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Media Request - Leaving Australia after the boom


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Hi all,


I just discovered this forum and thought I'd try my luck. I'm a journalist working on a newspaper story about expats leaving Australia because job opportunities are drying out at the end of a long mining boom. Is there anyone out there who would like to share their story? Did you come here mid-2000 when everything seemed rosy and finding a job was easy, but now with the economy slowing and cost of living on the rise you think you're better off elsewhere and have begun to make a move? Or do you know of anyone else who may have already left Australia recently? If so, it would be great to hear from you! Happy to explain further outside the public forum what this article is about.


Best, Vera

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Tbh I find that most poms who came mid 2000 and pre, that worked in the mines were quite sensible and invested there money enough to take a few bad years, most I know have a few investment properties etc.


A bit harder for those that came at the tail end of the boom, in any sector, not having enough years to build up any investments.


As for the ones coming now??

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Hi Vera, I am happy to discuss.


I am a geologist in the mining industry who arrived in 2008 as part of the mining boom. However, I am now struggling for work and we may have to return to the UK. I also know a number of people that have had to return to the UK due to being unable to find work.


I will send a PM to you

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We arrived in Australia in !986. There was no mining boom then. I don't think the mining boom has had that much to do with immigration and the majority of jobs. Australia just muddled along as any other country The Majority Didn't work in the mines. The mining boom just poured billions into Government coffers. The Liberals did Nothing At the Height of the boom,when iron ore prices were $160 a ton for 13 years it was raining billions into the government coffers. but Hospitals.Schools, Infrastructure,Social services etc, were run into the Ground. the cost of living went sky high, house prices went through the roof. The Howard Liberal Government had no idea what to do with this new found wealth. Just Brag about their Surplus. Everyone with a brain were always asking Howard, when he was going to diversify. And create new industries. instead the Liberals destroyed jobs, they closed most of Australia's Meat processing plants, turning to the live animal exports. They entered free trade with Japan, They bought Cattle Stations, and Processed their own meat and shipped it to Japan. Now Japan is Looking to buy it's own ports in Australia.


The Liberals never thought the Mining Boom would end. So may say the Mining boom billions were wasted. When the GFC arrived the Liberals denied it. The Labour Party were now in government after the Liberals were kicked out, for trying to introduce work reforms. Work Choices, Were workers would have to sign individual contracts, renewed each year. the boss would decided what wages were to be paid, what hours and days, workers would be called in. All penal rates abolished. everyday is a week day. Whatever Time or day the Boss required your services, you had to oblige. The Liberals now say Labour wasted their surpluses ,They had spent keeping Australian's in work during the GFC. On Schools, Hospitals, social services etc. Australia now has debt, borrowing $100 million a day, nothing to export to come close to the mining boom years. now the economy can't keep up the standard of Living Australians have enjoyed for the last 20 years.


It's all over, the housing boom in Sydney and Melbourne now going for over 2 years, because of low interest rates, is going to turn into the biggest disaster Australia. Has ever seen. And this Liberal Government see's no problems. They think it's great news. The Interest rates should have gone up.over the last 2 years. Low interest rates are supposed to boast exports. But Australia has nothing to sell,in huge quantities, that the world wants. Infact low interest rates have done Nothing . But create a housing Bubble. A recession is coming, The $ is collapsing. Australia is on the same path as Greece. And the RBA is Talking of Lowering interest rates yet again? Thousands of home owners all over Australia. Except Sydney and Melbourne are in negative equity. Due to the high cost of living, High Rates ,insurance, electric,gas, petrol, car rego, etc Aged Pensioners are in Poverty. Repairs to cars, home repairs etc are out. it's too expensive. Unless your Well off. Anybody coming to Australia, and leaving a job, their home, and family.to start afresh in Australia is mad. We are well established have no debt at all.but when i die my wife wouldn't be able to afford to live here.On her own. And we are thinking of moving back to the UK. As long as the $ does not Completely colaspe before we can sell up. Australia has been good to us. But sadly the good times have gone,you can't live on Sunshine. I put it down to bad Management. As Australia has lots it could have done. But relied solely on mining. And did not diversify.

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Hi all,


I just discovered this forum and thought I'd try my luck. I'm a journalist working on a newspaper story about expats leaving Australia because job opportunities are drying out at the end of a long mining boom. Is there anyone out there who would like to share their story? Did you come here mid-2000 when everything seemed rosy and finding a job was easy, but now with the economy slowing and cost of living on the rise you think you're better off elsewhere and have begun to make a move? Or do you know of anyone else who may have already left Australia recently? If so, it would be great to hear from you! Happy to explain further outside the public forum what this article is about.


