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How's Corbachev doing these days?


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Not sure we're you get the suffragets as being terrorists , I thought that was about women having the right to vote I don't recall them killing women and children in their cause .

i think you have answered my question by not answering , really don't get how somebody can condone terrorist organisations maybe you should spend a week in Warrington and tell the people there that it was ok what the IRA did .

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Well if you mean they will brutally kill anyone who does not follow radical Islam, that has never surprised anyone has it ?


If that is what you mean I give you a prize for stating the bleeding obvious.

The bleeding obvious is that however much the military fanfare their pinpoint accurate bombing civilians will and are dying as a result and this continues to radicalise uncommitted people and legitimates for those new radicals any act of violence that they can perpetrate against the enemy, which in this case is us, the point I am making is that this is going to be a war that doesn't just happen in some fly blown desert town in Syria it's going to be fought increasingly in our countries on our doorsteps and are we all signed up to that and is that what we want and more importantly, have the gungho politicians thought of that and have they thought of how they are going to extricate us from it if it does all go horribly wrong and is the west willing yet again to commit the army to another gruelling campaign costing lives.

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Not sure we're you get the suffragets as being terrorists , I thought that was about women having the right to vote I don't recall them killing women and children in their cause .

i think you have answered my question by not answering , really don't get how somebody can condone terrorist organisations maybe you should spend a week in Warrington and tell the people there that it was ok what the IRA did .


Funny that, I answered your question very directly but you didn't answer mine.


And, by the way, the British Government in the past considered the Americans demanding independence, the suffragettes, the ANC etc as terrorist organisations.


Some of the Acts committed by both sides in the troubles are indefensible but history will probably look more favourably on the IRA's aims I suspect. It could be argued that it was ultimately only the bombing campaigns on the UK mainland that eventually created a will on both sides to reach an agreement. If Britain could have contained all the killing in the province then UK voters could have been in blissful ignorance.


As indeed, many still are.

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Why do you refuse to answer whether or not you are a muslim ?


An all you ever do is answer a question with a question back. You never answer a question. And usually they are simple questions.


Just like you had no answer about what the world should have done about Hitler in WW2.

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Why do you refuse to answer whether or not you are a muslim ?


An all you ever do is answer a question with a question back. You never answer a question. And usually they are simple questions.


Just like you had no answer about what the world should have done about Hitler in WW2.


I am definitely not a muslim. The question was not relevant.


Funny that you never answer any questions, perhaps because they are more relevant and pertinent than your specious questions.

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Funny that, I answered your question very directly but you didn't answer mine.


And, by the way, the British Government in the past considered the Americans demanding independence, the suffragettes, the ANC etc as terrorist organisations.


Some of the Acts committed by both sides in the troubles are indefensible but history will probably look more favourably on the IRA's aims I suspect. It could be argued that it was ultimately only the bombing campaigns on the UK mainland that eventually created a will on both sides to reach an agreement. If Britain could have contained all the killing in the province then UK voters could have been in blissful ignorance.


As indeed, many still are.



You have been listening to too many MP's never answer a question with a straight yes or no always with waffle you still avoid the question that I asked that you , respecting IRA terrorists is ok ,not interested in what the governments of the time view is this is a direct question to you maybe you could answer for yourself as I said before by not answering you have answered.

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You have been listening to too many MP's never answer a question with a straight yes or no always with waffle you still avoid the question that I asked that you , respecting IRA terrorists is ok ,not interested in what the governments of the time view is this is a direct question to you maybe you could answer for yourself as I said before by not answering you have answered.


Personally I don't respect anyone who takes the life of (or advocates the same) people who are going about their lawful business whichever side they are on. Hope that clears up any ambiguity for you.

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You have been listening to too many MP's never answer a question with a straight yes or no always with waffle you still avoid the question that I asked that you , respecting IRA terrorists is ok ,not interested in what the governments of the time view is this is a direct question to you maybe you could answer for yourself as I said before by not answering you have answered.


Whatever the label at the time and the wrong doings on both sides the end results somehow speak for themselves.

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Why would you presume that? Do you mean that only a muslim could be opposed to bombing Syria? I think that it is a bit odd to infer that all non-muslims are in favour of bombing Syria.


Of course it is. Outrageous to claim otherwise. The number of tin hat, arm chair generals on here is amusing. One thing the Middle East conflict is not Black and White. It is Muslim fighting Muslim and an assortment of Muslims and Non Muslims both for and against the bombing from the air.

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Just answer the question. You are so frustrating you can never answer a question with a straight answer.


If someone is a vocal supporter of ISIS, it is reasonable to assume they are a Muslim isn't it ?


You should really phrase your question and answer differently. But the answer is no as a good per cent of people do not want to partake in another futile air bombing exercise. However exciting it is for you.

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Will Corbyn have to resign given 67 of his own party voted against his position.


Nah, even if today's by-election is a win for UKIP, he'll hang on I recon. He's waited a long time for a sniff, he'll not give it up easy.


And the election could be close.




But if you were a Tory voter in this, would you swap to UKIP to give Labour a kicking, or keep voting blue, to keep him in opposition?


I think this speech by Hillary Benn, could be the start of a proper opposition.


Youtube :-



Audio :-


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The bleeding obvious is that however much the military fanfare their pinpoint accurate bombing civilians will and are dying as a result and this continues to radicalise uncommitted people and legitimates for those new radicals any act of violence that they can perpetrate against the enemy, which in this case is us, the point I am making is that this is going to be a war that doesn't just happen in some fly blown desert town in Syria it's going to be fought increasingly in our countries on our doorsteps and are we all signed up to that and is that what we want and more importantly, have the gungho politicians thought of that and have they thought of how they are going to extricate us from it if it does all go horribly wrong and is the west willing yet again to commit the army to another gruelling campaign costing lives.



The response will be swift and deafening I fear.


I'm not opposed to the use of force, I even think it's necessary.


I just happen to think that if you are going to war, you should have agreement of your objective with those you are going to war with, you should have a plan of how to achieve those objectives, and you should also have a plan for the peace.


We're going to war in the hope that it will reduce terrorism at home. It won't, as we will very shortly see. Isis are here. They will have a plan. I'm not intending on going to any major UK city in the near future.

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