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Why are salaries in the UK so ... low ... compared to Aus?


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The polar opposite of when I came in 1999, Aus wage some 50% less of what I was getting when I left the UK! Oh no! what have I done? how will we manage? no complaints then and certainly not complaining now:smile:


Pretty sure I've read here that everyone was paid a fortune back in the day but everything was cheap(?) And house prices were like $50

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I'm in a job that pays about £20k in the UK but in Aus I'd get 60k

These are both very low wages. The UK one represents 75% of the average annual salary; the Australian one represents 80% of the average annual salary. In my judgement, the basic cost of living in Australia is higher, so the lowest salaries tend to look a lot higher than those in Britain, but the purchasing power is likely to be lower. I am concerned that in another thread, you were talking about coming to Australia on a student visa, paying your overseas tuition rates and working only 20 hours a week. If this is your salary level, please think very carefully about your plans.

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These are both very low wages. The UK one represents 75% of the average annual salary; the Australian one represents 80% of the average annual salary. In my judgement, the basic cost of living in Australia is higher, so the lowest salaries tend to look a lot higher than those in Britain, but the purchasing power is likely to be lower. I am concerned that in another thread, you were talking about coming to Australia on a student visa, paying your overseas tuition rates and working only 20 hours a week. If this is your salary level, please think very carefully about your plans.


John Zorro also has a baby so I think he is looking at life in Australia through rose tinted specs. I suppose it all depends where he is thinking of working. Sydney would be pretty much out of the question these days for someone earning $60000.

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I think you can get by if young and in house share, just like London on a low wage. Oz vs UK is always far too broad. Brisbane being a lot more affordable than Sydney just like Birmingham to London. Another component is travel costs, anyone who has commuted by train in UK can attest to the insane costs of that so you are so much better off if close to work.

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Pretty sure I've read here that everyone was paid a fortune back in the day but everything was cheap(?) And house prices were like $50


When I arrived in Australia, salaries were definitely higher than the UK - BUT that was the 1980's. I think most of the people who talk about how salaries, house prices etc have changed are referring back to a bit longer ago than the late 90's.

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Just Depends where you live in the UK. Aussies seem to all go to London,The Most Expensive place u could live. On averages according to Australian consensus.Comparing Australia with the UK. Cost of living in Australia is 4 times greater,than living in the UK.We have lived in Rural Australia for 39 years.We can't afford to live in Australia any longer,so we are going home to the UK. Aged people can't get medical treatment,Unless they pay for it.there is at least a 5 year wait for everything, sometimes longer.Rates are Now So high when i die my wife would be forced to move,she couldn't afford to pay the rates.Heating or cooling costs on a widows pension..There is No Public transport.Without a Car you have had it. The Government is making it harder for the elderly. Australia is the only country in the world that openly declares. The Elderly are a burden on the Country.The Liberal /National Party are anti Elderly.In the UK Medical costs over 60 years old are free.Pensioners on the State Pension pay no rates.It's free. Syd U are missing a lot.The Australian Government are saying anyone on $180,000p/a in Sydney,Melbourne,Perth and Brisbane, isn't on a good wage.And needs help.Most Young Couples in Australia will never own their own home.Even Rural Queensland on the Sunshine Coast my house in a good area is over $400,000 We can buy a nice semi or detached houses in the North of England for 130,000 Pounds.Half the Cost than in Australia, And it's centrally heated and has double glazing.Unlike the Paper houses in Australia.Where you think the Birds singing are sitting on the bottom of the bed.

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Zack, your posts are very hard to follow as you flit between one thing to another. I agree with some of what you say although Australia's cost of living is NOT 4 times higher than here, that is wildly wrong. There are certainly many things that have become much more expensive in Australia in recent years. The current Government in Australia is not helping either.

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Just Depends where you live in the UK. Aussies seem to all go to London,The Most Expensive place u could live. On averages according to Australian consensus.Comparing Australia with the UK. Cost of living in Australia is 4 times greater,than living in the UK.We have lived in Rural Australia for 39 years.We can't afford to live in Australia any longer,so we are going home to the UK. Aged people can't get medical treatment,Unless they pay for it.there is at least a 5 year wait for everything, sometimes longer.Rates are Now So high when i die my wife would be forced to move,she couldn't afford to pay the rates.Heating or cooling costs on a widows pension..There is No Public transport.Without a Car you have had it. The Government is making it harder for the elderly. Australia is the only country in the world that openly declares. The Elderly are a burden on the Country.The Liberal /National Party are anti Elderly.In the UK Medical costs over 60 years old are free.Pensioners on the State Pension pay no rates.It's free. Syd U are missing a lot.The Australian Government are saying anyone on $180,000p/a in Sydney,Melbourne,Perth and Brisbane, isn't on a good wage.And needs help.Most Young Couples in Australia will never own their own home.Even Rural Queensland on the Sunshine Coast my house in a good area is over $400,000 We can buy a nice semi or detached houses in the North of England for 130,000 Pounds.Half the Cost than in Australia, And it's centrally heated and has double glazing.Unlike the Paper houses in Australia.Where you think the Birds singing are sitting on the bottom of the bed.


