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Cost of living in Melbourne


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25 minutes ago, m90 said:

I wasn't referring to all people on the forum, I was referring to every post so far had told him not to go, the lifestyles crap, you won't be able to afford to live properly, the weather isn't better (compared to the U.K.? Really?), your other half won't take to it (how does anyone here know that?) etc where was the balanced advice? (I see someone else has posted some now)
People have been prejudiced to what they've done. I'm unashamedly pro Oz but I also point out the negatives and not push my viewpoint on people without being balanced in it, we aren't living our own lives again through another. None of us know what he and his family main priorities are but we can tell him Melbourne's crap and the U.K. is much better?

I actually like both places to fair i could live in either and be happy. I'm neither more for either place. Was just giving my honest view in relation to the questions asked in regards to the finance side and baring in mind the wife is reluctant which can sometimes cause further stress. Which given the salary the poster is likely to be on may bring some  financial stress too. Add it all up is all i'm saying and research as much as you can which the poster is doing. Ultimately it's their decision.

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OP, what part of the UK are you currently living as 50k, will certainly go further in many parts compared to say London, which would make you a little more prepared for the higher living costs.

As some one who made the move from London to Melbourne, on a slighly higher salary than you have mentioned with super on top, top level BUPA healthcare etc.
Would healthcare be provided for you, if not that is another expense you would need to factor in. Dentists are also not cheap in Oz!

I would say you would struggle on that salary, esp a family of 4 but people do it on less. I was single and while I did not struggle, if I had to feed 3 extra mouths and all the other expensives that come with it.

The biggest factor is rent and then if you decide to take the plunge finding a property within your budget to buy. I was in SE Melbourne, 2 bed detached unit, garage was around $1700/m. Good location as only about 20 mins to CBD.

I doubt you would be able to find something comparable in Melbourne for what you are paying in the UK. Would you plan to sell the UK property or rent it out for a few years while you and the OH decide if you want to stay? It probably is possible depending on where you would be located for work and how much of a commute you are prepared to make.

Trips back to UK can work out expensive, I remember my first trip back around xmas time and got chatting to a family of 4 seated next to me. It cost them close to $10k, then again one of the most expensive times to fly.

Lifestyle can be very good in Melbourne, but if you are going to be stretched financially is it really worth it! Lots of really nice suburbs, cafe lifestyle, access to beaches, and so on. On the flipside, while the weather may over all be better than the UK, in peak summer if/when you start getting above the late 30's into the early 40's, it is unbearable and then consider the humidity. Winter is nice as no snow, but as a Canadian who I worked with said winter in Melbourne felt colder than Toronto.

Take a look online at Coles/Woolworths/Aldi which list the prices to get a better idea. Melbourne also has a costco, but never used it so cannot comment on the prices or variety.

Elec for 1 year $963.92
Gas for 1 year $1,007.48


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1 hour ago, Johnnyboy said:

@Toots, thanks a lot for that link, I've already looked into it. I was hoping for facts from a few people as utilities and food is difficult to estimate. That's why I've asked to PM's if anyone is willing to share their real experience.

That is quite hard as it can vary so much.  We have solar and a wood burner so our electricity bills are far lower than the people who rely totally on gas and electric.  Also here we don't need air-con as it doesn't get as hot as the mainland.  We are in Tasmania.  Melbourne can get very hot in the summer and can also be cold in the winter.  As for food, that can vary enormously.  Our weekly food bill (for 2) is an average of $170.  I don't eat meat and I don't buy much food in the supermarkets as I tend to shop at the local grocer/deli or direct from the farm.  I'm sure a PIO member in Melbourne will give you a better idea of their costs for a family of 4.

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6 hours ago, m90 said:

I wasn't referring to all people on the forum, I was referring to every post so far had told him not to go, the lifestyles crap, you won't be able to afford to live properly, the weather isn't better (compared to the U.K.? Really?), your other half won't take to it (how does anyone here know that?) etc where was the balanced advice? (I see someone else has posted some now)
People have been prejudiced to what they've done. I'm unashamedly pro Oz but I also point out the negatives and not push my viewpoint on people without being balanced in it, we aren't living our own lives again through another. None of us know what he and his family main priorities are but we can tell him Melbourne's crap and the U.K. is much better?

So a load of people who have actually lived in Australia know less than someone who has never lived there. Interesting point. Nobody has said that Melbourne is crap and UK is better (we didn’t even talk about rapidly rising crime rates in Melbourne at all). Nobody has told him not to go, either - if he chooses to move to a more expensive country on half the income he is getting now (relatively) then that is quite up to him. 

The OP actually said that his wife was very reluctant to go - she may love it, she may loathe it but there are enough posts on here and other boards to suggest that unless an OH is 100% on board and busting to go the marriage is probably doomed to failure (and one might hope that the OH is doing her research into little things like The Hague Convention just in case). 


