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The new tory leader ?


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There is some poetic justice in giving David Davis the Brexit portfolio and Liam Fox Minister for International Trade. Saying to them you wanted this, so sort it out. Boris as Foreign Secretary seems a bit 'left field' but I can see the logic. Hammond is an ardent right-winger as Chancellor (he was my constituency MP) and another pro-Brexit so interesting to see how that plays out.

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The hollowness of their predictions will soon become apparent, but they will be stuck with them - no resigning now. I think May does have a good sense of humour that she usually signals only via her shoes- probably thinks the Foreign Office and Boris deserve each other. (Not sure the Foreign Office cat is too amused.) Anything important in foreign policy is done via the Cabinet Office anyway. May has a totally free hand. Owes nothing to anyone, and Labour is an increasingly sick joke. She hasn't appointed women to top jobs either just because they are women. Rather, she will continue to promote women through the ranks. But she is saying that no one gets to the top table simply by virtue of gender. Still, it's another way of distinguishing herself from Thatcher, a notorious Queen Bee. This gal is seriously smart. And tough. She will need to be both.

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It is unusual to hear one female use such sexist terms to describe other women these days. eg Queen Bee and Gal.

If a man uses such terms they are howled down as mysoginists.


Can't we just judge Theresa May as a PM and forget all the sexist claptrap.

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She's given Boris foreign secretary. She's taking the piss.



Brexit, trade and aid are out of his hands - he will just spend his time jetting around the world drumming up tourism with his usual buffonery, while grinning inanely and handing out Ferrero Rochers... Any genuine diplomacy and foreign policy emergencies will be run from No. 10 with zero input from him.

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Really can't be bothered to have the conversation if all you can put forward is jingoistic patriotism as a substitute for reason and an unwillingness to recognise that any other country or culture has qualities from which the UK can learn then we are doomed to continue to repeat the errors of the past.

My country right or wrong and a belief that they are superior to any other is no substitute for analytical thought and is bound to lead to conflict with others and to welcome that conflict I can only assume is a position you are happy with.

Acceptance of Conflict and rejection of reason seems to me to err towards single minded authoritarianism and we all know where that leads.

Fantasies are great but they are just that fantasies, we import more than we export and that is a fundamental problem and like Australia our economy relies on a too narrow a basket of industries and only one of those strands of the economy has to be disrupted and the implications will be horrendous, the BOE know that and know that compromises will have to be made in order to keep the country from becoming a basket case.

Winning at sports is not going to put the Great back in Great Britain, having wide based manufacturing and a strong currency and a strong finance section is.


Don't worry ,its coming .....you can thank labour for putting the death knell into manufacturing ,and having total reliance on the city of London ....wasnt it a certain Gordon brown .

I have absolute faith ,that it will get sorted .

The world was watching yesterday when the cabinet was announced ,not one man and his dog .

The bottom line is ,Britain matters ,and what an exciting place it is at the moment

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There is some poetic justice in giving David Davis the Brexit portfolio and Liam Fox Minister for International Trade. Saying to them you wanted this, so sort it out. Boris as Foreign Secretary seems a bit 'left field' but I can see the logic. Hammond is an ardent right-winger as Chancellor (he was my constituency MP) and another pro-Brexit so interesting to see how that plays out.


As I said , I think Theresa may is a secret brexiteer ,it was only her loyalty to the prime minister

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I think her choices are pretty good.


People lampoon Boris and he plays on that. What many do not realise is that, that is a very deliberate show. I know a couple of people that know him and Cameron personally - went to Eton with them - and both say Boris is by far the brighter and also the more cunning.

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Really can't be bothered to have the conversation if all you can put forward is jingoistic patriotism as a substitute for reason and an unwillingness to recognise that any other country or culture has qualities from which the UK can learn then we are doomed to continue to repeat the errors of the past.

My country right or wrong and a belief that they are superior to any other is no substitute for analytical thought and is bound to lead to conflict with others and to welcome that conflict I can only assume is a position you are happy with.

Acceptance of Conflict and rejection of reason seems to me to err towards single minded authoritarianism and we all know where that leads.

Fantasies are great but they are just that fantasies, we import more than we export and that is a fundamental problem and like Australia our economy relies on a too narrow a basket of industries and only one of those strands of the economy has to be disrupted and the implications will be horrendous, the BOE know that and know that compromises will have to be made in order to keep the country from becoming a basket case.

Winning at sports is not going to put the Great back in Great Britain, having wide based manufacturing and a strong currency and a strong finance section is.


If I want to indulge myself in other countries and cultures I will go on holiday or read a book.....for far too long the people of Great Britain have been intent on dragging their selves and their country down.....just look on this website.....it is full of UK expats that like nothing more than to ridicule or criticise their own country whilst bigging up a land with previous for arrogance and over confidence in their own abilities.....seriously you would think it was a joke if you did not read it day after day on places like this one.


Hard may it be for some to swallow.....the UK is moving out of Europe....we may have some tricky times ahead.....we may not.....no one on here knows.....in my view its a case of "so far so good".....we have a new leader and since the 26th June we have renewed hope!.....lets see where it takes us.....I know it is difficult for many on here but try and be positive and put on a brave face......because positivity breeds positivity.


The silence has been deafening.....we crash and burn in the Euros....an embarrassment!......but smash the Ozzies on their own turf at Rugby......another Wimbledon champion......current F1 champion and closing in on a 4th crown......our cricketers are starting on the road to something big.....Chris Froome leading Le tour.....Mark Cavandish closing in on Eddy Merckx......lets enjoy these sporting achievements.....the constant self harm demonstrates a floor in your own character and not the character of the believers and achievers....look at any other nationality and they would be doing backflips at their home grown achievements.....and the Olympics is just round the corner :)

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Don't worry ,its coming .....you can thank labour for putting the death knell into manufacturing ,and having total reliance on the city of London ....wasnt it a certain Gordon brown .

