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Did you get married in Australia?


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I got married in Perth this year, just us and photographers as witnesses. We wouldn't have done it any other way. If we had got married in our hometown I know it would have been all about our families and not us, and would've been awful!! I can recommend Liz Hayes who is an excellent celebrant.

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A little different for me as we got married on Hamilton Island and we were on holiday I'm Oz.

There was 10 of us altogether (all my family) who went on holiday. After we had booked the holiday, we decided to get married there too and booked.

I didn't give a thought to anyone else tbh. I did however feel bad that my brothers couldn't go but they made up for it at the party once home.

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We got married in Victoria because it had significance for my OH and the majority of the family were down that way. One of the downsides of the Victorian Alps in summer is that they are kind of flammable and our venue burned down 6 weeks beforehand, but after that bit of excitement all went well.


A few relatives came over from the UK, didn't really expect anyone to though. I found my best friend from school living in Sydney and she became an improvised maid of honour so it all worked out. TBH, if I had no relatives here I probably wouldn't have bothered with anything other than a registry office; why go to the expense if you have no-one to share it with?

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We're a couple from two different countries too, and now living in Oz. We got married in my home town because my mum and dad threatened not to come to the wedding if we got married in the UK. I gave in, but it meant that none of my OHs family were there. They could not afford to travel from the UK to NZ, but my parents could have afforded to, they just didn't want to. But I was young when we got married. I think have the wedding where you want to have it. If necessary you can always travel and have a party with family later. Make it part of your honeymoon!

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We got married in Australia, we had only booked a holiday to visit my sister and the friends we had made on our WHV and just decided to have a beach wedding while we were there. It was a fantastic day, better than we could have ever imagined. I know if we had married in the UK my mother in law would have completely taken over and we would have had to invite distant family we never see. I was sad that my dad couldn't be there (he was the one who suggested 'getting it over and done with' when we went on holiday). My in-laws were ok about it at the time but since then the odd negative comment has been dropped in. I don't regret it at all as it was our day the way we wanted it. Weddings should not be stressful! X

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Hello fellow Poms,


I am really hoping for some advice! I am recently engaged and am really struggling on deciding where to have our wedding.

We have lived in Perth for over 2 years and do consider it home although we don't have many friends here and no family whatsoever.

It is even more complicated as we are both from different countries so its not as simple as going "home" to get married as we have 2!

I would love to have the wedding here and for all our family and friends back home to come over, but is this alot to ask? I feel nervous talking about it with them and our parents have said they will come but it seems they are reluctant because of the cost. I would feel so uncomfortable throwing the wedding here and knowing that the guests were unhappy on travelling on this way.

At the same time, the thought of getting married in another country that I dont live in anymore, fills me with worry! Let alone the hassle of organising a wedding overseas.


Did anyone get married here and face these problems? Or did anyone go home and get married? Everyone keeps telling us to do what we want to do but the truth is, neither of us know for sure :(


Any advice is much appreciated!


We couldn't decide so we got married in Penang. It was magical.

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I would love to have the wedding here and for all our family and friends back home to come over, but is this alot to ask? I feel nervous talking about it with them and our parents have said they will come but it seems they are reluctant because of the cost. I would feel so uncomfortable throwing the wedding here and knowing that the guests were unhappy on travelling on this way.


Yes, it is a lot to ask of guests to come to Australia - the air fares are a big cost for some people, and then there's the cost of hotels, which are not cheap in Perth!


We got married in Australia, we had a celebrant and got married in the garden at our local art gallery. Very simple, no fuss. My bridesmaid and I had flowers from the local flower shop. Then we booked a big table at the local Italian restaurant and had a wonderful afternoon/evening celebrating with our friends. We didn't have a private room, we didn't even tell the restaurant it was a wedding (no doubt they would've doubled the price if we had!).


Then we flew to Santorini and did it all again for our British family! Our second ceremony wasn't a legal marriage - if you're religious, you could have a blessing in your local church, for instance.


Overall it cost about the same as having a huge, fancy wedding and posh reception in either country, it was a lot more fun and we got to do it twice!

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One of our sons friends was in a similar position to you. They got married in Aust but instead of spending money on a lavish ceremony and reception they paid for their parents and siblings to come to Aust for a simple, but lovely, wedding. The ceremony was in a park with the reception in a private room at a restaurant. They borrowed one of our cars for the bride and groom and my husband acted as the chauffeur. He said it was one of the nicest weddings he had seen in a long time.

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I was tempted to do this too, I was just concerned the wedding wouldn't feel "Real" ?


You are marrying the person you love. What's not real about that? Unless you have some big wedding dream or a preconceived idea of what kind of wedding you want, its what you make of it that will matter most.


Honestly, it will be what you make it. I know quite a few people who said their vows at a registrars, myself included (we then went and had a slap up meal with our 4 guests that evening) or who then had a big BBQ or get together after the event. Some got married in a registrars, invited a fair amount of people then had a knees up at their local.


Honestly, we didn't want the day to define us or be this big thing. So went very low key. I can assure you I still welled up when I said 'I do' and couldn't stop smiling when we signed the paperwork. Felt bloody real I can tell you.


End of the day, the wedding is just a few minutes of time. Your marriage hopefully will be for life. I know which I place more importance and value on.

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I got married in local registry office (immediate family only) and then we had a big party. Our wedding was casual and fun (open bar, 10 quid upper limit on presents...). At the time we were going to a lot of posh expensive weddings and none of them were as much fun as our budget job. I did go to a similar wedding to ours where the best man said 'There'll be no speeches 'cos no-one's got the bottle' which we all enjoyed tremendously. I think a nice quiet wedding in Oz followed by a big celebration in the UK (or Europe) might be just the ticket. Asking people to pay to come to Oz is a big ask (unless you're all really loaded and frequent travelers).

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We had the wedding in the local uk town we had ben living in for three years down south'ish.


The OHs aunties all said we should have gotten married in her home town, so none of the seven (of which one was her godmother) drove the two hours south to attend.


She had parents, brothers and her granny.


I had my parents, one set of grandparents and three sets of inlaws make the trip over from australia.


A few good friends and we had a group of about thirty.


It was lovely and intimate, we got to chat to everybody.


The only issue was the MIL who wanted to invite all her own old friends.


It took lots of:


'Its our wedding, not yours'

'We're paying, not you'

'Unless both the bride & groom know them, theyre not coming'

'Fine, we'll elope instead'


Before she accepted the fact she had no control over anything on the day except for her own dress.

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I got married (2nd time)in the UK.Registry office,a few close friends,one of them made our wedding cake as a gift (super nice!)and as we hadn't planned a "reception"did the same as Marisa,just walked into a nice Italian restaurant,a nice meal and few bottles of champers!No wedding car,just caught a London taxi back to our house.Shame the marriage didn't last (lol)but it had nothing to do with the size or cost of our wedding!:cute:

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We had the wedding in the local uk town we had ben living in for three years down south'ish.


The OHs aunties all said we should have gotten married in her home town, so none of the seven (of which one was her godmother) drove the two hours south to attend.


She had parents, brothers and her granny.


I had my parents, one set of grandparents and three sets of inlaws make the trip over from australia.


A few good friends and we had a group of about thirty.


It was lovely and intimate, we got to chat to everybody.


The only issue was the MIL who wanted to invite all her own old friends.


It took lots of:


'Its our wedding, not yours'

'We're paying, not you'

'Unless both the bride & groom know them, theyre not coming'

'Fine, we'll elope instead'


Before she accepted the fact she had no control over anything on the day except for her own dress.

:laugh:Love the last line few lines!

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