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Where's the Perth summer?


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We have family landing next Friday and have told them they will melt as soon as they leave the airport, since early November it's been like the best UK summer ever clear blue skies and mid 20's!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the proper heat to kick in :cool: Ocean is still a perfect temp though.

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For the last 10 years or so I think Summer in Perth has moved forward to start in Jan.. the seasons have moved.. interesting when reading about traditional aboriginal knowledge of Perth seasons apparently there were 7-8 seasons showing that our need to apply traditional western european seasons to everywhere we populate does not quite hold true.. its going to be a long hot summer though.. perhaps ending around end of march..

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It is odd. In am in the WA outback and we should be in the 40's now. But it has been only in the 20's. Not complaining though



Have you ever done your own prospecting vs? My parents have a friend who does and he's had some nice finds. Thought being a geologist you might have greater insight to where the shiney stuff is?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Summer seems to have arrived now though. Jeez... temperatures in the last week sure have been pretty warm. Summer seems to have made a late entry in WA though. I read somewhere that the weather experts did predict a scorching summer though, so I reckon we'll experience a very hot Jan and Feb. #jumpinthepool

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We have family landing next Friday and have told them they will melt as soon as they leave the airport, since early November it's been like the best UK summer ever clear blue skies and mid 20's!!!!!!!!! Can't wait for the proper heat to kick in :cool: Ocean is still a perfect temp though.


No idea to what you refer. High thirties today as it was yesterday with plenty of thirties preceding that. Yes has been more overcast and humid past few days than usual and a few more days of high twenties than normal( Christmas Day for example) but hardly akin to a UK mid 20's summer.

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No idea to what you refer. High thirties today as it was yesterday with plenty of thirties preceding that. Yes has been more overcast and humid past few days than usual and a few more days of high twenties than normal( Christmas Day for example) but hardly akin to a UK mid 20's summer.



I was there two weeks in November and there were many hot days over thirty. I did hear there was respite after I left though.

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I was there two weeks in November and there were many hot days over thirty. I did hear there was respite after I left though.


I think it is agreed that it hasn't been the usual stinker considered the norm for time of year. Mid twenties though is calling it a bit too low. I found summer kicked in earlier this season. I had more days at the beach in October than normal.


39 tomorrow for the record. Hardly the arrival of the ice age yet though I admit nobody has claimed as much.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We've just celebrated our 4th Xmas/new year here in Perth. Must admit I'm finding this up/down weather a bit strange!!


never known it to be like it it has been. Summer was summer, hot, hot hot. What's with the more autumn feeling days.

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We've just celebrated our 4th Xmas/new year here in Perth. Must admit I'm finding this up/down weather a bit strange!!


never known it to be like it it has been. Summer was summer, hot, hot hot. What's with the more autumn feeling days.


I think your summer came here. We have had weeks of warm, sunny weather. Been swimming in the sea most days. We really need good rainfall now though.

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I think your summer came here. We have had weeks of warm, sunny weather. Been swimming in the sea most days. We really need good rainfall now though.


Not complaining really, just used to temps near or above 40 at this time of year. Today its mid 20s with cloud and drizzle. Seems weird.

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Not complaining really, just used to temps near or above 40 at this time of year. Today its mid 20s with cloud and drizzle. Seems weird.


Bet you're glad it's not 40 or above though Fifi? It reached 32C here one day and that was far too hot for me! Today it's mid 20s and sunny.

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I'm quite enjoying the weather, I'm not sure why anybody wants 40oc all the time lol. So if this is a bit cooler than normal then I'm glad. Although this morning I woke up freezing because it had dropped to 20, I even turned the van off. Down south was the same - one minute it felt warm at 30's then the next thing it was 20 and I'd be freezing. Always up and down

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