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Making a return to Australia!

Craig Colas

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Hi all,


Me and my wife lived in Brisbane for nearly 3 years after we graduated university, and later returned back to the UK in 2012 following the mining downturn. We have been back in the UK for 4 years now and the itch to go back is starting to bug us on a daily basis. However this time around we have a lot more to think about. We had a little girl this year and now have a house, all to familiar adult commitments! Last time I got a job offer out of the blue and was gone within nearly a week. So a lot more effort and research is needed this time around.


We are applying for our 189 skill select visa at the beginning of next year (2017). Although my skills have now been taken off the list (geologist) my wife is a degree qualified nurse. We are both 27 and have looked at the points and shouldn't have to many problems I hope. Which brings me on to my first question, roughly how long have people's 189 visa's taken to come through?


This time around we are planning our move to Perth, I know the differences between Perth and Brisbane will be vast but we have friends in Perth and the job prospects for my wife seem to be excellent. I guess what I am asking is how vastly different is it? Worse case scenario is we can always move over to Brisbane if we didn't settle but we are planning on making this our home for the foreseeable.


Work in geology though is a different story and it has caused me to change careers, I have worked for Audi for the last 4 years as a sales exec. I have no knowledge however of the motor trade in Australia and have tried researching but can never get any clear answers. Does anybody here have any experience or know any one working in the motor trade in Australia (Perth especially) that can give their opinions on hours and ball park salary figures?


We plan on selling our house once we have our permanent residency secured and will most likely sell everything we have to avoid shipping costs etc. Hopefully will have made the move before the end of next year as we both cannot wait to escape the UK.


Any information on the above would be greatly appreciated.

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Hi Craig


The highway is alive with people high-tailing it out of Perth at the moment. Unemployment here is at a record high. We are leaving in Feb after 15 years here.


There is considerable unease about the economic prospects for WA for the next 2 years. It is now incredibly expensive to live in Perth. Also bear in mind that if you want to travel to just about any other major location you have to get on a plane - Perth is a bit of a fishbowl!


Having said that, Perth is a beautiful place, it is safe, clean, great schools and health care. I do not regret a minute of being here but it is time for us to move on.


I would suggest you explore alternative options before making a final decision.

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Big changes here over two years and further coming as the downturn enters another year with little relief. While jobs are thin on the ground, rents are lower. More special deals in an otherwise very expensive town appearing as well.


I know service is where the jobs are, but I read recently local nurses claiming to be overlooked by foreign entrants in the job market. Still I expect there are still areas especially aged care, crying out for workers.


The waters need to be tread with some trepidation out here in the west though. Many in jobs are not fully versed into just how hard it has become over such a short period. Without an income I find it hard to imagine life here.

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Just an aside but when we arrived last year south of Brisbane we spent a fair amount of time hawking ourselves around various car dealerships and real estate agents. A disproportionate amount of both were British we found which suggests to me that the Brits are highly regarded and there are opportunities for experienced sales professionals.


Cannot speak for Perth.

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Just an aside but when we arrived last year south of Brisbane we spent a fair amount of time hawking ourselves around various car dealerships and real estate agents. A disproportionate amount of both were British we found which suggests to me that the Brits are highly regarded and there are opportunities for experienced sales professionals.


Cannot speak for Perth.


Same here, especially Luxury cars. Our local Mercedes Dealer is always busy. If the OP has Audi experience then maybe contact Audi outlets in Perth with a Resume and an explanation of the per any of the Visa they're apllying under might bring some light to job opportunities.

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I would move to Brisbane in a heartbeat I fell in love with the city when I was there and the surrounding areas. My wife has got a few friends in Perth which she believes would make the initial move a lot easier. Lovely WA has the right idea and I should be able to email various dealers closer to the time we make the move.


One more thing we are undecided on is our house in the U.K. I wanted to make a go of renting it out but is it really worth the hassle? In the long run it would be a great thing to do but has anyone had experience in renting out from the other side of the world. I just have fears that if something went wrong we would be pretty helpless in oz.

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I would move to Brisbane in a heartbeat I fell in love with the city when I was there and the surrounding areas. My wife has got a few friends in Perth which she believes would make the initial move a lot easier. Lovely WA has the right idea and I should be able to email various dealers closer to the time we make the move.


One more thing we are undecided on is our house in the U.K. I wanted to make a go of renting it out but is it really worth the hassle? In the long run it would be a great thing to do but has anyone had experience in renting out from the other side of the world. I just have fears that if something went wrong we would be pretty helpless in oz.


I would strongly advice you to take lovely WA's post with a truck load of salt. The economy in WA is in a very bad way and not looking like improving any time soon. It is also one of the few places that has made nurses redundant in recent times - the state government are broke after believing the mining boom would last forever and blowing its proceeds.

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I would move to Brisbane in a heartbeat I fell in love with the city when I was there and the surrounding areas. My wife has got a few friends in Perth which she believes would make the initial move a lot easier. Lovely WA has the right idea and I should be able to email various dealers closer to the time we make the move.


One more thing we are undecided on is our house in the U.K. I wanted to make a go of renting it out but is it really worth the hassle? In the long run it would be a great thing to do but has anyone had experience in renting out from the other side of the world. I just have fears that if something went wrong we would be pretty helpless in oz.


Having a few friends somewhere isn't going to mean the move is going to be magically easier IMHO. You could be living an hour or more away from where they are and chances are wouldn't see them that often. Also others in Perth have struggled in recent times and it could be you would really struggle to secure work which could taint a move big time.


