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Reasonable visa fees for over 50's transferring from a 457 to pr


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While I have some sympathy for individuals impacted by these fees, they are deliberately high to act as a deterrent to those over 50 being about to stay in Aust on a permanent basis if they haven't already qualified for PR. While it is sad for individuals the Govt has a responsibility to act in the best interests of Aust rather than those wishing to live here.

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A 457 is only a tempory visa so no one on one should call Australia home. If the family can't bear to be separated then the Children and Grandchildren should move back to the UK to be together. Australia has the right to cherry pick who they deem as most desirable as harsh as that sounds. Most migrants leave behind family and cannot expect to bring the whole family with them. The whole idea of allowing migrants to come was to shore up an aging population not to add to it.

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There is a clear reason for the fees. At least there is a route. If you were trying to join your children in the UK there is no visa for Parents from outside the EU unless they are dependent on their children (and that isn't easy to get).


The fees are very high, and I do sympathise but this would have been known all along.

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But $100.000 + is a lot of cash to collect.
Yes it is but unfortunately that is the fee for the visa. You have been here for 5 years, thats quite a long time to save for it. If this was the plan to stay the whole family could have been contributing to savings.
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Over 50's can get PR if the skill they have is really in demand otherwise Australia obviously deems that the benefits of having you stay don't outweigh the costs. If you return to the UK you'd be able to claim back your Super you've accrued in all that time. Could you not then use this to put toward the CPV?

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I don't believe the OP wants the fees to be as low as other visas, but to at least have some reduction as they have been paying into the system before applying. Unfortunately they are two completely different visa streams and so no progression from the 457 to parent visa exists.


They are in a difficult position and moving back to save and apply for a CPV will also cost a fair bit!


Options are pretty limited. I guess another 457 might help them to stay until they are eligible for the onshore aged parent visa though.

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Australia doesn't want old people, that's why they make it so expensive. 8 years paying tax is a drop in the ocean compared to a lifetime of working here, the visa cost doesn't work on a reduced visa payment, how impossible that would be.

It's unrealistic to expect visas to be tailored to individuals needs.

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Yes, it just would be great if as we have worked so far for 5 years and not been a burden on the Government that another protocol was in place to transfer into PR. Still plenty of work left in us to contribute to the Country,


Yes I'm sure you will, but we all get old and you are no exception, I'm afraid. Thanks to modern medicine we all live a lot longer, but we don't live longer healthy - and most of us die of some kind of illness which may require prolonged care in our last days, months or even years.


Even if you work till you're 70, the equation doesn't add up - what if you live till you're 90, there's no way your 20 years of taxes will pay for 20 years of medical treatment, aged care, pensioner subsidies etc. That leaves me, the Australian taxpayer, to pick up the bill.


I do feel sorry for people who find themselves in this situation but on the other hand, I can see why the Australian government feels it's necessary.

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