I have absolute faith ,that it will get sorted .

The world was watching yesterday when the cabinet was announced ,not one man and his dog .

The bottom line is ,Britain matters ,and what an exciting place it is at the moment


Like Greece before it. Everyone is watching Britain because watching a road crash is compulsive.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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If I want to indulge myself in other countries and cultures I will go on holiday or read a book.....for far too long the people of Great Britain have been intent on dragging their selves and their country down.....just look on this website.....it is full of UK expats that like nothing more than to ridicule or criticise their own country whilst bigging up a land with previous for arrogance and over confidence in their own abilities.....seriously you would think it was a joke if you did not read it day after day on places like this one.


Hard may it be for some to swallow.....the UK is moving out of Europe....we may have some tricky times ahead.....we may not.....no one on here knows.....in my view its a case of "so far so good".....we have a new leader and since the 26th June we have renewed hope!.....lets see where it takes us.....I know it is difficult for many on here but try and be positive and put on a brave face......because positivity breeds positivity.


The silence has been deafening.....we crash and burn in the Euros....an embarrassment!......but smash the Ozzies on their own turf at Rugby......another Wimbledon champion......current F1 champion and closing in on a 4th crown......our cricketers are starting on the road to something big.....Chris Froome leading Le tour.....Mark Cavandish closing in on Eddy Merckx......lets enjoy these sporting achievements.....the constant self harm demonstrates a floor in your own character and not the character of the believers and achievers....look at any other nationality and they would be doing backflips at their home grown achievements.....and the Olympics is just round the corner :)

It's like the words written make no sense, I am perplexed.

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Don't worry ,its coming .....you can thank labour for putting the death knell into manufacturing ,and having total reliance on the city of London ....wasnt it a certain Gordon brown .

I have absolute faith ,that it will get sorted .

The world was watching yesterday when the cabinet was announced ,not one man and his dog .

The bottom line is ,Britain matters ,and what an exciting place it is at the moment

You may need a lot of that faith, I think everybody is glued to watching and enjoying the "Punch and Judy show" and waiting for Mr Punch aka Juncker smashing his truncheon over Judy's, aka Teresa May, head.

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Seems like Europe knows we are leaving and begging us to still trade with them, the heads of bmw say trading will go on with the U.K. Exactly as before with no barriers whatsoever. Merkel has said we will grow strong together even when the uk leaves. The scare tactics have turned completely around and the eu knows they need the uk big time even when we leave.

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Lots and lotst of warnings from the profits of doom.....George Osbourne on his bike after back tracking on his earlier warnings.....Siemans says "we are here to stay" lol after their earlier warnings.....London still to remain the centre for financial services.....£ making a steady recovery.....an interest rate cut (if it actually happens) is good for some parts of the economy.....you read so much dribble on here from people that I honestly believe want the UK to fail.....they look for the tinyest bit of a negative story and lay claims to eternal doom and gloom......it seems to be a floor in the character of so many Brits.....a year or 2 ago I was being warned of "deflation" by one "expert" on here and the damage it will do and the UK was on a road to disaster and the sky was about to come crumbling down.....lol

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Lots and lotst of warnings from the profits of doom.....George Osbourne on his bike after back tracking on his earlier warnings.....Siemans says "we are here to stay" lol after their earlier warnings.....London still to remain the centre for financial services.....£ making a steady recovery.....an interest rate cut (if it actually happens) is good for some parts of the economy.....you read so much dribble on here from people that I honestly believe want the UK to fail.....they look for the tinyest bit of a negative story and lay claims to eternal doom and gloom......it seems to be a floor in the character of so many Brits.....a year or 2 ago I was being warned of "deflation" by one "expert" on here and the damage it will do and the UK was on a road to disaster and the sky was about to come crumbling down.....lol


Seems to have passed many by that the UK is still in the EU and likely to be for the next couple of years while negotiations play out. And the likelihood is that the UK will remain in the single market after leaving the EU so business will carry on as before.



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"Access to the single market" is meaningless. You are either in or out. Soon the UK will be out. May has allowed the "three Brexiteers" to wallow in the mess they have made. When that is plain to all, she will get rid of them.

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"Access to the single market" is meaningless. You are either in or out. Soon the UK will be out. May has allowed the "three Brexiteers" to wallow in the mess they have made. When that is plain to all, she will get rid of them.


Why do you say this? Access to the single market was always one of the prime reasons for staying in but Norway and others have shown that you can be outside the EU but have access to the single market.


May also needs this to work as the buck stops with the PM. She cannot simply wash her hands of it all and blame Ministers she has appointed and made it her mission for Brexit to be a success.

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"Access to the single market" is meaningless. You are either in or out. Soon the UK will be out. May has allowed the "three Brexiteers" to wallow in the mess they have made. When that is plain to all, she will get rid of them.

I sincerely hope so, maybe she is more devious than we think, let them get completely outmanoeuvred and then have to rescue the negotiations on whatever terms and blame them.

Could be a reasonable proposition.

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Like Greece before it. Everyone is watching Britain because watching a road crash is compulsive.



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...i very much doubt it ...people are interested ,because Britain matters ....only the u.s presidential campaign has got similar coverage


You will be waiting a long time

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Don't worry ,its coming .....you can thank labour for putting the death knell into manufacturing ,and having total reliance on the city of London ....wasnt it a certain Gordon brown .

I have absolute faith ,that it will get sorted .

The world was watching yesterday when the cabinet was announced ,not one man and his dog .

The bottom line is ,Britain matters ,and what an exciting place it is at the moment



I thought it was Thatcher?

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