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my return to England

Diane Watson

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I have started a new blog that documents the journey of a 51 year old single female's quest to return beyond the sea to England with only her loyal and trusty sidekick Jaydee the Jack Russell for companionship. It has been 33 years since I left England's shores permanently (I've been back for holidays), however I am a dual citizen and I still have family who will help me. However, I am very independent and looking forward to the challenge of establishing myself in a new country without relying on my family too much. Please feel free to follow my blog as well as comment and offer me suggestions as I traverse the rocky terrain of moving back - number 1 being everyone telling me I'm mad for leaving Australia - which surprises me - didn't they know I was mad before I decided this!

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Do your homework Dianne and keep records of every mortal thing ! When we went back to the UK in 2001 we had no credit rating having been away for 20 years We had to fight to get credit ie pay monthly direct debit for utilities TV package etc Also if paying cash for a house have copies of where you got the cash from as you will need to verify its source

we opted for a TV phone package with Virgin media and despite the fact they were being paid by direct debit they used to cut the package off if we went over certain spends each month ! Do keep your Australian bank and credit card open and try to have the option of transferring funds yourself online as emergencies Plus if you get a text to transfer funds make sure it can reach you in the UK My bank in SA doesn't so my sine gets the text then passes it on to me ! I found it quite hard coming from Oz to UK after a long time as it seemed an endless round of paperwork etc

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I have started a new blog that documents the journey of a 51 year old single female's quest to return beyond the sea to England with only her loyal and trusty sidekick Jaydee the Jack Russell for companionship. It has been 33 years since I left England's shores permanently (I've been back for holidays), however I am a dual citizen and I still have family who will help me. However, I am very independent and looking forward to the challenge of establishing myself in a new country without relying on my family too much. Please feel free to follow my blog as well as comment and offer me suggestions as I traverse the rocky terrain of moving back - number 1 being everyone telling me I'm mad for leaving Australia - which surprises me - didn't they know I was mad before I decided this!




sorry but I agree with the mad bit - you will have well and truly forgotten the British weather - as I had done after only 9 years overseas. Just don't burn any bridges in Aus - if you have a job - ask them if you can go on a year's sabbatical a lot of companies are allowing this now.

Good luck and really hope it works out well for you :)

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sorry but I agree with the mad bit - you will have well and truly forgotten the British weather - as I had done after only 9 years overseas. Just don't burn any bridges in Aus - if you have a job - ask them if you can go on a year's sabbatical a lot of companies are allowing this now.

Good luck and really hope it works out well for you :)


Australian weather!!! 56c where I work last week. Stuff that.

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Good luck on your new adventure! I don't think you're mad in the least! You will certainly have more opportunity for adventuring! The weather is so much better for being out walking! If you're heading for my neck of the woods I'd be happy to catch up for coffee and share adventure stories!

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sorry but I agree with the mad bit - you will have well and truly forgotten the British weather - as I had done after only 9 years overseas. Just don't burn any bridges in Aus


I think she'll be fine - the key is in this sentence, "looking forward to the challenge of establishing myself in a new country". She's not trying to go back in time as well as place, as so many returnees do.

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I grew up in Western Queensland and the Gold Coast and here I am 40 years later utterly loving a cold frosty UK winter's morning for a run and workout! Figure that out.


Like you say, the weather, the seasons and the feelings they bring with them is one of the reasons why we moved back.


Perth's weather was truly awful and limiting most of the year.

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I grew up in Western Queensland and the Gold Coast and here I am 40 years later utterly loving a cold frosty UK winter's morning for a run and workout! Figure that out.


LOL, I'm the total opposite and love the heat after 30 odd years of cold, frosty mornings. I must admit this is why i do sometimes worry my kids when grown will feel like yourself and return but i guess we can't hold their hands forever and if they want to explore i would back them all i could...


Cal x

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Thank you. This is my first blog. I thought it would be nice record for me to keep, inform my relatives overseas what is happening (and when I get to England my family and friends here how I am settling in). Then I thought setting down my stumbling blocks and discoveries might help someone else who decides to move back so I'd encourage you to share it (although I discovered that you need to put the link in the signature and not in the main post).


It is a risk and I am trying to keep as many bridges un-burnt as possible. Some people do extreme sport - I do extreme living! As for the weather my internal thermostat never adjusted to Aussie weather. Even in the middle of winter here I am the one in short sleeves, sitting in front of the fan, sweating like a pig (although come to think of it have you ever seen a pig sweat? I wonder where that phrase came from).

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Guest The Pom Queen
Thank you. This is my first blog. I thought it would be nice record for me to keep, inform my relatives overseas what is happening (and when I get to England my family and friends here how I am settling in). Then I thought setting down my stumbling blocks and discoveries might help someone else who decides to move back so I'd encourage you to share it (although I discovered that you need to put the link in the signature and not in the main post).

Why don't you copy some of the information on here as I'm sure people would love to be able to chat about it.

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Good luck on your new adventure! I don't think you're mad in the least! You will certainly have more opportunity for adventuring! The weather is so much better for being out walking! If you're heading for my neck of the woods I'd be happy to catch up for coffee and share adventure stories!


As a history nut I hope to spend time visiting different parts of the UK when I can so I will take you up on your offer when I'm in that area and we can compare stories. I know that there will be days where I miss Australia. I often tell people here that when you have lived in 2 countries you always miss the country you're not in, so it would be good to chat with another ex-Aussie.

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I just love your comment 'when you've lived in 2 countries you miss the one you're not in...', you could not have said it better and so much lovlier than 'bashing the country you're not in...' (All too common unfortunately), I wish you the absolute best on your new adventures, please do keep in touch with us on PIO and tell us all about your journey xxxx

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I agree whole heartedly with what Jessie 123 said there will be so much you miss about Oz but that won't stop you taking in what's on offer in the UK We went to the Lake District last year for a week first time since I was a child and loved every minute of it it's is so beautiful But we have also done the Adelaide to Melbourne Great Ocean road trip and guess what lived every minute of it

Just be sure to do your homework prior to leaving Dianne as in yes you may have the right of abode in the UK but that desist mean you have residency that's a seperate issue We were put through hoops for that despite the fact we were not claiming UK benefits what we tried to claim was a rates reduction because we were under the income threshold

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I agree whole heartedly with what Jessie 123 said there will be so much you miss about Oz but that won't stop you taking in what's on offer in the UK We went to the Lake District last year for a week first time since I was a child and loved every minute of it it's is so beautiful But we have also done the Adelaide to Melbourne Great Ocean road trip and guess what lived every minute of it

Just be sure to do your homework prior to leaving Dianne as in yes you may have the right of abode in the UK but that desist mean you have residency that's a seperate issue We were put through hoops for that despite the fact we were not claiming UK benefits what we tried to claim was a rates reduction because we were under the income threshold


Would I need to apply for residency when I am British citizen?

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I will be checking out Pomsinoz regularly. I may be enjoying the challenge of setting up in a new country but I am determined to do it as easily and correctly as possible so everyone's advice is very useful to me. I am also checking other people's questions to see if any of my research will aid them, however in the future I will certainly include snippets of my blog if you think that everyone will be interested in it. The reason I set up the blog is because as my friends know when I get my teeth into a project I want to become well informed on the subject and tend to immerse myself in it to the point of boring them all silly with all my comments so I thought this way they could choose when and where I drone on :wink:

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