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6 hours ago, Johnnyboy said:

@ScottieGirl, 2k for the bills seems way too much, I could be wrong obviously as you should know better. Can you get into details, please?  I'm a telecoms engineer. Thanks

I’d agree with ScottieGirl. There were 2 of us, owned own home, ran 2 cars, solar hot water and scavenged wood heating, no aircon  but when we left our monthly bills were around $5k pm. That did include a bit of diy, the odd meal out, a tendency to choose organic but no real big vices. You will need to factor in insurances, communications, car running costs (and the further out you live the more likely you will need 2 or you’ll need to factor public transport costs), medical and dental.  As mentioned above, I used to budget around $10k for a trip home. 

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So a load of people who have actually lived in Australia know less than someone who has never lived there. Interesting point. Nobody has said that Melbourne is crap and UK is better (we didn’t even talk about rapidly rising crime rates in Melbourne at all). Nobody has told him not to go, either - if he chooses to move to a more expensive country on half the income he is getting now (relatively) then that is quite up to him. 
The OP actually said that his wife was very reluctant to go - she may love it, she may loathe it but there are enough posts on here and other boards to suggest that unless an OH is 100% on board and busting to go the marriage is probably doomed to failure (and one might hope that the OH is doing her research into little things like The Hague Convention just in case). 

Who said I knew more? I asked people to present a balanced argument of their experiences. Where was the balance in your first post? you basically ran through a list of negatives for everything he's looking for. If you genuinely can't be balanced and feel Melbourne is that bad then stay away and let people present balanced views. I stay away from the moving to the U.K. threads for that reason, I'd really struggle to say anything positive about it. I have a stable job and I know people here might be about my limit of positivity or should I spread all my unbalanced negativity over people in U.K. threads?
Really? And we're all clones so it's bound to happen to his OH? We know nothing of his OH, likes/dislikes, personality, family situation etc etc to make any judgement close to 'the marriage is probably doomed' if you go. The definition of negativity, most of us fear the unknown and apprehensive about what might happen, this is normal but none of us know anything about OH to know whether that will turn to like/dislike.
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8 minutes ago, m90 said:

Who said I knew more? I asked people to present a balanced argument of their experiences. Where was the balance in your first post? you basically ran through a list of negatives for everything he's looking for. If you genuinely can't be balanced and feel Melbourne is that bad then stay away and let people present balanced views. I stay away from the moving to the U.K. threads for that reason, I'd really struggle to say anything positive about it. I have a stable job and I know people here might be about my limit of positivity or should I spread all my unbalanced negativity over people in U.K. threads?
Really? And we're all clones so it's bound to happen to his OH? We know nothing of his OH, likes/dislikes, personality, family situation etc etc to make any judgement close to 'the marriage is probably doomed' if you go. The definition of negativity, most of us fear the unknown and apprehensive about what might happen, this is normal but none of us know anything about OH to know whether that will turn to like/dislike.

So, what would be the positives for someone dragging a reluctant spouse to a place on the other side of the world to a place they’ve never visited on half current salary? If you read this board for long enough you will see that lack of enthusiasm from one partner for such a move has a real tendency to cause significant relationship stress  with some absolutely devastating consequences being reported. If you have a partner who, like you, is busting to go then bully for you. 

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The more we think about it, the more we're wondering if it's worth it.
Waiting for visa at the moment but we're still unsure about the move as Mebourne seems to be much more expensive than UK.
Our mortgage is £770 for a 3 bed detached, I doubt we can find something similar for same money...
My salary in UK is £50k, in Melbourne I'll get $85k (plus super). Would that be enough for the same living standard?
Utilities around £300/month, food £5-600/month (family of 4). Still enough left from our income to afford what we wish for: going out, clothes, holidays... and save for rainy days.
My wife is very reluctant about the move, I would still like to have a go and try a different lifestyle.
Thanks a lot

Hey Johnny,

If you've come on here for some good info about life in Oz then unfortunately you're in the wrong place (as the next 20+ pages of bickering will prove).

All I will say is that the 2.5 times salary really does come in to play to gain a similar lifestyle as you have in the UK; therefore I really think you need to be looking at salaries of $125k or thereabouts. Of course life is doable on less but struggling to pay the bills would be no fun in any country.

Good luck whatever you decide! [emoji1303]
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Guest The Pom Queen
26 minutes ago, jonnyraceway said:


Hey Johnny,

If you've come on here for some good info about life in Oz then unfortunately you're in the wrong place (as the next 20+ pages of bickering will prove).

All I will say is that the 2.5 times salary really does come in to play to gain a similar lifestyle as you have in the UK; therefore I really think you need to be looking at salaries of $125k or thereabouts. Of course life is doable on less but struggling to pay the bills would be no fun in any country.

