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From your posts I thought you were at a bit of a loose end last time in Perth.


Most of the time I liked it. I just didn't really mix with people because the hostel was a bit.. Funny. The people I shared with were tradies and weren't there much. Hopefully this next room is a bit better and Ive been talking to a few people on the Perth backpacker page so there's some things going on like groups going to the beach etc that I'll probably join

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Well that's my last night here over, I had a few drinks. Far too much vodka red bull, never learn my lesson! Kinda mixed feelings about going back to Perth. I've definitely had a mostly good experience down here and I'm glad I came. Met some nice locals and my bosses were nice. They told me a guy who has had a few of his own pubs really complimented me tonight and said I was really good. It was funny because he said to me "oh I've never been to Scotland before but I knew a guy who was from wishaw" which is like 20 mins from me, he seemed really surprised!

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Good old pishy wishy haha! It's where my nearest McDonald's is so it's dear to my heart haha only joking. It was just funny that out of all the names in Scotland he came out with that one, he seemed really pleased when I said it was near me :laugh:

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Yeah we're definitely going to Lone pine, jakes mentioned that one. Good pic Fiona! Well I was about to give up and go home and I noticed those 2 in the field, they were quite a bit closer than that picture but I took that as they were hopping away. They could sense me and I think they made themselves look a bit bigger and I thought oh crap what do I do if they come at me or something lol. The locals said some of the males can be pretty big, apparently there's a massive old one going around near the sports centre. I'm really glad I got to see some though, I knew getting out of bed would be worth it haha. I couldn't sleep anyway, I'm hungover now :(


i'll miss seeing the ring neck parakeets outside my window every morning

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That's me said my goodbyes to everyone and I'm waiting on the bus. Few people stopped to say goodbye as I was walking there. Feeling quite sad about leaving, it's one of those places you just get used to really quickly because it's so small


Have a good bus trip to Perth Stacey. How long does it take? Did your cranky old bestie give you a goodbye kiss?

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6 hours. I'm struggling a bit, I feel like I'm sweating out vodka and red bull and the bus is busy so I'm sitting beside someone and can't sleep. Last time the bus was pretty much empty. Nah I missed him because I had to go take a phone call! But he bought me a drink with his scratch card winnings so that's good enough for me. And he said he misses all the barmaids but I know he'll miss me more :laugh: He's definitely been more cranky since he went back to Perth for Xmas, it ruined all my training haha

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Luckily for you a respite from the weather appears to be on the way. Back to the high twenties for the following three days. I imagine a few of our assortment of Perth femme will be volunteering to escort and carriage you to various out of the way locations, that your feet will hardly touch the ground. Oh for the tranquillity of Ongerup.

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I'm going to The beach on Saturday with someone but I'm just waiting to find out a definite time. Is there any other day next week that would be okay for you? I've been back in Perth since Saturday and I'll be here till the 4th of February


Your going to the beach!! Isn't it meant to be high temps? Will you cope lol. Apparently you die if you ever set foot outside in Aus in summer.


Wednesday is good for me next week. You best turn up lol

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