I'd honestly go where the work is and if that is in Brisbane, then go for it. You cannot decide where you migrate to based on a few friends living in a city or area. There are far more important things to consider and factor in IMHO. Re your house, I'd post and ask that in its own thread as many won't see it here or reply on it. We have a real estate forum where you can ask that sort of thing :)

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I would move to Brisbane in a heartbeat I fell in love with the city when I was there and the surrounding areas. My wife has got a few friends in Perth which she believes would make the initial move a lot easier. Lovely WA has the right idea and I should be able to email various dealers closer to the time we make the move.


One more thing we are undecided on is our house in the U.K. I wanted to make a go of renting it out but is it really worth the hassle? In the long run it would be a great thing to do but has anyone had experience in renting out from the other side of the world. I just have fears that if something went wrong we would be pretty helpless in oz.


My flat in Edinburgh has been rented out for the 5 years we have been over here. Make sure you find a good agent to fully manage and you should be all right. Ive had very little go wrong and no void periods in that 5 years. AS an 'accidental landlord' its worked out well so far.


The other factor is the exchange rate just now. If it swings the other way then selling up in UK and exchanging for dollars might work for you. Right now my view is the money is better parked in UK with my mortgage slowly getting paid off and an appreciating asset - of course this may change and individual circumstances differ, including yours. :cool: Good luck with your plans

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Just remember to declare rental income to ATO. As of last year all foreign earned income will be sent directly to Australia from your bank. At the same time you are get deductions on tax as well.


Many seem to overlook this but those days are closing in without sanction. Doesn't mean a person will necessary pay anything of course if in negative, but should be declared none the less.

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I would certainly go where the work is. It may well feel 'cosy' to rock up to a city where people are known, but unless they are in a position to influence employment prospects I would err on the side of caution.


Just a footnote. My neighbour bar three had a large removal van parked outside their house yesterday. They've been there nine years, Aussies to the core, and was shocked to learn they are moving east. She has been unable to get full time employment in close on a year. He can work anywhere in the country being in the army. Claim too hard here in Perth nowadays, besides her qualifications have shown 'serious' interest in Melbourne apparently.

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WA is in bad shape, everything on the down. There's still a lot of oil, mining & construction qualified & skilled labour stuck out there either jobless or doing any kind of work they can. Oil price in the doldrums for the foreseeable future, and mining industry has been decimated. As another poster said, lots of folk who moved in have now left. Unfortunately there is a large percentage of that workforce came out as a result of those large scale skilled migration campaigns they ran in UK and across Eastern Europe in the noughties. This group of migrants invested heavily in Perth property and buy to let property too. The values are starting to fall, so if you can hang on and rent for a couple of years, you should be able to buy at much lower prices when the market corrects itself. Its still in the denial stage right now.

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I felt the sting of the mining downturn back in 2012 which forced us to return to the UK so I know those problems to well! Just a quick question to flag of convenience how would my bank account in England automatically send money to my Oz one? If I did rent my property out I would have every intention of keeping everything above board but I cannot see how they would ever know I even had a property in the UK? Same would apply if I sold my house while in Oz in regards to paying capital gains tax?

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I felt the sting of the mining downturn back in 2012 which forced us to return to the UK so I know those problems to well! Just a quick question to flag of convenience how would my bank account in England automatically send money to my Oz one? If I did rent my property out I would have every intention of keeping everything above board but I cannot see how they would ever know I even had a property in the UK? Same would apply if I sold my house while in Oz in regards to paying capital gains tax?


There is no automatic scooping of money from accounts, but there are international tax agreements between ATO, HMRC, IRS to track down unreported overseas income (i.e. they're sharing data)..

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I would strongly advice you to take lovely WA's post with a truck load of salt. The economy in WA is in a very bad way and not looking like improving any time soon. It is also one of the few places that has made nurses redundant in recent times - the state government are broke after believing the mining boom would last forever and blowing its proceeds.


Genuinely that's my worry for w.a ...i have family there .

A few years ago " it was no worries ,we've got china " .

Well Donald trump is riding into town ,and he is about to rock chinas cage

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That makes more sense. We are going to sell our house here anyhow I reckon as I believe the extra money will help us with the initial move. I guess having a change of visa from last time I would have to apply for a new TFN etc. Not to sure how much information they keep as it's 4 years since last being there?

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That makes more sense. We are going to sell our house here anyhow I reckon as I believe the extra money will help us with the initial move. I guess having a change of visa from last time I would have to apply for a new TFN etc. Not to sure how much information they keep as it's 4 years since last being there?


I would imagine that much like your National Insurance number your existing TFN will be re-used for life.

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That makes more sense. We are going to sell our house here anyhow I reckon as I believe the extra money will help us with the initial move. I guess having a change of visa from last time I would have to apply for a new TFN etc. Not to sure how much information they keep as it's 4 years since last being there?


You keep the same TFN.

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I would strongly advice you to take lovely WA's post with a truck load of salt. The economy in WA is in a very bad way and not looking like improving any time soon. It is also one of the few places that has made nurses redundant in recent times - the state government are broke after believing the mining boom would last forever and blowing its proceeds.


The redundancies were mainly voluntary and few shop floor clinical positions were lost. I know of 4 nurses who applied for the voluntary redundancy and didn't get it.

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