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Australia isn't being swamped by Muslims

Guest The Pom Queen

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Are the Greens Anti-Semitic & Fascist?!


I know many, many Greens voters - I live in what is often the most Green voting part of the entire country. I have never once heard an anti Semitic, anti Israel or Fascist opinion. If questioned, they would probably support the right of the Palestinians to live in their own ancestral lands...but that is far from being anti Semitic. It is exactly the same as indigenous Australians having the right to live in their ancestral lands.

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I was chatting to a lady today who I thought was a pleasant and reasonable person. She said she supports Pauline Hanson 100%- which made me wonder if maybe I was missing something??


Interesting article which explains her appeal to many people:



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Sarah Hanson Young was always frothing at the mouth about something.

She got a lot of coverage.


Fortunately she has been demoted by her leader.


She was the conscious voice of those of integrity in Australia. Perhaps a bit self indulgent at times but we sure needed someone with her audacity to stand up and speak against the vileness all too evident being pushed by politicians of all sides , not to say introduce a little humanity into proceedings.

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Blames those hypocrites in The Greens for that. They chose to walk out and give her extra publicity. I say hypocrites because The Greens are all anti-Semetic and hate Israel.


What a blanket statement bordering on the ridiculous. I personally know Jewish folk, whom are Green and hate Zionists, but adore Israel and want only the best for it.


Besides walking out of assembles is a practise participated by all sides when in disagreement. The UN being a classic example. Hanson, as usual grabbed headlines as she knew she would by usual means, as well as media lowing up the story.

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I personally would like to see no more Muslims in Australia. Either imported or home grown.


And I'll throw in Christians, Jews, Hindus and all religions in with that.


We are a small growing nation, we shouldn't be held back by religious dogma and two tousand year old goat-herder stories.


A new mosque offends me as much as a new church.


We are not a 'Christian' nation, we are 'culturally Christian' in that we have a day off at Easter and Xmas, just like the rest of the western world.


The issue I can see, is it's easier to integrate into Australia as a Christian than a Muslim. But I wish both would leave their religious baggage behind when they get on the plane.

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I think a bigger fear is Australia being swamped by racists.

And some bigoted self centered media magnate giving these imbeciles a voice.


Yes indeed. Racists and a return to 'old' ways, which of course will not be possible, without a lot of friction within society. That and of course the dreadful neoliberal economics of the past few days which seems to have rather undue support in Australia, in certain quarters, while inequality rises and society fractures.

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I personally would like to see no more Muslims in Australia. Either imported or home grown.


And I'll throw in Christians, Jews, Hindus and all religions in with that.


We are a small growing nation, we shouldn't be held back by religious dogma and two tousand year old goat-herder stories.


A new mosque offends me as much as a new church.


We are not a 'Christian' nation, we are 'culturally Christian' in that we have a day off at Easter and Xmas, just like the rest of the western world.


The issue I can see, is it's easier to integrate into Australia as a Christian than a Muslim. But I wish both would leave their religious baggage behind when they get on the plane.


But the dogma's without the religious aspect are okay? A large part of problems today some would argue, is the lack of morality and humanity and the belief in the end result justifies the means.

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But the dogma's without the religious aspect are okay? A large part of problems today some would argue, is the lack of morality and humanity and the belief in the end result justifies the means.


I'm not sure there are many other dogma's, and most things can be countered with facts and evidence.


"Because my god said so" is a massive hurdle to get over for the hard of thinking.


Morality is a social construct, and differs to where you are. Your sister posting on instagram - it's your moral obligation to kill her in some backwards places, again because of a book.



I'd suggest that the west has a good handle on morality and humanity. Okay, there can always be improvements, but we are at least moving (and in the right direction).

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At least we didn't have gangs of 14 year olds breaking into houses and attacking people without fear of reprisals in the 'old' days.


How far back do you want to go? I was amazed at the since of outrage, clearly visible in protest rallies in Perth City, a whole of twenty plus years ago, due to attacks on frail and aged in their homes. I guess the lady, apparently a major force behind the protests may well have passed on now. But these protests saw thousands in attendance. Only to be outdone by the ' Save the Sharks' protests at Cottesloe Beach in more recent years.


