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How's Corbachev doing these days?


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Britain has not made an irrevocable shift to the right; Most people in Britain favour a middle-of-the-road position and if either main party shifts too far to right or left they lose their appeal. The sort of pacificism that Corbyn favours involves Britain unilaterally disarming. It does not matter what situation Britain is in; he will always oppose going to war.


Didn't Corbyn refuse to follow the Labour Pary line on hundreds of issues when he was an "ordinary" MP? I'd love to know what those issues were?


The UK has to stop thinking its a world power, we were once with a empire that provided the the economic power to be that player, well we aren't now, and the consequence is we have a stark choice, keep on with that illusion and have the poorest health and social welfare in western Europe or get real, stop spending money on offensive weapons and reverse our social decline back from becoming some kind of cheap parody of the US with families living in one room and depending on foodbanks.

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The UK has to stop thinking its a world power, we were once with a empire that provided the the economic power to be that player, well we aren't now, and the consequence is we have a stark choice, keep on with that illusion and have the poorest health and social welfare in western Europe or get real, stop spending money on offensive weapons and reverse our social decline back from becoming some kind of cheap parody of the US with families living in one room and depending on foodbanks.

We may not be a "world power" but then who is. Apart from the USA? Russia is but many of its people live in poverty, likewise India and China. We are on a par with France, Germany, Italy


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If you are right then the UK should immediately stop all unskilled immigration inciudung refugees becsuse we are unable to pay for them.


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Immigration is only a side issue to the main one of de-industrialization and imperial overreach coupled with over dependence on a poorly regulated financial sector.

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Immigration is only a side issue to the main one of de-industrialization and imperial overreach coupled with over dependence on a poorly regulated financial sector.

Sounds depressing if you are Living in the UK. I thought that Britain withdrew from empire long ago and our foreign adventures are mostly as allies with the USA, or UN-led.


All those people still want to live in the UK too, including many from our former colonies.


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Not a good look Jeremy.


I think he needs a queer eye for the straight guy.





Got nothing against Jeremy corbyn .....i admire his consistent stance on Syria ,Iraq and Afghanistan .

My only observation ,we are getting a new inclusive,free ,democratic labour party ...correct ?

So why has he laid down the whip and told his mps that they must vote with him in the upcoming vote on Syria ?

Instead of giving them the requested FREE vote ,where regardless of your party ,you are allowed to vote for or against bombing Isis in Syria .

Its only an observation.

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Got nothing against Jeremy corbyn .....i admire his consistent stance on Syria ,Iraq and Afghanistan .

My only observation ,we are getting a new inclusive,free ,democratic labour party ...correct ?

So why has he laid down the whip and told his mps that they must vote with him in the upcoming vote on Syria ?

Instead of giving them the requested FREE vote ,where regardless of your party ,you are allowed to vote for or against bombing Isis in Syria .

Its only an observation.

Particularly when you consider the number of times he has voted against his own party, looks like he's a do as I say and not a do as I do.

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Particularly when you consider the number of times he has voted against his own party, looks like he's a do as I say and not a do as I do.


So they tell us. I tend to believe it is a Captain's choice on the matter. The likelihood is the majority of the population do want condone military action. Corbyn has always been against outside adventurism. Also Corbyn needs to make a stand against the Blairites, seemingly out to destroy his leadership at every turn.

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Not a good look Jeremy.


I think he needs a queer eye for the straight guy.




He looks fine to me. Many a Briton could identify with his casualness in regard to clothing and attire. Refreshing. You don't seriously suggest dressing like a spiv, somehow gives him grater credibility?

You have brought up the issue of his dress before, so in all likelihood you probably do.

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Sounds depressing if you are Living in the UK. I thought that Britain withdrew from empire long ago and our foreign adventures are mostly as allies with the USA, or UN-led.


All those people still want to live in the UK too, including many from our former colonies.


Sent from my D6653 using Tapatalk


Not forgetting the hundreds of thousands that vacate every year. UK one of many nations in the migrant preferred destinations. English language of course makes it more desirable for many.