Good luck whatever you decide! emoji1303.png


Strange as 99% of our members would disagree that the forum doesn't provide helpful advice. What you probably mean is the majority of members tell you their OWN opinion which is what the OP asked for. 

I will be honest and say if I was to make the move in today's market I would be taking all these comments on board, both negative and positive. Don't use the negative ones to put you off coming but use it to help you be more aware.

@Johnnyboy I am soo sorry I thought I had replied to your pm, I was 99% sure I had but it looks like I didn't. It was nothing personal, i get admitted to hospital every fortnight for a few days and ended up with asceptic meningitis again. 

To try and answer your questions, if you want to to work then it will, however, this means you have to both be 100% positive. If your wife is having doubts already then you really do need to sit and chat more. 

'I posted a few weeks back on another thread. I have known a family of 5 come over with $5,000 and no job on a student visa and they made it work. It was hard for them, it tested their marriage, their physical and mental health. They couldn't even afford the flights back to the UK. A number of expats pulled together and helped them through, they are still here 8 years later, he is in a salary of $180,000 a year and his wife on $78,000pa. 

Another family came over it was just 2 adults and 1 child, they were earning something like $240,000. They arrived with $150,000 purchased brand new top of the range cars, rented a huge house at $1,000 a week and then swore poverty and they could only afford beans on toast and not even a bottle of tomato sauce.

So as you can see people can manage if they have to. I can't remember if you have children, I would need to go back and look at your original post, I am sure you did, you would then you would qualify for family tax, rent assistance etc. Have a look at some of these articles to learn how much you can claim https://www.pomsinoz.com/articles.html/living-in-australia/

Its a long while since we lived in Melbourne but I know it was the cheapest for house and contents insurance, we paid around $450 a year whereas when we moved to Cairns some companies wanted over $11,000, we eventually put our excess to $5,000 and paid just over $2,000. We find utilities is a struggle for us. I would say quarterly we pay around a $1,000 averaged out for electric. Water is nominal, you don't have a tv license. Cars are more expensive, I would say you need to spend a minimum of $10,000 to get a decent car. Although backpackers have scored some bargains at a couple of thousand. 

Food wise it's swings and roundabouts some things are cheaper some are more expensive. Have a look at living away from the city, Point Cook, Cranbourne, Berwick all offer good value for money and are family areas.

I will try and answer any other questions and I'm sorry again for forgetting about you

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No bickering here and I'd class is as good info I'm happy to post some real world figures for us per month

Mortgage               $1100 - based on a mortgage of $220,000  Scale up as appropriate - $2,600 ish for a $500,000 mortage etc.
House Insurance  $130 (was more when I was in Melbourne)
Car Insurance        $90
Fuel                         $200
Servicing&Tyres    $35
Council Rates        $325 
Electric                   $200  
Telephone & internet $100
2 Mobile phones on contract $180
Food                      $800+ per month (family of 3)
Health Insurance (Bupa)   $380
School Fees (catholic, not private) $600 

Other expenses:

School uniform 
Medications / other medical not covered elsewhere

So around $4000+ per month without the items I haven't included figures for, or $5,500 if our mortgage was around $500,000

These are real world figures for our family. Obviously ever family is different and there are so many variables.

To get ideas of figures for you, Use mortgage repayment calculators on the banks sites, go on the coles or woolworth sites and do an online shop to estimate food shopping costs, look at council websites to get ideas of rates costs for that area, look at school websites for fees (if applicable) insurance websites to get sample quotes for cars you may get, houses etc.


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You mention kids, what ages?  because you'll have to budget for childcare or schools and neither are free. Also look online for quote on hospital and extras cover. I've just forked out $8.6K for one son's braces and $3.5k for another son's dental treatment (under anaesthetic because of his disability) because I didn't take out extras.

Also be aware of the timing of university study. There is plenty of info on this in other posts. 


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9 hours ago, Johnnyboy said:

@ScottieGirl, 2k for the bills seems way too much, I could be wrong obviously as you should know better. Can you get into details, please?  I'm a telecoms engineer. Thanks

2k was everything, food, petrol, utilitiies and insurance, going out money and alcohol. Insurance alone was $500, that included health insurance which you don't need as on that salary you won't  be hit with the extra levy. That was $205. It also included rates which you won't pay if you rent and building insurance for the house. Thuse two were $230 combined. Utilities including phones and broadband averaged about $400 a month. The rest was food and all the other monthly incidentals.

You will pay extra medical costs, you will have to pay for dentists and prescription charges for the family. I think you have to pay for the kids , but not sure.  I probably ate out once a week and I was a member of a choir so that was going out costs. I also have 2 dogs and spent $60 a month on flea and tick meds which is equavelent to 1.5 prescriptions a month.