Well my old Mum must have been ripped off because she paid rates on her house and she was on the pension. As far as public transport is concerned it depends where you live. Again my old Mum lived in an area of Scotland where the public transport was just about non-existent so she and all the other locals had to drive to the town.

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Well my old Mum must have been ripped off because she paid rates on her house and she was on the pension. As far as public transport is concerned it depends where you live. Again my old Mum lived in an area of Scotland where the public transport was just about non-existent so she and all the other locals had to drive to the town.


Yes pensioners still pay council tax, how much they pay depends on how much 'income' they have.

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Yes everything depends on where you live which is why so may older ones downsize and live closer to shops and public transport. Australia does not look after older people in the same way as the uk, I would agree with that. If you work hard all your life and have a decent super as a result- you get absolutely nothing so you have to rely on private health insurance. Much better to not work and/or have a low paid easy job- then you get a lot more and healthcare is free. Moral of the story is-- spend spend spend until you more or less run out and then you just might get a pension!

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Well my old Mum must have been ripped off because she paid rates on her house and she was on the pension. As far as public transport is concerned it depends where you live. Again my old Mum lived in an area of Scotland where the public transport was just about non-existent so she and all the other locals had to drive to the town.


Yep, council tax is payable if you are on a State Pension - my father paid it in England and continues to pay in Scotland - he has no private pension whatsoever.


Only if you are on pension credits are you exempt (not even sure its 100% then) and pension credits are means tested.


I now have power of attourney for my dad and I am no longer worrying about my retirement, unless you are seriously rich there is little point having anything as you are penalised for savings over £15k, pension credits bring everyone up to the same level of income and if you need residential care your property has to be sold. I am going to retire as soon as my mortgage is paid off - take the money out of my private pensions and enjoy life, if that money runs out before I do then I'd be very happy with the quality of life my dad has at 85. I will add though that Social Services and NHS Scotland look after him incredibly well for free.


I'm 50 this year, you only have to look at Victoria Wood and Prince to realise working another 20 years to have enough money to see me through to 100 is pointless. if I'd stayed in Australia I'd have had to just to pay off my mortgage.


Agree though that Northern Britain, whether England or Scotland provides a high standard of living on a much lower income than London or the major Australian cities.

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Yep, council tax is payable if you are on a State Pension - my father paid it in England and continues to pay in Scotland - he has no private pension whatsoever.


Only if you are on pension credits are you exempt (not even sure its 100% then) and pension credits are means tested.


I now have power of attourney for my dad and I am no longer worrying about my retirement, unless you are seriously rich there is little point having anything as you are penalised for savings over £15k, pension credits bring everyone up to the same level of income and if you need residential care your property has to be sold. I am going to retire as soon as my mortgage is paid off - take the money out of my private pensions and enjoy life, if that money runs out before I do then I'd be very happy with the quality of life my dad has at 85. I will add though that Social Services and NHS Scotland look after him incredibly well for free.


I'm 50 this year, you only have to look at Victoria Wood and Prince to realise working another 20 years to have enough money to see me through to 100 is pointless. if I'd stayed in Australia I'd have had to just to pay off my mortgage.


Agree though that Northern Britain, whether England or Scotland provides a high standard of living on a much lower income than London or the major Australian cities.



Yes Lady R, I was all set to work until retirement age here but after my younger brother died suddenly and realising Dad never reached pension age - I thought bugger it - life's too short so retired 3 years before I was planning to. OH was all for it so here we are living on savings and super - no pension. The oldies down here seem to enjoy life a great deal on their pensions so maybe one day I'll join them. I'm certainly not going to worry about it. Social Services seem to look after folk well here too but I hope I'm going to be independent of all that but you never know.

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Don't think that the wages enjoyed by so many for so long because of the boom will be the norm for much longer, because it will be the bosses payback time soon. The employment market now has a great more applicants than jobs so the only direction that wages and conditions will go is in a downwards direction. Farmers are rejoicing that they only have to pay $25 per hour for the same people that were being paid $38 in the boom time.