Britain still enters interventions like the Iraq conflict having the second largest contribution on the ground. Far exceeds those of Germany and France and especially Italy.

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He's on a loser whatever happens with the bombing vote, the Tories have done him like a kipper.


Lets see shall we. The united media have interest in making him look poor. First leader of either party to take the concerns of ordinary people and raise them in parliament. The Tories are running scared. They are pushing the most hard line policy since Thatcher, ever harder. I don't see the Tories haven done anything apart from adding to the angst of ordinary people.

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Lets see shall we. The united media have interest in making him look poor. First leader of either party to take the concerns of ordinary people and raise them in parliament. The Tories are running scared. They are pushing the most hard line policy since Thatcher, ever harder. I don't see the Tories haven done anything apart from adding to the angst of ordinary people.

True, this Government should be deeply unpopular, yet, if there were an election today, in all likelihood the Tories would win, doesn't say much for the opposition does it.

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I found this interesting, more so because I haven’t seen much reference to it in the media. Headlines suggesting grass root support for Corbyn and Labour is probably not part of the current political agenda though.




Not part of many agenda's unfortunately. The Right and associated media will continue an ever ongoing policy to discredit Labour at every turn. It's a well oiled and well financed attack. I mean people criticising his dress since. As if Saville Row cloth wearers represent virtue.

Akin to saying 'I don't mind being coned, just as long as the conman dresses appropriately'. Sad really.

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True, this Government should be deeply unpopular, yet, if there were an election today, in all likelihood the Tories would win, doesn't say much for the opposition does it.


Well not necessary. It shows that the Westminster System can be hard to dislodge a government in place. Besides I'd hazard a guess that many a Briton already feels disenchanted and disfranchised by the system as stands.

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Well not necessary. It shows that the Westminster System can be hard to dislodge a government in place. Besides I'd hazard a guess that many a Briton already feels disenchanted and disfranchised by the system as stands.

Probably do, but there is not one scrap of evidence to suggest they see the current Labour party as the answer, Jezza could be the best thing that's ever happemd to UKip.

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Probably do, but there is not one scrap of evidence to suggest they see the current Labour party as the answer, Jezza could be the best thing that's ever happemd to UKip.


I have read some contrary to mainstream press info. But I accept the chip, chipping away in earnest by the relevant influence makers. can only impact in the negative to the average voter that doesn't have the time/ inclination/ desire to probe more deeply.


Usually in such times the forces of the Right take up the slack. UKIP running a populist campaign may increase its number of votes, but like Labour will find it difficult to win the seats under the prevailing system.


UK may well be condemned to the ongoing experiment of Tory ideology, which sadly will change that nation for ever if fully implemented. It does seem those at present at the helm want to take Britain, to places where even Thatcher feared to thread.

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You can get 8-1 on Jezza being next PM flag, could be a good time to top up the pension fund, get in quick before Harpo bets his house on it and ruins the odds.


I'm not a betting man. In fact I don't have high hopes of what should happen actually happening. Not my business anymore. If I had to live there, the closest I'd probably come would be Ireland. (outside of mainland Europe obviously)

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I have read some contrary to mainstream press info. But I accept the chip, chipping away in earnest by the relevant influence makers. can only impact in the negative to the average voter that doesn't have the time/ inclination/ desire to probe more deeply.


Usually in such times the forces of the Right take up the slack. UKIP running a populist campaign may increase its number of votes, but like Labour will find it difficult to win the seats under the prevailing system.


UK may well be condemned to the ongoing experiment of Tory ideology, which sadly will change that nation for ever if fully implemented. It does seem those at present at the helm want to take Britain, to places where even Thatcher feared to thread.

We can only hope Labour will become electable eventually.

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I'm not a betting man. In fact I don't have high hopes of what should happen actually happening. Not my business anymore. If I had to live there, the closest I'd probably come would be Ireland. (outside of mainland Europe obviously)


Stay away from anywhere with a right-wing democratic government,eh?. What are the bread and circuses the Tories give to the proles to keep them happy?

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