as 4 months as people who submitted before July have a processing time of 4 months which they seem to be sticking to, it is likely however that yours will follow the lengthening processing time I'm afraid to say so be prepared for a long wait.


The case officer usually takes the date that your application arrived at AH as a start date and they tend to work off monthly calenders...ie if yours arrives tomorrow (3rd Oct) and you are given a 5-6 month processing time, you should hope to contact your case officer/have it granted around 3rd April 2011 assuming its a straightforward case.


Its a very testing processing, filled with frustration and the most patient person in the world will crumble under the waiting game and your sanity is sometimes put into question but a positive is that everyone on here is going through exactly the same emotions as you and you'll find everyone helps each other out & supports each other in this little community. :biggrin:

Hope you hear from a CO soon!

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Guest Welshfem

Basically once it has arrived at AH then within 10 days you should receive an email/letter (depending on which method of communication you opted for) from a Case Officer which you will have been assigned and they will tell you if you are required to submit any further documents/evidence for your case.


They will also state in the email what the current processing times are for your visa application...at the moment people seem to have been given a 5-6 month waiting time from recent submitted applications. You will see some people on here being granted their visas lately in as little as 4 months as people who submitted before July have a processing time of 4 months which they seem to be sticking to, it is likely however that yours will follow the lengthening processing time I'm afraid to say so be prepared for a long wait.


The case officer usually takes the date that your application arrived at AH as a start date and they tend to work off monthly calenders...ie if yours arrives tomorrow (3rd Oct) and you are given a 5-6 month processing time, you should hope to contact your case officer/have it granted around 3rd April 2011 assuming its a straightforward case.


Its a very testing processing, filled with frustration and the most patient person in the world will crumble under the waiting game and your sanity is sometimes put into question but a positive is that everyone on here is going through exactly the same emotions as you and you'll find everyone helps each other out & supports each other in this little community. :biggrin:

Hope you hear from a CO soon!


Thank you Sweet tooth, I really hope it doesnt take until April as I really want my son in school for January...I am prepared for that though as I know they do not take factors such as this into account.....and there are a long line of people before me so Ill just have to wait my turn...I suppose...let the waiting commence!

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