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There's something about the red dirt that I love. The people have been really friendly so far - the girls invited me straight out for drinks and then when I came back me and one of the girls had a movie night.


The bad points are it's a lot rougher than my last pub. Already tonight we've had a woman try and break in. She just climbed the fence like a ninja. So I'm not feeling that safe tonight but hopefully I'll get used to it

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Hopefully it's not a regular occurrence..(the break ins)... I used to put all my valuables in a wee bag under my pillow I slept on.. Lol. I have to say I do miss sunset.... Such a gorgeous view into the water.... Not awake early enough for sunset... Yet. Hope job ok, save up and enjoy planning next bits xx

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I think they are fairly regular, one of the rooms got broken into and they took absolutely everything. At night I keep my door locked and the curtains shut so that they can't see in but during the day they wouldn't jump the gate because people are around

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I think they are fairly regular, one of the rooms got broken into and they took absolutely everything. At night I keep my door locked and the curtains shut so that they can't see in but during the day they wouldn't jump the gate because people are around


Who are 'they' and why are they such thieving so and so's?

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"They" are aboriginal people and some of them here just want to steal and cause trouble. We were walking home from the party and there was a guy absolutely screaming stuff. Saying if someone didn't come back and pick him up he was going do riot. Then later that night the girl jumped the fence. They've sorted that out though, I don't think she's ever done it before so I think she's got a fright now she's caught. But other people have broke into the hotel rooms and stole absolutely everything. We get a lot of aboriginal people come into the pub. I had 2 women whistle at me like a dog last night, I won't be taking that again off anyone. Met some nice aboriginal people here too though, it's just mixed like any other group.


Some of the other customers are rude too, they definitely aren't as friendly as people in my last place. More interested in their drink than talking to the barmaids lol. There's a guy from Glasgow in town so that was quite funny. I met a really nice Canadian guy too

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"They" are aboriginal people and some of them here just want to steal and cause trouble. We were walking home from the party and there was a guy absolutely screaming stuff. Saying if someone didn't come back and pick him up he was going do riot. Then later that night the girl jumped the fence. They've sorted that out though, I don't think she's ever done it before so I think she's got a fright now she's caught. But other people have broke into the hotel rooms and stole absolutely everything. We get a lot of aboriginal people come into the pub. I had 2 women whistle at me like a dog last night, I won't be taking that again off anyone. Met some nice aboriginal people here too though, it's just mixed like any other group.


Some of the other customers are rude too, they definitely aren't as friendly as people in my last place. More interested in their drink than talking to the barmaids lol. There's a guy from Glasgow in town so that was quite funny. I met a really nice Canadian guy too


When I had a job in a pub years and years ago (in Perth) one of the customers used to sit and read the horse racing pages and when he wanted another drink, never even looked up just snapped his fingers. To start with I gave him another of his usual but in the end I told him to use some manners and ask me for a top up. He did after that and when I left the pub he bought me a lovely big bunch of flowers. He was a right grumpy so and so but nice underneath all the grumpiness.


You always meet the good and the bad in pub work. :cute:

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That was like my grumpy guy last time lol. Made me cry the first week and used to shout oiiii at me or say stupid stuff like "look at your eyes girl" but then we ended up liking each other and he bought me a drink before I left lol. I got asked when was the last time I had sex by a old drunk guy last night. I was like eurghhhh. I made it clear that I wasn't impressed and I think my boss maybe said something to him or he just realised he shouldn't have said it but I got a proper apology

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Congratulations hon in finding another opportunity. I hope it works out for you as well as the last place in WA that you worked.


We are over in NZ at the moment in Queenstown. Definitely do not dismiss this place....its paradise and there appear to be a lot of backpacker opportunities (businesses employing backpackers)...loads of hostels etc...and loads to do!



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"They" are aboriginal people and some of them here just want to steal and cause trouble. We were walking home from the party and there was a guy absolutely screaming stuff. Saying if someone didn't come back and pick him up he was going do riot. Then later that night the girl jumped the fence. They've sorted that out though, I don't think she's ever done it before so I think she's got a fright now she's caught. But other people have broke into the hotel rooms and stole absolutely everything. We get a lot of aboriginal people come into the pub. I had 2 women whistle at me like a dog last night, I won't be taking that again off anyone. Met some nice aboriginal people here too though, it's just mixed like any other group.