You will pay more for utilities and food with a family so I reckon 2k a month is a reasonable budget. Energy costs can be horrific as heating and aircon if you have them cost a lot. Friends paid upwards of $1000 a quarter for a family.

I don't work in IT so not sure about salaries but in the corporate sector for  someone in marketing or accounting 85k would be a typical salary for a graduate with 3 to 5 yrs experience IMO.

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9 hours ago, m90 said:

I wasn't referring to all people on the forum, I was referring to every post so far had told him not to go, the lifestyles crap, you won't be able to afford to live properly, the weather isn't better (compared to the U.K.? Really?), your other half won't take to it (how does anyone here know that?) etc where was the balanced advice? (I see someone else has posted some now)
People have been prejudiced to what they've done. I'm unashamedly pro Oz but I also point out the negatives and not push my viewpoint on people without being balanced in it, we aren't living our own lives again through another. None of us know what he and his family main priorities are but we can tell him Melbourne's crap and the U.K. is much better?

Actually I haven't seen anyone say any of those things. You seem to be adding 2 + 2 and getting 5. Besides why is it different to you telling someone who returned to the UK that they had made a mistake ? 

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10 hours ago, m90 said:

I wasn't referring to all people on the forum, I was referring to every post so far had told him not to go, the lifestyles crap, you won't be able to afford to live properly, the weather isn't better (compared to the U.K.? Really?), your other half won't take to it (how does anyone here know that?) etc where was the balanced advice? (I see someone else has posted some now)
People have been prejudiced to what they've done. I'm unashamedly pro Oz but I also point out the negatives and not push my viewpoint on people without being balanced in it, we aren't living our own lives again through another. None of us know what he and his family main priorities are but we can tell him Melbourne's crap and the U.K. is much better?

i dont remember anyone saying Melbourne is crap and the UK much better, I do remember people giving their own honest opinions on the subject good or bad. Some people love the positive comments but when someone points their honest negatives of a place they are jumped all over be it oz or the UK. I am from Natal South Africa, I find the UK gives me a far better quality of life than Australia does. I am glad for people who find Oz gives them a better quality of life, we are all different at the end of the day. 

You actually posted that you hate the UK and Oz is much better...       Melbourne is everything I love about a place and the U.K. is becoming everything I hate.

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Guest The Pom Queen
29 minutes ago, Johnnyboy said:

Children 3.5yrs and 7yrs at this moment in time. With the waiting visa time, nobody knows how old they'll be by then.

Have a read here, there is also a calculator. You MAY be eligible for upto $300 a week. 


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2 hours ago, m90 said:

Who said I knew more? I asked people to present a balanced argument of their experiences. Where was the balance in your first post? you basically ran through a list of negatives for everything he's looking for. If you genuinely can't be balanced and feel Melbourne is that bad then stay away and let people present balanced views. I stay away from the moving to the U.K. threads for that reason, I'd really struggle to say anything positive about it. I have a stable job and I know people here might be about my limit of positivity or should I spread all my unbalanced negativity over people in U.K. threads?
Really? And we're all clones so it's bound to happen to his OH? We know nothing of his OH, likes/dislikes, personality, family situation etc etc to make any judgement close to 'the marriage is probably doomed' if you go. The definition of negativity, most of us fear the unknown and apprehensive about what might happen, this is normal but none of us know anything about OH to know whether that will turn to like/dislike.

You have to take into account that you are very obviously skewed towards Australia even to the èxtent of telling someone they had made a mistake coming back to the UK because YOU think Melbourne is the greatest city in the world. Its irrelevant that you are chomping at the bit to get there, not everyone shares your enthusiasm and many have actual experience of living there. 

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@ThePomQueen, don't worry about my PM and thank you so much for replying here. We'd like to know the facts before committing to such a big move and the best thing is to listen to different opinions. This forum is so useful and people here are very helpful, I can't thank enough for all your replies and PM's.

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Guest The Pom Queen
17 minutes ago, Johnnyboy said:

@ThePomQueen, don't worry about my PM and thank you so much for replying here. We'd like to know the facts before committing to such a big move and the best thing is to listen to different opinions. This forum is so useful and people here are very helpful, I can't thank enough for all your replies and PM's.

I feel terrible @Johnnyboy . It's like I said everyone will have their own views. Take all of the information provided and work through it and hopefully come up with a plan that will work for you. Moving is a stressful time as it is so you don't want to end up with unexpected surprises. I absolutely love my life here and haven't ever been back home. However, prices have risen dramatically since we came here and the exchange rate isn't in your favour. I think it was 2.6 when we transferred our money. 

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I think Pom Queen hit on it there, prices have risen dramatically in recent times and are causing people to really feel the pinch, especially housing costs in Melbourne. If you as a family are really 100% behind doing this then do it but don't do it because someone told you the lifestyle is better or there is less stress, do it for good tangible reasons. 

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