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Just Depends where you live in the UK. Aussies seem to all go to London,The Most Expensive place u could live. On averages according to Australian consensus.Comparing Australia with the UK. Cost of living in Australia is 4 times greater,than living in the UK.We have lived in Rural Australia for 39 years.We can't afford to live in Australia any longer,so we are going home to the UK. Aged people can't get medical treatment,Unless they pay for it.there is at least a 5 year wait for everything, sometimes longer.Rates are Now So high when i die my wife would be forced to move,she couldn't afford to pay the rates.Heating or cooling costs on a widows pension..There is No Public transport.Without a Car you have had it. The Government is making it harder for the elderly. Australia is the only country in the world that openly declares. The Elderly are a burden on the Country.The Liberal /National Party are anti Elderly.In the UK Medical costs over 60 years old are free.Pensioners on the State Pension pay no rates.It's free. Syd U are missing a lot.The Australian Government are saying anyone on $180,000p/a in Sydney,Melbourne,Perth and Brisbane, isn't on a good wage.And needs help.Most Young Couples in Australia will never own their own home.Even Rural Queensland on the Sunshine Coast my house in a good area is over $400,000 We can buy a nice semi or detached houses in the North of England for 130,000 Pounds.Half the Cost than in Australia, And it's centrally heated and has double glazing.Unlike the Paper houses in Australia.Where you think the Birds singing are sitting on the bottom of the bed.


Need paragraphs please.

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Just Depends where you live in the UK. Aussies seem to all go to London,The Most Expensive place u could live. On averages according to Australian consensus.Comparing Australia with the UK. Cost of living in Australia is 4 times greater,than living in the UK.We have lived in Rural Australia for 39 years.We can't afford to live in Australia any longer,so we are going home to the UK. Aged people can't get medical treatment,Unless they pay for it.there is at least a 5 year wait for everything, sometimes longer.Rates are Now So high when i die my wife would be forced to move,she couldn't afford to pay the rates.Heating or cooling costs on a widows pension..There is No Public transport.Without a Car you have had it. The Government is making it harder for the elderly. Australia is the only country in the world that openly declares. The Elderly are a burden on the Country.The Liberal /National Party are anti Elderly.In the UK Medical costs over 60 years old are free.Pensioners on the State Pension pay no rates.It's free. Syd U are missing a lot.The Australian Government are saying anyone on $180,000p/a in Sydney,Melbourne,Perth and Brisbane, isn't on a good wage.And needs help.Most Young Couples in Australia will never own their own home.Even Rural Queensland on the Sunshine Coast my house in a good area is over $400,000 We can buy a nice semi or detached houses in the North of England for 130,000 Pounds.Half the Cost than in Australia, And it's centrally heated and has double glazing.Unlike the Paper houses in Australia.Where you think the Birds singing are sitting on the bottom of the bed.


So after 39 years here the plan is to go and live off a system you haven't paid into. Thanks UK tax payers.

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Yes Lady R, I was all set to work until retirement age here but after my younger brother died suddenly and realising Dad never reached pension age - I thought bugger it - life's too short so retired 3 years before I was planning to. OH was all for it so here we are living on savings and super - no pension. The oldies down here seem to enjoy life a great deal on their pensions so maybe one day I'll join them. I'm certainly not going to worry about it. Social Services seem to look after folk well here too but I hope I'm going to be independent of all that but you never know.


Yeah ....2 funerals yesterday .....one in brum .

A girl that worked for us previously ,53 ...very religious ...didnt drink or smoke ...breast cancer.


A mate of mine in Halifax .

He and his son ,used to come down to brum to watch the football .

We travelled all over the country watching Birmingham .

His lad was always a bit wild ,great lad though ...his lad,who I hadn't seen for 10 years passed away last Saturday in his sleep ,aged 32 .

His dad found him ...hes obviously devestated ...they were like beat pals ,rather than father and son

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Yeah ....2 funerals yesterday .....one in brum .

A girl that worked for us previously ,53 ...very religious ...didnt drink or smoke ...breast cancer.


A mate of mine in Halifax .

He and his son ,used to come down to brum to watch the football .

We travelled all over the country watching Birmingham .

His lad was always a bit wild ,great lad though ...his lad,who I hadn't seen for 10 years passed away last Saturday in his sleep ,aged 32 .

His dad found him ...hes obviously devestated ...they were like beat pals ,rather than father and son


It does show that saving for that rainy day really makes no sense. We only get one go at it, enjoy.

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In Aus, average salaries in the digital space are around $100-130k and often $140/$150k too.


In the UK, the same jobs are in the £35-40k range, which is $65-$85k. That's almost half of what you can earn in Aus.


How do people manage to work and live and commute and save in London at £35k, when it's hard enough doing so at double the salary in Sydney? Is London cost of living HALF that of Sydney's? The rents aren't much cheaper, that's for sure.


Or am I missing something?


There's certainly an element of truth in that ...BUT ,as Australia becomes further involved in GLOBALIZATION then we will all end up feeling the pinch .

Why do you think Mrs Merkel wants all those refugees in Germany ,is it guilt over ww2 or a surplus of cheap labour for German manufacturing ?.

The e.u no borders policy ..is it freedom of movement or freedom of movement for cheap labour ?


We all have to be very careful about losing hard won terms and conditions for all of us ....

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