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Everything posted by Hettybetty

  1. Hiya all in PIO :-). I came to Oz without a stamp in my passport (as I didn't have time to send it off as it might have gone missing in the Royal Mail post and I didn't have time to get a new one before my flight) and wanted to let peoples know that I haven't had one problem yet as a result. Quick summary below: Opening a bank account - they didn't need to see my visa e-mail just my passport and something with my address on it. Medicare - they gave me a form to fill in, need to see my visa e-mail and my passport when I return Car insurance - they added me onto my other halves insurance and asked a couple of questions but no id needed All the people I spoke to were aware that the visas are now electronic. I phoned up Oz house, Sydney to check and they said there shouldn't be a need to get it stamped into my passport. Employers can tap in my visa number into a g'ment system and it will show that I am allowed to work. Good luck to everyone waiting :-).
  2. Yippppeeeeeeeeeeeee WHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO hoooooo congratulations Sweet tooth it is great news!! I'm flying Wed and soo it is all very scary right now. :jiggy:
  3. Triksta, I had NJ also and was moved onto GF but he was out of the office last week until this Monday and so perhaps this may explain the delay. Fingers crossed that it comes along very soon :jiggy:. Sent the above and realised I don't actually know whether you now have GF sorry, just presumed.
  4. Hiya Biffo, People who sent off their application before 31st July started off on a 2-3 month wait, this was bumped up to a 4 month wait. They then tried to put us in with the new 5-6 month waiting time but soon put us back as there was many a unhappy bunny. The granting date seems to be a moveable feast though, depending on politics at the time, as a month before I applied, people were getting their visas after two months. I think once the application is in that they don't move too easily regarding the waiting time, it is unfair with them just sitting on the application but I think due to them wanting to slow down the number of visas being granted they reduced the number being granted each month. I don't think booking flights makes a difference and from my experience, it's not worth doing because they won't give you any clues even a week before your granting date. Hope you have fun on your travels :jiggy:.
  5. I am thinking of sending mine off once I am in Oz, I can't risk it now as my flight is booked and wouldn't have time to get another. It doesn't matter as much if it goes missing once I am there. I really want to see it in there, as a comfort blanket more than anything. My flight is booked Wed 27th:spinny:
  6. Sweet tooth, I'd phone and schmoooz a little as some visas have gone through two weeks earlier than the four months date. Are you apart as I think that is pulling heart strings at the moment, we'd been apart since April and Maybeamy has also? It is worth a call if you haven't spoken to them for a time... I'm crossing my fingers for some good news. :confused:
  7. Thank you everyone for your messages! It is now the morning after the night before... My visa was the first thing I thought about this morning, probably will be for a little time. I don't think my brain has caught up with my visa email yet, feeling quite relieved, shocked, strange this morning. Found a flight a week on Wednesday and hopefully I'll book it this afternoon. Maybeamy - great news, I wondered what had happened to you, you disappeared from PIO. Good luck with everything and have oodles of fun. :wubclub: Enjoy New Zealand and coming back through passport control with your 300!!
  8. Whooooooo hooooooooooooooohohohohowowowowowoowo! My visa was granted today Whhhooooooooooooo hooooohohohohowoowowowowowo!!! :biggrin::wink::tongue::rolleyes::yellow_guy_smiling_
  9. Nothing will be happening Friday... :frown: my co is out of office till next week... :skeptical:
  10. Thank you for the good lucks :biggrin:. Small world - my other half has just moved from Grafton to a village south of Coffs, he was there for a year and a half and loved it. It is very pretty round Lismore and I think I'll be talking him into moving north again - when I get there of course! And I am living 10 miles outside Reading - small world! I am looking at flights for the week after next, I've not seen my oh since Easter and so... I'll be on a plane as soon as I can be. Come on Friday :jiggy:!!
  11. Whoooooooooooooooooooopppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeee Whhhhoooooo!! Congratulations to you both, hope you are very smiley tonight. Love all the smileys.
  12. It is getting very exciting right now on PIO, all these visas going through :-)!! Good luck to Christinenpete and emmaroo. Hope there's some left for the end of next week :rolleyes:!!!!
  13. Goodness, you wait for three and a half months feeling ok (ish) and then the last two weeks make you really twitchy!! This is horrendous :twitcy:.
  14. Good luck Christinenpete for this week :-), hope the news arrives swiftly!! :yes:
  15. I had MN too and I went through his old voicemail to get the new CO's number. When I phoned to check all was ok and that my application hadn't gone though the doors with MN, I got straight through to him. He seemed a decent chappy and was very helpful.
  16. Michele, congratulations with your visa coming through, early too, excellent. I hope your cruise is very relaxing, you really aren't missing anything weatherwise as it has been quite rubbish since you left! Try a cheesecake from The Cheesecake factory and watch your waistline grow ;-). Enjoy Australia and your new life to be. :wubclub:
  17. Yeeehaaaaa, George has got his Whooooooppppppppppeeeee moment!!! Congratulations George, take it easy you'll be light headed for a time! :notworthy:
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