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And the UK election result is.......


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Isn't that a bit like England probably not getting another government after 5 years now the tories are back in and labour and libdems have been thrashed. Especially since aren't they changing the seat system so that it'll be even harder for labour to get in?? I'll be remember a few of these posts in the next 5 years to see if the tories still stay so wonderful for people. Btw for the record I don't actually want a one party country so Id rather labour and the rest improved their game but that's up to them. I might change my mind and vote for the greens next year but I'd need to look into that further. I'm not completely tied to one party like some people are. Like my gran who would vote labour no matter what

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Isn't that a bit like England probably not getting another government after 5 years now the tories are back in and labour and libdems have been thrashed. Especially since aren't they changing the seat system so that it'll be even harder for labour to get in?? I'll be remember a few of these posts in the next 5 years to see if the tories still stay so wonderful for people. Btw for the record I don't actually want a one party country so Id rather labour and the rest improved their game but that's up to them. I might change my mind and vote for the greens next year but I'd need to look into that further. I'm not completely tied to one party like some people are. Like my gran who would vote labour no matter what

England don't have a 'government' the government that is in Westminster is the UK government.

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I could have worded that better but I basically mean we all get what UK government England votes for because of the size so if the other parties don't get their act together then we will have the conservatives for a long time so it's not really any different to your point about the SNP

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I could have worded that better but I basically mean we all get what UK government England votes for because of the size so if the other parties don't get their act together then we will have the conservatives for a long time so it's not really any different to your point about the SNP

No it's a whole lot different, there are, and always will be, choices throughout the UK, I fear the way Scotland are going the SNP will take over the Scottish Parliament and that won't be good for anyone, no choice they will do what they want.

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Well like I said - scottish labour need to get their act together then but they are doing a really crap job of it. Their leader completely failed and won't resign even though labour members want him to and all they do is blame everyone else for their failure instead of looking at why they didn't do well. Greens are doing better here though, I know people who voted SNP for GE but will vote greens for our election. I'm not ruling it out either.

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Sorry Paul, but there is no way that I will let my history go. I'm sure you wouldn't let yours go. I want the best for Scotland. If you cannot accept that without malice so be it. I don't feel any animosity towards you. I simple agree to differ.


My previous post was explaining the history to MaryRose. I should have quoted.


No that's fine Ellie. I said in a previous post if I was Scottish and lived up there I would have voted SNP too.

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I don't agree with you paul. I hold no grudge about the English and im seriously the least nationalistic person you could find. Infact it's probably shocking how little I know about my history. I don't have any scottish flags and I don't walk around with SNP badges glued to me singing flower of scotland :laugh: For me it's simply just that I think the SNP is the best party for my interests and I want Scotland to have more powers to make decisions for the people who live here. That's it. I actually find it quite insulting when people outside scotland just assume that we are a bunch of nationalistic loonies who are running around screaming freedom. Some of the journalists are starting to understand what's happening up here like Jon snow etc. The longer people just lazily say we hate the English and it's all about Braveheart the worse things are going to get.


I agree Stacey. It's a good job there aren't more options for the Welsh and Irish and even people living in different Counties.:laugh: There would be a much more fragmented vote if you knew you were voting for people with your best interests at heart.


I thing the Braveheart thing is a good example of what I was saying about the Scots though. Before the film came out not many, from either side of the border, would have heard or known who he was. After the film suddenly he's a National hero and an example of what the English did to the Scots, for many. Not saying everyone BTW but a lot.

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The reason I know about William Wallace is because he apparently lived in my town and we have a monument there. I've watched the film once at school and didn't really like it. So it's definitely not Braveheart for me. The history doesn't bother me at all, I know that we were bad too. I'm more interested in the here and now

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You are in favour of a Single European Govt with a common political, economic and legal system for all?


No of course not. But I said for such a small land mass as the island of Great Britain, it should be all one country.

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As I said it is all down to historical BS in the 16 and 1700's.

No relevance today.


Of course it won't change, but it doesn't make any sense.

If history has taught us anything it's not to ignore history:laugh:


"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

George Santayana (1905)

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Gee, all this derision of history. I find it odd that people have no wish to understand why things are as they are today. I would say that the Scots people are trying to remedy a massive mistake that was made in the passed by demanding, at the very least, much greater autonomy.

Many expat Scots are supporting the push towards independence. It is not my fault if you cannot understand that or the fact that there is and always will be more than one political party in Scotland.

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As I said it is all down to historical BS in the 16 and 1700's.

No relevance today.


Of course it won't change, but it doesn't make any sense.


I would probably be banned if I expressed what I truly think of your post. So suffice to say,as I have said before, you have no idea what you are posting about. Please do not make anymore posts which show your ignorance of the topic being discussed.

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Ellie. You may think ancient history back in Henry VIII day is vitally important in all this but I don't.


This had all been a big beat up in Scotland.

Scotland will be a big loser if they ever do break away from the UK.

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If we are going to be a big loser and England's hunky dory then why did david Cameron absolutely crap himself? So many lies were involved and then as soon as the union got involved he went back to his usual dislike of most of england? We might be small but go research how much we've actually got going for us.

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Guest Guest66881

Scotlands like the head of the british isles if you look at a map i mean, out of proportion though massively over inflated:wink:

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