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What Was Good About Your Day Today?


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Had a master craftsman in today to measure up for colonial shutters, not cheap but a great investment.

A trip to Bunnings , must say the women shop assistants are proving as knowledgeable as the men in DIY shops these days.. most impressed!

Picked up some some home cured smoked bacon from my butchers and placed my Christmas order.

For some reason, some courteous drivers around , always makes a pleasant change! Forecast -3 tonight so might be a trip to Ben Lomond to play in the snow this weekend!

How was your day?


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I must say Evandale the staff at your local Bunnings are obviously a vast improvement on the ones we have. They are in my experience next to useless...and to my way of thinking very vague and disinterested. With very little knowledge sorry to say just what i have found. The only good thing about my day was the G& T i had when i got home. Bad day today. :(

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What a pleasant thread!

I have just got back from taking the kids football zorbing, just had a bit of lunch and trying to summon the energy to scale the mighty Haytor.  


OOps sorry didn't realise this was in the aussie thread.. Ignore me

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2 hours ago, Chicken66 said:

I must say Evandale the staff at your local Bunnings are obviously a vast improvement on the ones we have. They are in my experience next to useless...and to my way of thinking very vague and disinterested. With very little knowledge sorry to say just what i have found. The only good thing about my day was the G& T i had when i got home. Bad day today. :(

Chicken I hope you say something to that effect to the staff concerned! Maybe we are just fortunate in this neck of the woods where jobs are like hen's teeth! The G & T sounds very acceptable though:P

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1 hour ago, simmo said:

What a pleasant thread!

I have just got back from taking the kids football zorbing, just had a bit of lunch and trying to summon the energy to scale the mighty Haytor.  


OOps sorry didn't realise this was in the aussie thread.. Ignore me

Cheers Simmo!

Haytor? Dartmouth? never been it was on my lists to do.. doesnt matter if its an Aussie thread Simmo!

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1 hour ago, starlight7 said:

Just got back from a great evening out with friends- found a new red wine from somewhere south of Margaret River so we had a couple of bottles (shared!), feeling very mellow and happy ....

Recommendation for that red wine Starlight? always game to try new vinos!

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I was provided with a surprisingly delicious Russian breakfast on the ship I piloted this morning, a pleasant surprise at 6am which slightly made up for working nights.  Also managed a trip the gym in the afternoon, was absolutely knackered dragging myself to the gym but came out feeling wide awake (which isn't ideal when I need to sleep before another night shift). 

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55 minutes ago, CaptainR said:

I was provided with a surprisingly delicious Russian breakfast on the ship I piloted this morning, a pleasant surprise at 6am which slightly made up for working nights.  Also managed a trip the gym in the afternoon, was absolutely knackered dragging myself to the gym but came out feeling wide awake (which isn't ideal when I need to sleep before another night shift). 

Very interesting job you have there Captain R.  

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Just now, Rallyman said:

Just finished for a well earned weeks holiday , off to Vanuatu on Sunday for 5 nights 


Just now, Rallyman said:

Just finished for a well earned weeks holiday , off to Vanuatu on Sunday for 5 nights 

Have a fabulous time!


On 8/24/2017 at 05:22, CaptainR said:

I was provided with a surprisingly delicious Russian breakfast on the ship I piloted this morning, a pleasant surprise at 6am which slightly made up for working nights.  Also managed a trip the gym in the afternoon, was absolutely knackered dragging myself to the gym but came out feeling wide awake (which isn't ideal when I need to sleep before another night shift). 

Very interesting job you have there Captain R.  

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  • 1 month later...

My little dog had a black raised spot on his muzzle which I was a bit worried about.  Vet has cut it off and it will be examined to ensure it's nothing nasty e.g. skin cancer.  Vet did say though that it is probably nothing serious so that's a relief.  Tests will be back in a couple of days but I'm sure all is OK.  He also cut one of his paws on a bit of broken glass.  Didn't seem to cause him any pain - didn't even limp.  

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