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New migrants will love Perth, ,if you lived in England you would certainly think wow brilliant weather big houses ,big 4 wheel drive yep count me in.but as the years tick by Perth becomes a repeat same page same book ,weather becomes to 🥵 hot to handle.then you start to argue with kids wife for hours at weekend trying to think of were and what to do in Perth,and in the end ,you go back to yep same place once again for the 10.0000 time one theme park that’s in its 1980s very behind in rides etc ,water park stuck in the bush with little to do but lay on the grass and get bitten by a bull ant lol or tick ,kids get burnt in less you put 50 plus all over them 5 times a day food in cafes over priced,and try to buy something in supermarket in Perth fresh lol you haven’t a chance in hell,there is certainly and snob element in living in Perth ie boat and big four wheeldrives,yes Perth very strange place to live ,but beaches are beautiful and there are plenty of parks and swings and slides for Young kids if you are turning 20 yikes nope nothing but nothing for this age to do

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Don’t want to be to negative,don’t get me wrong Perth is a lovely place for young family’s,but when your kids grow up and you get older ,you realise that your kids are bored as bat s,,,,, And need more experiences from this bubble world of cotton wool and hot fairy’s  ,but if you haven’t got much drive in life to getof your bums and do much on a weekend ,well perthjust might be the perfect place to live

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And adding more to this page,it’s very isolated from the whole world ,your family forgets you and your children ,phone calls become less each and every passing year and your kids become isolated from any family outside your own sad but true

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So sad you feel this. To some extent Australia can be like this for migrants. But if you embrace and make real friends and roots it makes sense. 

I am in SA but despite the repeat element of events I feel we do more here than we did in the UK   More live music events, more theatre etc. 

Tonight we went to a Druid Ceremony to ask for peace. Burning of wicker man and plenty of real ale and music. 

Just saying different not better or worse. 

Having said that, never been to WA 

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1 hour ago, Kevo said:

Don’t want to be to negative,don’t get me wrong Perth is a lovely place for young family’s,but when your kids grow up and you get older ,you realise that your kids are bored as bat s,,,,, And need more experiences from this bubble world of cotton wool and hot fairy’s  ,but if you haven’t got much drive in life to getof your bums and do much on a weekend ,well perthjust might be the perfect place to live

I'm sorry that you've had such a negative experience, however, My own experience is that, I have a 19 and 24 year old who are never in particularly at weekends and always doing something and I think there's plenty to do If you look for it, but I appreciate that it's different strokes for different folks.

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On 04/05/2019 at 20:35, Kevo said:

you start to argue with kids wife for hours at weekend trying to think of were and what to do in Perth,and in the end ,you go back to yep same place once again for the 10.0000 time

lol...yep totally agree with you Kevo..been in Perth for 8 yrs and bored out my tree 😆

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14 hours ago, bug family said:

lol...yep totally agree with you Kevo..been in Perth for 8 yrs and bored out my tree 😆

Yes mate I’ve been here for 20 years and fell out of my tree with boredom,and it was a bloody high tree 

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4 hours ago, Kevo said:

Did u know that a pome is a true Australian convict from hundreds of years back ..thought I would educate u bulya,,lol

I'll educate you.  "Pome"  as in Prisoner of Mother England is an urban myth - often repeated, but wrong.  It  was first used 40 - 50 years after convict transportation had ended and was introduced by  Londoners  working on the Melbourne docks to describe the sunburnt appearance of  immigrants arriving after months at sea:  it's rhyming slang - "pomegranate" =  immigrant.

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Bottom line original settlers, are convicted cons say no more,,,,,,,,and the fact it’s as boring as bat shit doesn’t really reflect on who’s a con and who’s not ,,just saying

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1 hour ago, Kevo said:

Bottom line original settlers, are convicted cons say no more,,,,,,,,and the fact it’s as boring as bat shit doesn’t really reflect on who’s a con and who’s not ,,just saying

Well move back to the UK or somewhere else.  Bit pointless coming here yapping on about how bored you are.  Do something about it.  😎  The more you go on about it makes you sound a bit of a boring person yourself.

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Perth is just one small part of Australia .  There are lots of other places just as in any big country- and not nearly as isolated, either. Personally I wouldn't last 5 minutes over there, I know that and I really admire those who make it their permanent home.

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1 hour ago, starlight7 said:

Perth is just one small part of Australia .  There are lots of other places just as in any big country- and not nearly as isolated, either. Personally I wouldn't last 5 minutes over there, I know that and I really admire those who make it their permanent home.

It’s great for a holiday or two 

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55 minutes ago, Rallyman said:

Why choose Perth in first place was it for work ? 

Have you stopped over there because of earnings ? 

Genuine questions  , I have never been over to WA


Great for a holiday,  I highly recommend it fwiw

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On 04/05/2019 at 21:01, Kevo said:

And adding more to this page,it’s very isolated from the whole world ,your family forgets you and your children ,phone calls become less each and every passing year and your kids become isolated from any family outside your own sad but true

Is this at the centre of your dissatisfaction? Some people really do struggle with this and many return to the UK because of it.  Is that an option for you?  

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I’m moving in a couple of months to Perth as my husband is already there and has started his new job.

its very worrying to hear such negative comments like there is nothing to do?

we are only staying for 4 years so want to make the most of being able to to travel around when we can.

i am looking into different schools aswell as I have a 8 yr old and a 12 yr old and having very mixed reviews about areas and schools.

is rockingham a really bad area? 

There must be more things to do for kids than the uk? 

Any help please 


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Hi Jennifer,Perth is a great place to bring up Young children ,and has beautiful beaches and a beautiful city ,great place to bring up kids ,but when thay reach a mature age ,there’s frankly nothing much to do here,there only one theme park in which is nothing in scales of are Uk theme parks ,and food is in no comparison to Uk food it’s dry and frozen ,but you can source good food for high prices, but not in many of the supermarkets in wa,  Perth gets bloody 🥵 and flys can be a pain for few mths ,but if you are staying in wa for only a 4 year period ,it’s going to be a wonderful adventure for you guys,,Perth food is in my opinion more expensive now than Uk and no definitely wouldn’t agree with you that there is more here to do than Uk, there’s only limited things over here to do and like in my pages I wrote before it becomes same page same book  ,but that being said we have been here along time and certainly Perth is not the worst place on the globe ,it’s very peaceful ,beautiful beaches ,beautiful city and Perth is growing in to hopefully and out of this world city,but only in time many many years of time, north suburbs would be much better choice than Rockingham as north suburbs are more in par with the up and coming  areas, of new and modern ,hopefully this will help good luck ,poem for you risks must be taken as the greatest risks in life is to risk nothing ,hope this helps

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