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How's Corbachev doing these days?


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Has he settled into the role?


Have the right wing press managed to tear him limb from limb yet?


Is he a joke figure?


Has the sky fallen in?






Unbiased answers please, from people who actually know what they're talking about, thanks in advance

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He's doing great from my observations. I'm enjoying the increasingly ludicrous and transparent media attempts to annihilate him. The are doing him more good than bad. Tories running scared. I'm enjoying his interactive persona, I follow him on FB and he is very inspiring. Keep up the good work JC.

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Has he settled into the role?


Have the right wing press managed to tear him limb from limb yet?


Is he a joke figure?


Has the sky fallen in?






Unbiased answers please, from people who actually know what they're talking about, thanks in advance


Corbachev? Don't you mean Cobotrot? Or Corbolenin, perhaps? Gorbachev led Russia OUT of the 'Unpromised Land!'

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Not having any impact in Scotland as far as I can see - funny just talking about this last night with friends and none can imagine ever voting Labour again (all SNP) despite Corbyn. I think he needs to get a grip of his own party before having any chance of success, as for the media well they are just exposing themselves for what they really are - they'll all go out of business before too long replaced by FB/Twitter feeds from UNILad and the like (well they have as much factual content!)

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Has he settled into the role?


Have the right wing press managed to tear him limb from limb yet?


Is he a joke figure?


Has the sky fallen in?






Unbiased answers please, from people who actually know what they're talking about, thanks in advance


No one is taking any notice ....

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He doesn't need to do much if Cameron keeps shooting himself in the foot.


Politics aside ,can you really see corbyn representing Britain on the world stage in his sandals .

He has some great policies ,and I admire his principles ,but Cameron leaves him standing as a statesman ....and people just don't trust labours economic management

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Politics aside ,can you really see corbyn representing Britain on the world stage in his sandals .

He has some great policies ,and I admire his principles ,but Cameron leaves him standing as a statesman ....and people just don't trust labours economic management



Is that because the tabloids tell them so? If bob hawke was accepted on the world stage, corbyn shouldn't be hard.

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Is that because the tabloids tell them so? If bob hawke was accepted on the world stage, corbyn shouldn't be hard.


With all due respect being leader of the u.k ,carries far more weight and responsibility than being pm of oz ..


Sorry but it does...we are in the G8 ...we are at the top table .


Bob Hawke was a great pm for oz ,the way an Aussie pm should be ..." Bit of a lad ".....


I would rather have bob than most of them .


Put bob on the top table ....a few stubbies....calling Putin a ****** and Cameron a pommie ****** ...now that's entertainment


Bob was a class act

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Politics aside ,can you really see corbyn representing Britain on the world stage in his sandals .

He has some great policies ,and I admire his principles ,but Cameron leaves him standing as a statesman ....and people just don't trust labours economic management

Maybe he would be good for Britain? Have we ever had a PM like him before? Have any similar countries to us had a PM and government like him? With real power who knows what might happen? Power corrupts? Perhaps he'd nationalise everything and it woukd be wonderful? British Leyland lives again.

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With all due respect being leader of the u.k ,carries far more weight and responsibility than being pm of oz ..


Sorry but it does...we are in the G8 ...we are at the top table .


Bob Hawke was a great pm for oz ,the way an Aussie pm should be ..." Bit of a lad ".....


I would rather have bob than most of them .


Put bob on the top table ....a few stubbies....calling Putin a ****** and Cameron a pommie ****** ...now that's entertainment


Bob was a class act

With all due respect means with no respect! Not G8 but G20 and with an economy and lifestyle the equal of Britain's. With all due respect not many Aussies emigrate to Britain.

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He's doing great from my observations. I'm enjoying the increasingly ludicrous and transparent media attempts to annihilate him. The are doing him more good than bad. Tories running scared. I'm enjoying his interactive persona, I follow him on FB and he is very inspiring. Keep up the good work JC.


Top bloke. A real breath of fresh air. Put the wind up those annoying bluies of the misguided right at the same time.

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Is that because the tabloids tell them so? If bob hawke was accepted on the world stage, corbyn shouldn't be hard.


Hawke was a sell out as are most Australian politicians. Sure Hawke sold himself as the 'working class' bloke scenario but for the image. I didn't care much for the man personally. Even if didn't live in Australia at the time.


Corbyn stands head and shoulders above Hawke in his genuine compassion and socialist ideals. Regardless of the feasibility of some. I do believe he is as much the 'real article ' as ever likely to find.

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Corbyn stands head and shoulders above Hawke in his genuine compassion and socialist ideals.

And that's more than likely the exact reason he'll not get anywhere.


And articles like this make him appear weak :-



And I know the 'tragedy' of Bin Laden's death put a lot of noses out (even though that's not exactly what he said).

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And that's more than likely the exact reason he'll not get anywhere.


And articles like this make him appear weak :-



And I know the 'tragedy' of Bin Laden's death put a lot of noses out (even though that's not exactly what he said).


Regardless of what the political machine make of events, the truth being he articulates the concerns of ordinary people. Something the right have long lost in their rush to snuggle up to the banks and big end of town.

The façade has long been exposed and people are looking for some sense of hope. Corbyn is definitely batting on their side but the forces mounted against him are substantial.

That is why the appearance of him merely treading water, rather than making ripples, indeed waves , all to often appears to be the case.

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Hawke was a sell out as are most Australian politicians. Sure Hawke sold himself as the 'working class' bloke scenario but for the image. I didn't care much for the man personally. Even if didn't live in Australia at the time.


Corbyn stands head and shoulders above Hawke in his genuine compassion and socialist ideals. Regardless of the feasibility of some. I do believe he is as much the 'real article ' as ever likely to find.


Corbyn may stand head and shoulders above Hawke as a politician .

He may be principled and articulate .

But corbyns biggest enemy is corbyn .

Everytime he gets some traction ,the powers that be will roll out one of his old speeches.

Even today its in the papers that he said ...he would shoot terrorists but not to kill .


I remember Britain in the 70s under labour .....grey and brown Britain ...strikes every other week ...the death of Leyland .


Big business would run a mile if Corbyn got anywhere near no 10 .....china has just signed £30 billion worth of trade deals here ,and India £14 billion in the last fortnight .


Iam fully aware what big business is doing to the planet ...**** wages etc ...but its marginally better than the 1970s

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Corbyn may stand head and shoulders above Hawke as a politician .

He may be principled and articulate .

But corbyns biggest enemy is corbyn .

Everytime he gets some traction ,the powers that be will roll out one of his old speeches.

Even today its in the papers that he said ...he would shoot terrorists but not to kill .


I remember Britain in the 70s under labour .....grey and brown Britain ...strikes every other week ...the death of Leyland .


Big business would run a mile if Corbyn got anywhere near no 10 .....china has just signed £30 billion worth of trade deals here ,and India £14 billion in the last fortnight .


Iam fully aware what big business is doing to the planet ...**** wages etc ...but its marginally better than the 1970s


I don't agree. That is the message they may want to get out but the reality lays elsewhere. I don't necessary agree it is marginally better than the 70's at all.


The economic system almost collapsed how is that better? How is high personal debt due to it being cheap a good thing. Why can I not afford to live in Central London in 2015 but I could in 1978?

Why is London unaffordable to most apart from very high earners? Just what is better? Got me.

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