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Stacey don't mention birthday money!! remembering past critiiciism!!!

I don't know how true this is, but Tuesday is supposed to be the cheapest day to fly.

Good luck with your plans.


Oh crap you're right haha. I'll fleece my family before I leave lol.


I think it might be a tuesday I was looking at actually - I'll go check! Then I was going to book into a quiet cheapish hotel to sleep for a night or two before the hostel. I'll get grumpy if i don't have a proper sleep within the first few days. Although someone will have to explain what the jet lag protocol is lol I think I read that you shouldn't just go to sleep straight away

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Oh crap you're right haha. I'll fleece my family before I leave lol.


I think it might be a tuesday I was looking at actually - I'll go check! Then I was going to book into a quiet cheapish hotel to sleep for a night or two before the hostel. I'll get grumpy if i don't have a proper sleep within the first few days. Although someone will have to explain what the jet lag protocol is lol I think I read that you shouldn't just go to sleep straight away


I can give you loads of advice about jet lag, but it will all contradict. I flew at least 6 long haul flights a year for 10 years, and still do at least 1 a year since living in Oz. Sometimes I am fine, sometimes awful. Wish I knew the secret.


However Definitely drink plenty of water on the flight though, dehydration can make you feel lousy. You can't take a full bottle of water with you on lots of airlines, so I take an empty one and get it filled up on board. Some airlines are better than others bringing water around.

Wear loose comfortable clothes and shoes, jumper to put on if you feel chilly. I like to wear an eye mask when trying to sleep. A neck pillow can help, stops your head flopping down and waking you up.


You might feel lonely if you book into a hotel, if you can get a single room in a hostel, you will have instant company, might hit the ground running and never look back.


Some people say only sleep for 1 hour if you arrive in daylight, then go to sleep at the proper local time. Have they ever managed to wake up after only 1 hour when shattered!! You feel dreadful.

Seriously unless you are lucky you might feel pretty rough for a few days, especially if you aren't used to long haul and don't know what to expect.


Sorry Stacey it's the mother in me, Reminds me of going through all this with my daughter, and she was used to flying.

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Flights with Malaysia Airlines are bloody cheap just now, but then again how long they will be in business is another question...


Prices will definitely go up nearer the time, and flights will fill up giving you less choice. If you're flexible I would look for flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and definitely avoid weekend travel.

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Thank you! Longest I've been on a flight is 8 hours so it's going to be a total shock.


Neck pillow sounds good, my head flops around like one of those nodding dogs toys that you stick on a desk or in a car lol. I'm always worried about falling asleep against the person next to me haha!

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Flights with Malaysia Airlines are bloody cheap just now, but then again how long they will be in business is another question...


Prices will definitely go up nearer the time, and flights will fill up giving you less choice. If you're flexible I would look for flights on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and definitely avoid weekend travel.


The flight Im looking at is a Wednesday :) but there's one on a Tuesday too

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I would book it as soon as you see a price your happy with. I normally book really far in advance as it gives me a chance to save more money and motivation to save. Its a risk leaving it to close to booking flights that the price may go a lot higher but its always hard to tell. If you can afford to book now and are happy with the price then book :-) Good motivator to save up the last remaining funds.

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I don't think it'll go any cheaper than the £550 mark, was worried that maybe it might go up by £100. I imagine november is a popular month.


I was tempted to book a return but I really don't know if I'll be back within the year of the ticket and I might do a different route like come back via Thailand or something like that. Everybody's said that australia is a lot more expensive Coming back but when I look at skyscanner (obviously not the right idea but it's just for a idea) they seem to be around the £400 - £500 for most of the year. I'm got told a return would be around £900-£1000 anyway with that pass that lets you change the date within the year so I'm happy to pay two singles if it's not much more expensive and gives me more flexibility

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I don't think it'll go any cheaper than the £550 mark, was worried that maybe it might go up by £100. I imagine november is a popular month.


I was tempted to book a return but I really don't know if I'll be back within the year of the ticket and I might do a different route like come back via Thailand or something like that. Everybody's said that australia is a lot more expensive Coming back but when I look at skyscanner (obviously not the right idea but it's just for a idea) they seem to be around the £400 - £500 for most of the year. I'm got told a return would be around £900-£1000 anyway with that pass that lets you change the date within the year so I'm happy to pay two singles if it's not much more expensive and gives me more flexibility

Flights are more expensive when you buy in Australia (for one ways anyway). Been there done it lol.


I remember when I was first in aus and had a return from Perth, but was in Cairns, wanted to change it to fly from Brisbane but it wasn't possible, i'd had to have paid for an entire new one way which they said would be about $1600-700 (It was around christmas time though). In the end ended up flying back to Perth and then flying home from PErth as that was cheaper. Paid that amount for one ways back home a few times now.

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I arrive at 7pm. So by the time I get in the city, checked in etc it would be okay to start sleeping off my jetlag since its local time, im not sleeping during the morning? I think my jetlag will be really bad because I felt quite bad the first week of Florida so I'm obviously a total wimp lol

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Yeah but if flexible with booking dates would it not be a bit cheaper? I've just looked and flights from perth to edinburgh in October and November are £340 with etihad and Qatar airlines.


I know one girl from my town who said she was only going for a few months and had a return flight and she's stayed 2 years. I don't really want to waste any money if im not sure I would be back within the year but Id make sure I had the money sitting in the bank for the return part. My family definitely couldn't bail me out if I got stuck there lol

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Yeah but if flexible with booking dates would it not be a bit cheaper? I've just looked and flights from perth to edinburgh in October and November are £340 with etihad and Qatar airlines.


I know one girl from my town who said she was only going for a few months and had a return flight and she's stayed 2 years. I don't really want to waste any money if im not sure I would be back within the year but Id make sure I had the money sitting in the bank for the return part. My family definitely couldn't bail me out if I got stuck there lol


I just mean the booking companies will know your in Aus and the prices will be in dollars and will work out more. I'm not explaining myself properly but I couldn't look at the returns in the UK the same as I did in Aus, it'd come up different, even on the same website. You could book two cheap singles though if the return date was changeable. Or if it works out the same just buy a return the same amount. When i went for with singapore airlines my return wasn't changeable but when i rang up they still let me change the date for free as long as I was flying out of the same airport I flew in.

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Right so far I've got a return with Singapore airlines for around £980. Should I go for it? Tbh I don't want a return but I know it's the sensible thing to do. I doubt sta travel will find anything cheaper unless it's malaysia airlines but I'll go for a chat on Friday anyway

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hey stacey ..... phone scotia travel in glasgow ..... we always used them for flights .... and my son got a good deal with eithad via them .... give them ur dates and they will do the legwork .... u can also pay the flights over a few months if u want ... another wee tip is to always book to fly a tuesday or wedensday u would be surprised in the difference from other days .... my son got one way flights for him and his girlfriend flying on 15th sept for 900 pounds for both x

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