Some of the other customers are rude too, they definitely aren't as friendly as people in my last place. More interested in their drink than talking to the barmaids lol. There's a guy from Glasgow in town so that was quite funny. I met a really nice Canadian guy too

If you working in a bar you need to learn to be very thick skinned and take what's said on the chin

Remember too that the way they come across may often seem abrupt to any one from overseas but that it's just the way they are

Just excercise caution in all ways as there is always the good with the bad

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Yeah I had some pretty abrupt people today from the group I mentioned. The barmaid told them to be a bit nicer to me so most of them were. I'm 99% sure I can hear banging on the gate again the now but I've text the other barmaid and she hasn't answered so I'm just ignoring the noise, my doors locked

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Congratulations hon in finding another opportunity. I hope it works out for you as well as the last place in WA that you worked.


We are over in NZ at the moment in Queenstown. Definitely do not dismiss this place....its paradise and there appear to be a lot of backpacker opportunities (businesses employing backpackers)...loads of hostels etc...and loads to do!


im definitely going to queenstown! It looks beautiful. I just can't decide to do 2 months in NZ from October or wether to go home for Christmas and then go to New Zealand after new year

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im definitely going to queenstown! It looks beautiful. I just can't decide to do 2 months in NZ from October or wether to go home for Christmas and then go to New Zealand after new year


I guess the main issue is money see how much cash you have come October and then decide. The great thing backpacking is you can make decisions last minute :)


I hope the current job/place gets easier.

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im definitely going to queenstown! It looks beautiful. I just can't decide to do 2 months in NZ from October or wether to go home for Christmas and then go to New Zealand after new year


You'd really like Queenstown Stacey. Beautiful scenery and loads of young people working there. It's a big tourist destination.

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It's cheap to look at the scenery but Queenstown is very much an activity place and those activities aren't cheap. For a Jet boat ride we went on the Skippers Canyon one, you get to see a bit more scenery on the included drive to get there especially along the dirt road ( hire cars are not allowed - car hire company rules) and see some Lord of the Rings stuff too (or pay for a separate tour for Lord ring stuff with other operators) included in our Jet boat price was a little mining museum and gold panning tour, you keep the gold too!

Having a car will really help in seeing the greater must see scenic area and small towns, some of which don't get much of a mention in any brochures.

We have been there in Spring and summer, with, in our opinion, spring being the far better time, it was greener, all the lambs and flowers about along with a bit more snow on the mountains (snow melt needed for the Milford Sound waterfalls).


Milford Sound would also be best self driving rather than a tour bus, you can also pick your own day to suit the best weather then get on a boat once there (pre-book in busy season) take your own lunch the ones on the boats are not worth the money.

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I just think it looks nice but I'm not into bungee jumping or anything like that so maybe it would be wasted on me. A kiwi here told me 5 weeks was enough to see both islands but if I've got the money i would do 2 months. If not then I'll just have to go home and come back

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I just think it looks nice but I'm not into bungee jumping or anything like that so maybe it would be wasted on me. A kiwi here told me 5 weeks was enough to see both islands but if I've got the money i would do 2 months. If not then I'll just have to go home and come back


I'd try and do it all while you're on this side of the world (before going home). Early summer is a great time to be there and NZ is incredible. It'll give you a good taste and then you can always do a year WHV there if you love it enough. I think to properly explore you need 2 months but 5 weeks would be adequate if thats all you can afford. If I had a partner and family I'd move to NZ in a heartbeat.

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You can see both islands from a plane too! you can also go out onto the lake Wakatipu turn 360 deg and you have seen the nice scenery of Queenstown! it all depends how much one wants to explore the places, because seeing and exloring are completely different. For us 5 weeks may just about get most of the South Island covered but there would remain a lingering feeling that we had missed something.

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I really want to be home for Christmas so I either have to leave Australia at some point in October to go over and be back in the UK for Christmas. Or I just stay in Australia till the very start of November then go home to Scotland and then maybe work for a few months then go back over on a working holiday to New Zealand. I guess I'll have to see what money is even like. I thought this place would be easy to save in but for someone who doesn't drink often I've been easily distracted by alcohol here :laugh: although my drinking buddy signed a contract last night saying if she touches alcohol within these 3 months here she's handing over all of her tips. I think I'm going to be rich soon haha

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I'll find a travel buddy. There's so many adverts of people looking for someone to share petrol etc. plus there's a bus package thing kinda like greyhound but I think it might be expensive. I really liked just driving in the car so I'd rather do that than a package. It's the same when I do the west coast here - I have to find a travel buddy for that but it should be easy enough

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Personally I would save money and hit SE Asia. Can see a lot of things and very cheap/better living too. Halong bay, Angkor Wat, yes please. All while knocking back cheap food and booze.

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Your maybe right, might be better to do a bit of Thailand then go home and come back to New Zealand with more money and time. It seems to be another expensive country like here. Since I'm not doing my second year

definitely going to come back in December but I'm going to make it a surprise, won't tell them the date and I'll just turn up lol

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