It has clearly been sometime since Perth lost its ' innocence'.

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I'm not sure there are many other dogma's, and most things can be countered with facts and evidence.


"Because my god said so" is a massive hurdle to get over for the hard of thinking.


Morality is a social construct, and differs to where you are. Your sister posting on instagram - it's your moral obligation to kill her in some backwards places, again because of a book.



I'd suggest that the west has a good handle on morality and humanity. Okay, there can always be improvements, but we are at least moving (and in the right direction).


In 'post religious times', I certainly feel I do witness a change towards far greater selfishness in every form. I admit some of that has been the result of changing cultural mores leading towards greed, focus on self and celebrity worship. But still the result has resulted in numerous examples of a vacuum replacing once accepted certainties that formed a major part of our identity, for better or worse.


I would suggest the west or areas of the west are struggling with ideas of humanity and morality and too few are questioning enough to be moving in the right direction.

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Yes they are, though their fascism is of the left. They hate free-speech and they hate Israel.


Funny you say that, when it is the present government, threatening workers with the full force of the law for revealing, the sordid details of what is going on in detention centres as one example.


Israel of course was largely built on left wing principles. Never heard of the Kibbutz? How about America in the fifties? You may care to read up on that then return explaining where the free speech was there?

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In 'post religious times', I certainly feel I do witness a change towards far greater selfishness in every form. I admit some of that has been the result of changing cultural mores leading towards greed, focus on self and celebrity worship. But still the result has resulted in numerous examples of a vacuum replacing once accepted certainties that formed a major part of our identity, for better or worse.


I would suggest the west or areas of the west are struggling with ideas of humanity and morality and too few are questioning enough to be moving in the right direction.


Do you think so Flag? Oh I know a percentage of society is obsessed with celebrity, money and selfishness but there are a lot of people out there who quietly get on with life helping others and doing a lot of good in their own way without a vicar or priest telling them how to lead their lives.

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Do you think so Flag? Oh I know a percentage of society is obsessed with celebrity, money and selfishness but there are a lot of people out there who quietly get on with life helping others and doing a lot of good in their own way without a vicar or priest telling them how to lead their lives.


I do and will tell you why. It has nothing to do with the priest or vicar whom are as fillable as the next man or woman. The Judeo/Christian belief system formed out way of what we became. Indeed it was the background to tolerance and liberal thinking. Of course Humanists follow similar patterns and can do a lot of good as you put it. One doesn't necessary need to be of a religion, but usually need to have the philosophical framework of a belief system installed of some sort.

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Of course Hanson's cry for attention back in 96 was the Asian Invasion. Not hearing much about that now. Muslims being her latest call to arms against. I do agree with aspects of her immigration concerns though. But not a total ban on all immigration. Just a more sensible number that reflect present day realities.

The Asian invasion is still happening. You post yourself on how many Chinese buyers are pushing up house prices, especially at the top end. Look at the worry about Chinese interests buying up land, businesses and giving out favours for influence on politicians and businessmen. Was only a couple of weeks ago that Sam Dastiari had to resign.

Joe Hockey was trying to stop a lot of Chinese buying up top properties in Aus, mostly in Sydney.

I think she had a point then and she does now.

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Hey Parleycross, I think you just contradicted yourself.

Are you telling me Hanson gets equal coverage with other leaders? She is getting more than Shorten.

Are you trying to stir things up in you second statement about the media or just totally naiive (which I know you are not)?

As I mentioned, we don't just get comment about her speeches, we get them replayed over and over - as well as countless invites onto shows - does the media not control this?

Its more free air time for her views because it makes good TV

When did you last see the Greens give any coverage except negative reactions to walking out.

No she's not a nutter, but she promotes what is a common issue in Australia - racism and xenophobia.

The same used to happen for Clive Palmer and look what happened to him and his party.

Clive makes Pauline Hansen sound reasonable.

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