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Who's leaving Australia in 2016


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We're heading back in March after being in NSW for 10 years! It's very exciting and very scary! Good luck! It's a relief to know that others are going through the same thing.


Oh there are plenty out there with plans to return or going. You are far from alone :) People move for whatever reason, there is no right or wrong to how you find living in a new country or what you may struggle with or miss from the place you left.


Good luck with the move back, a lovely time of year to be arriving in the UK (although may be a bit wet that time of year, spring is definately on its way then and lovely to watch unfold).


Are you going back to the same area you left or elsewhere?

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We have just accepted an offer on our house...so if all goes well with the survey etc we will be heading back late January 2016. We have decided to give the Isle of Wight a go. House prices there seem a bit more reasonable even if the sea travel is a bit expensive. Been there several times to visit and loved it. 10 years in Aus....ready to return to the UK. Cant wait to meet our dogs of the plane.:animal-dog::animal-dog:


Ooo lovely part of the world. Good luck with it all :)

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Hey just stumbled on this post , very intersting. i spent years trying to get to Australia and after 2 years of being here its got so tough,Construction is well down and im scratting for work. All perth has done is drain our savings, we dont even live extravegantly.

I left a good business in the UK and hear its doing really well.One thing i will say is that the focus on youngsters and learning to support themselves when working is excellent. I do worry though about the migrant problem in europe and wonder whether its the right thing to go back.

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Hey just stumbled on this post , very intersting. i spent years trying to get to Australia and after 2 years of being here its got so tough,Construction is well down and im scratting for work. All perth has done is drain our savings, we dont even live extravegantly.

I left a good business in the UK and hear its doing really well.One thing i will say is that the focus on youngsters and learning to support themselves when working is excellent. I do worry though about the migrant problem in europe and wonder whether its the right thing to go back.


We moved back coming up to 4 years ago now and no regrets. The migrant problems in Europe really aren't impacting here in the UK to be honest. Good luck with whatever you decide.

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Hey just stumbled on this post , very intersting. i spent years trying to get to Australia and after 2 years of being here its got so tough,Construction is well down and im scratting for work. All perth has done is drain our savings, we dont even live extravegantly.

I left a good business in the UK and hear its doing really well.One thing i will say is that the focus on youngsters and learning to support themselves when working is excellent. I do worry though about the migrant problem in europe and wonder whether its the right thing to go back.

I can only go from what is in the papers they say that the industry simplee does not have the manpower to meet the targets for housebuilding that the tories are spouting out, don't know what it's like on the ground but construction is supposedly booming and even in my little corner there seems to be a lot of smaller work around, downside is that house prices in the south of the country are just leaping up and commuting seems to be getting worse as people are forced to live further and further out.

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I can only go from what is in the papers they say that the industry simplee does not have the manpower to meet the targets for housebuilding that the tories are spouting out, don't know what it's like on the ground but construction is supposedly booming and even in my little corner there seems to be a lot of smaller work around, downside is that house prices in the south of the country are just leaping up and commuting seems to be getting worse as people are forced to live further and further out.


I wish prices were moving upwards where I live. The flat next to mine is for sale for less than I paid for mine more than three years ago, and a flat with a garage (I just have a parking space), was recently sold for what I paid. There are countless flats and houses for sale in the town, seaside resorts in the provinces don't seem to have the drawcard these days as the south east of England. I bought wrongly when I returned to England. I felt pushed by family to buy somewhere to live without any advice, and since then have been criticised for my location, yet they came with me to the flat and said it was ideal for me to buy. The location has been far from ideal even though the suburb is good, and now with bad health problems it's a struggle.

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You are very privileged to be going to Exeter. We tried moving back 3 years ago but returned to Aus as there were no work opportunities. I'm a Devon girl and Exeter is my home city, miss it so much absolutely fantastic place. My husband is australian which is why we are back here. If we win lotto I'm heading straight home! ( I should add that I would always be back to Aus regularly though, I have a home in 2 countries - a blessing and a curse.

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I wish prices were moving upwards where I live. The flat next to mine is for sale for less than I paid for mine more than three years ago, and a flat with a garage (I just have a parking space), was recently sold for what I paid. There are countless flats and houses for sale in the town, seaside resorts in the provinces don't seem to have the drawcard these days as the south east of England. I bought wrongly when I returned to England. I felt pushed by family to buy somewhere to live without any advice, and since then have been criticised for my location, yet they came with me to the flat and said it was ideal for me to buy. The location has been far from ideal even though the suburb is good, and now with bad health problems it's a struggle.


I have been keeping a eye on prices in north west area , Things are the same there, they are virtually the same as they where 6 years ago, I think it's only those with in a commuting distance to London have seen a increase , hardly a booming economy

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I have been keeping a eye on prices in north west area , Things are the same there, they are virtually the same as they where 6 years ago, I think it's only those with in a commuting distance to London have seen a increase , hardly a booming economy


House prices have been rising in practically all areas of the country, hardly just within commuting distance of London.

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House prices have been rising in practically all areas of the country, hardly just within commuting distance of London.


They haven't in north east Wales I was back in May to sell some property and I can assure you that is not the case ,they are only back to where they were when we left 2010 , one house next door to ours actually sold for 1000 less than we had paid for ours ,identical house

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They haven't in north east Wales I was back in May to sell some property and I can assure you that is not the case ,they are only back to where they were when we left 2010 , one house next door to ours actually sold for 1000 less than we had paid for ours ,identical house


Yes but there is a huge difference in saying that house prices haven't risen in NE Wales and saying they are only rising in the commuter belt as that clearly isn't the case. As the economy is getting stronger and stronger house prices will continue to rise, not everywhere of course but it has always been that way.

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Yes but there is a huge difference in saying that house prices haven't risen in NE Wales and saying they are only rising in the commuter belt as that clearly isn't the case. As the economy is getting stronger and stronger house prices will continue to rise, not everywhere of course but it has always been that way.


So from practically all areas to not everywhere , think that's what I was implying !

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Can i ask what area you live in InkBlots as every where we look house prices in the uk seem to be racing ahead again....


I'm in Torquay, South Devon in a nice leafy suburb, surrounded by mansions, many converted into flats, but not convenient for me. Built on hills, you need a car to get around.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Arrived a few weeks ago and we've realised it was a big mistake to leave the UK! We have booked our return flights for early July and will complete 6 mo the work and go home,we plan to enjoy every minute but have no intention of living here permanently.Grass isn't always greener and we've learnt that!

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