Best, Vera


I can't read Zack's post because of the lack of punctuation and paragraph spacing, my eyes just aren't up to it. But I read the first sentence and have to agree with that. You are way off the mark if you think everybody moved to Australia because of the mining boom. It was always really hard to find work in the mines anyway and only a few did, those that happened to be in that type of geo occupation. Most people just worked regular jobs, such as you find in the UK and anywhere else in the western world.

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  • 1 month later...
I can't read Zack's post because of the lack of punctuation and paragraph spacing, my eyes just aren't up to it. But I read the first sentence and have to agree with that. You are way off the mark if you think everybody moved to Australia because of the mining boom. It was always really hard to find work in the mines anyway and only a few did, those that happened to be in that type of geo occupation. Most people just worked regular jobs, such as you find in the UK and anywhere else in the western world.


First get yourself a pair of glasses.....Where did i say everybody came to Australia because of the mining boom?I said Nothing of the Sort. Get your Facts right before you start finding fault with the way i wrote the letter.

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Mining is not the only industry that is in the sh1ts here in Australia! We came over in 2004 - my husband is an automotive and manufacturing engineer and was brought over on a 457 after about 25 years working for Ford in the UK. He worked for a vehicle component manufacturer here. Had a few good years, got citizenship etc, then was made redundant when the manufacturing industry turndown started. Worked for the Dept of Transport for a while then, until investment in public transport infrastructure died out, and is now back on a short term contract at the original vehicle component manufacturer, but with little hope of the job continuing much beyond the start of 2016.


Manufacturing here is pretty much dead in the water due to short-sighted government decisions (both parties) and also the whole attitude of thinking Australia will be ok because of the resources it has. Ironically, after experiencing its own car industry turndown in the early 2000's and the GFC, jobs in manufacturing and automotive are now much more plentiful in the UK!

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Myself, husband and family are looking to move back to UK after 8 years in Perth. Husband made redundant from major oil company 4 mths ago and not even one interview since then despite applying for numerous jobs and being on a number of recruiters books. 30 years experience in the industry in systems and never been out of work this long before. It's pretty bad out there to say the least!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Agree with previous replies, and I hope that those considering a move to Aust take note of the employment situation here. Many industries now are quite flat (I was in IT here and my wife in fashion) and there are very few good vacancies available. We are looking to return to the UK early next year.

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Not much in the way of IT in Brisbane - No new projects so you get the odd bit of work on enhancements - Not moving back to the UK because of job opportunities but I suspect it's a bit more positive right now in SE UK for IT contractors


All 3 of my older boys are contractors in the UK and they've all just had their contracts renewed within the last 2 months. One has just had a 12 month renewal, the first time that any of them have had greater than 6 month contracts in the last 8 yrs.

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Not much in the way of IT in Brisbane - No new projects so you get the odd bit of work on enhancements - Not moving back to the UK because of job opportunities but I suspect it's a bit more positive right now in SE UK for IT contractors


Not just the SE. By a quirk, a lot of my friends are IT professionals in the UK - we were in Halls of Residence together at Uni. A friend in Manchester is sick of picking up the phone to head hunters. My best mate is in Leicester and in a similar position and has for the last 4 years had record bonuses - he works for Next, and a geology colleague has just changed into an IT career at IBM in Leicester.

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Agree with Johndoe and Verystormy - had a chat with a mate of mine who works for Vodafone down in Newbury; he moved back there from Auckland in 2012 as he couldn't get work and he says its pretty good over there with 'lots going on in IT'.

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We have a few positions available at our media company, digital, sales management and more. We need more staff, we cant grow without staff, we are located not far from Manly, have had successfully worked with Poms here in the past. Some gone back some moved North. We are considering offering visa's.

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WA is being hit exceptionally hard by the downturn in the resource sector. Housing has been falling $2,000 a week during the last quarter. That amounts to the biggest fall since the 80's. Of course this information appeared on page 18, I think it was in the local newspaper, 'The West Australian'.


It could be interesting to look at 457's as well as those that came as migrants, as many were under the impression that it wasn't much more than a formality to get a permanent visa, as it once was. No doubt the cost to a number of those people would be extensive as well.

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I'm probably going to go in a few months, not because I want to, I know about 5 friends who have gone due to lack of work or fits n starts or basically not getting a look in as your british or basically much better offers elsewhere.

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We have a few positions available, we have had many english over the years working with us, if your in media, looking for a job contact myself.



I'm probably going to go in a few months, not because I want to, I know about 5 friends who have gone due to lack of work or fits n starts or basically not getting a look in as your british or basically much better offers elsewhere.
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First get yourself a pair of glasses.....Where did i say everybody came to Australia because of the mining boom?I said Nothing of the Sort. Get your Facts right before you start finding fault with the way i wrote the letter.


Sorry mate, I can't read it either. Not all of us are young and able. Any chance you could edit it please?

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