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trump takes britain


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Most muslims are good people but I am afraid one bad apple in some people's minds does spoil the barrel, it has been muslims who have committed so many atrocities over the last few years that it has made a lot of people hate the religion, I suppose it was the same when the christians committed atrocities worldwide that tarred all christians with the same wide brush. Most of us realise it is a tiny minority that are committing these atrocious acts but in the minds of the less well educated they blame ALL muslims...like trump does.

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Well we have our little coterie of rightwingers doing what they do best, bullying, denigrating and intimidating.

Get on with it you're welcome to Trumps world.


Where is there any bullying and intimidating ...its called debating on a democracy .

As soon as someone disagrees with you ...out come the insults ...bully ..racist ..homophobic ....

Man up !

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Funny you should say that but Trump is heavily into numbers and any suggestion that he might be unpopular. He is obsessed by crowd sizes at his inauguration claiming that they are the highest ever when there is ample evidence to the contrary. The Womens Marches protesting him attracted millions which has clearly wound him up.


He is also so obsessed about losing the popular vote that he keeps insisting that the democrats initiated 3-5 million illegal votes (mainly from illegal immigrants in safe Democrat states like California). He is directing an investigation of electoral fraud to uncover 'the truth' of this despite the obvious point that he won the election regardless and so if an investigation found that there was widespread fraud it would doubtless de-legitimise the election.


Any investigation should focus on marginal states but Trump wants to focus only on States that Clinton won.


The petition itself will not influence May but sure as hell it will get publicity in the USA and will bug Trump for sure. The actual number of petitioners will matter to Trump, make no mistake. Only a matter of time before he questions the legitimacy of the petition or that that the petition is rigged or false.


Trump is seiously deluded and mentally ill.


And after that long post ...DONALD TRUMP IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES ...like it or lump it .

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you really need to brush on your history WW1 europe was a basket case why should america get involved? it was only because mexico was offered land to join germany in thw war that the usa retaliated....and why should they intervene in WW2?, THEY WERE SUPPLYING the UK with weapons etc but the will of the people did not want america to get involved. Pearl harbour changed that...why has europe not helped the USA in vietnam thailand etc?

I don’t think you quite understood my post or just wilfully give your own inaccurate analysis.

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I don’t think you quite understood my post or just wilfully give your own inaccurate analysis.


You made your stance clear, and the rest made theirs clear- that is called freedom of choice.


As they say, watch this space.


2017 as predicted is going to be a year of massive political changes.


Is only just the end of January and its all changing so fast.


Hopefully we will have order and peace in the world again.


No more wars, just peace.

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Most muslims are good people but I am afraid one bad apple in some people's minds does spoil the barrel, it has been muslims who have committed so many atrocities over the last few years that it has made a lot of people hate the religion, I suppose it was the same when the christians committed atrocities worldwide that tarred all christians with the same wide brush. Most of us realise it is a tiny minority that are committing these atrocious acts but in the minds of the less well educated they blame ALL muslims...like trump does.

No, I'm sure that isn't you is it Perthbum, the voice of reason!!!??

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Where is there any bullying and intimidating ...its called debating on a democracy .

As soon as someone disagrees with you ...out come the insults ...bully ..racist ..homophobic ....

Man up !


I find that people who go on and on about democracy are those least committed to it, it's like the Democratic Republic of Congo, is there anywhere less democratic.

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you really need to brush on your history WW1 europe was a basket case why should america get involved? it was only because mexico was offered land to join germany in thw war that the usa retaliated....and why should they intervene in WW2?, THEY WERE SUPPLYING the UK with weapons etc but the will of the people did not want america to get involved. Pearl harbour changed that...why has europe not helped the USA in vietnam thailand etc?


You have just refuted your own earlier post where you stated the USA saved us in both wars and how they are our best friends in defending democracy, they came into the 1st WW because of Germany starting all out U boat war against all shipping including neutrals and the German sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 with Americans on board started to change the public mood in the US

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You made your stance clear, and the rest made theirs clear- that is called freedom of choice.


As they say, watch this space.


2017 as predicted is going to be a year of massive political changes.


Is only just the end of January and its all changing so fast.


Hopefully we will have order and peace in the world again.


No more wars, just peace.

I have my doubts but what order and peace are you thinking of, could you describe it and how we are going to get there.

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I can remember when your neighbors said hello stranger's held a door for you spoke to a stranger while waiting for the bus. No real noise or litter a village feel to city life. All but gone now sadly, modern day times I suppose?

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A white supremacist kills 6 and wounds many more in a terrorist attack on a muslim mosque in Quebec. Perhaps white men entering the USA should undertake positive vetting first to ensure that they are not white supremacists.


Once they have been vetted they should then still be banned for a further 90 days for no reason at all. Or is that ridiculous?

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A white supremacist kills 6 and wounds many more in a terrorist attack on a muslim mosque in Quebec. Perhaps white men entering the USA should undertake positive vetting first to ensure that they are not white supremacists.


Once they have been vetted they should then still be banned for a further 90 days for no reason at all. Or is that ridiculous?


Ho ho ho, isn't that what we are just about to do, must run in the family.

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Trump is packing his National Security Council with far right politicians, not a military or security official in sight, the first time this has ever happened, it includes Steve Bannon the right wing editor of Breitbart as a major player.


Trump made his announcement of the travel ban without any reference to any office of state or legal advice.


This is the exact trajectory of all dictators


We are witnessing a right wing coup.


When is someone going to start and say so and demand that American politicians take action before he has achieved his aim of cementing unassailable power.

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Trump is packing his National Security Council with far right politicians, not a military or security official in sight, the first time this has ever happened, it includes Steve Bannon the right wing editor of Breitbart as a major player.


Trump made his announcement of the travel ban without any reference to any office of state or legal advice.


This is the exact trajectory of all dictators


We are witnessing a right wing coup.


When is someone going to start and say so and demand that American politician take action before he has achieved his aim of cementing unassailable power.

I am surprised. I thought he would make America great again before he turned it all to suite, not the other way around.
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It may be all of those things ,but the main thing is ,it is FACT .?

Not hearsay or fake news .

What happened in Rotherham ....happened

Anything to add ...any defence ..any excuses ...any reasons ?


So far there are 526 victims in sex abuse cases at major football clubs with 184 suspects being investigated with a number of them having been forced to move on by clubs which had suspicions of their behaviours..

The problem is not isolated to any particular racial group so identifying one group as the major perpetrator I think qualifies as racist and Islamphobic.

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I can remember when your neighbors said hello stranger's held a door for you spoke to a stranger while waiting for the bus. No real noise or litter a village feel to city life. All but gone now sadly, modern day times I suppose?
nope, I still live there.
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I have my doubts but what order and peace are you thinking of, could you describe it and how we are going to get there.


I can only hope and pray for order & peace across the whole world, I am no expert in such things that's why we have great leaders like DT, TM soon hopefully Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen at the front shaping the new world to come.


The old ways and neo liberalism have got us into this mess.


No country is wrong to want to put its citizens welfare & protection first or to want to protect its borders.


Why on earth would anyone think such a thing is being "bigoted" or "racist" ?

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I can only hope and pray for order & peace across the whole world, I am no expert in such things that's why we have great leaders like DT, TM soon hopefully Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen at the front shaping the new world to come.


The old ways and neo liberalism have got us into this mess.


No country is wrong to want to put its citizens welfare & protection first or to want to protect its borders.


Why on earth would anyone think such a thing is being "bigoted" or "racist" ?


Reminds me of a billy Bragg song, 'father puts another lock on the door, and reflects upon the violent times we're living in, while chatting to the wife beater next door'. Quite appropriate under the circumstances.


Extremists from the left or right don't need to be racists, but it does help to have a bogie man.

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I can only hope and pray for order & peace across the whole world, I am no expert in such things that's why we have great leaders like DT, TM soon hopefully Geert Wilders and Marine Le Pen at the front shaping the new world to come.


The old ways and neo liberalism have got us into this mess.


No country is wrong to want to put its citizens welfare & protection first or to want to protect its borders.


Why on earth would anyone think such a thing is being "bigoted" or "racist" ?

My eyes have just popped out on stalks and chin hit the floor!

Did I just read that you think extreme right wing Marine le pen would be a great leader??! I need a lie down!

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