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UK May General Election 2015


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P.s ....farage wants to bin the e.u and wants to reopen our strong trading ties with the commonwealth.....how sensible


I'd like to see how much we trade with Commonwealth countries and how this is going to take up the slack for whatever we may lose if we leave the EU...

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I thought Cameron and Milliband showed how monolithic and tribal their parties are.

The election will see a massive change in the political landscape as coalitions are most likely to be the norm from here on in as we have all had enough of finger pointing and hand wrenching.

The SNP did themselves a great favour last night and Tories are all over the press being nice about them this morning. I wonder why that is? I thought Plaid Cymru and Greens did themsleves no harm too.


As for UKIP - they showed how lacking in any policy they really are, and how little they have to offer after blaming immigration, the EU, and foreign aid for all our problems. There was even a bit of thinly veiled homophobia thrown in for good measure to keep the core vote happy too!


I haven't looked at the news yet to see the reaction since last night. I did see a few conservatives on twitter saying that while they obviously don't agree with her party they thought she was brilliant last night.


I agree about UKIP. It's not even that I'm completely against cutting immigration or at least considering it. It's just every time I see them on tv or hear them I cringe. They don't seem to have much to say other than blaming everything on immigrants. I was also quite disgusted by the HIV comment and I clearly wasn't the only one by the reaction on social media

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I'd like to see how much we trade with Commonwealth countries and how this is going to take up the slack for whatever we may lose if we leave the EU...


How much we lose financially Paul ?.....the e.u costs the u.k ....£8 BILLION A YEAR ...how did Britain get on before the e.u ?....very well thank you very much

What is the e.u actually giving us,besides 300 ,000 new arrivals every year ( that 3 full wembleys ) and a load of red tape.

Will the Russians,Chinese and Americans stop buying our cars and luxury goods , I don't think so.

We have always stood alone .....having closer german- Franco relations isn't doing us any favours

Keep our currency and keep our borders


I love Europe...love visiting ...but I just don't want to be part of the project.

Also the war Mr Blair instigated in the middle east is causing a massive refugee crisis with millions heading for an e.u that's in financial strife.

A lot of those people are heading here.....as much as I have christian values there is only so many we can take ....for whatever reason our own poor and elderly need help before anyone elses

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Hearing adverts on the radio encouraging brits here to register and vote


The OH was targeted by the Tories in an email appeal. He replied and thanked them for alerting him, then gave them his polite reasons why he would not be voting for them in a pink fit.

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P.s ....farage wants to bin the e.u and wants to reopen our strong trading ties with the commonwealth.....how sensible


UKIP want less regulation in the markets (as if the banking scandal never happened), they want a flat rate of tax which benefits the highest earners the most, and they want us to stop giving aid to our commonwealth cousins.

This is isolationism, and corporatism - they want corporations to have little to no interference from govts so tax avoidance will not be tackled, small businesses will be further squeezed by large ones that can avoid tax legally.

I'm not sure how our african and asian commonwealth countries can replace the huge trade we do with the EU - the last figures I can find show that trade with the Commonwealth accounts for just over 10% of imports and less than 9% of exports.

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UKIP want less regulation in the markets (as if the banking scandal never happened), they want a flat rate of tax which benefits the highest earners the most, and they want us to stop giving aid to our commonwealth cousins.

This is isolationism, and corporatism - they want corporations to have little to no interference from govts so tax avoidance will not be tackled, small businesses will be further squeezed by large ones that can avoid tax legally.

I'm not sure how our african and asian commonwealth countries can replace the huge trade we do with the EU - the last figures I can find show that trade with the Commonwealth accounts for just over 10% of imports and less than 9% of exports.


As I said Paul .....£8 billion .....how much does 300000 new entrants cost in welfare...school places and the nhs.....what do you want the population to be 80 million ...100 million ....150 million ?......an island 800 miles by 300 miles wide

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As I said Paul .....£8 billion .....how much does 300000 new entrants cost in welfare...school places and the nhs.....what do you want the population to be 80 million ...100 million ....150 million ?......an island 800 miles by 300 miles wide


Again it's a case of what do you want?

We have an ageing population that is living longer - it has to be paid for and currently at least 40% of welfare is spent on pensions.


We have better healthcare so previously fatal conditions can now be treated and life expectancy is longer.


We have an economic system that demands continual growth at all cost - look at the way 'business' is explicitly pushed as the primary cause of concern for both major political parties regardless of voters concerns being more about the social cost of immigration


We have a generally overskilled workforce with not enough Brits wanting to do the low pay, or manual work needed.

We have a very small manufacturing industry - so no products to sell abroad to improve trade figures.


Something has to give so we either rethink what we want economically, or we rethink what we want politically and socially.

Some people want to have their cake and eat it and at the moment that is not possible.

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Something has to give so we either rethink what we want economically, or we rethink what we want politically and socially.

Some people want to have their cake and eat it and at the moment that is not possible.


And never the twin shall meet so we're all doomed

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UKIP want less regulation in the markets (as if the banking scandal never happened), they want a flat rate of tax which benefits the highest earners the most, and they want us to stop giving aid to our commonwealth cousins.

This is isolationism, and corporatism - they want corporations to have little to no interference from govts so tax avoidance will not be tackled, small businesses will be further squeezed by large ones that can avoid tax legally.

I'm not sure how our african and asian commonwealth countries can replace the huge trade we do with the EU - the last figures I can find show that trade with the Commonwealth accounts for just over 10% of imports and less than 9% of exports.


I dont think he expects them to replace it, he wants to trade with both. He doesn't want to suddenly stop trading with Germans or French he wants a more open market with less bars to who you can and cant trade with. Doesn't sound very much like isolationism to me.

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I dont think he expects them to replace it, he wants to trade with both. He doesn't want to suddenly stop trading with Germans or French he wants a more open market with less bars to who you can and cant trade with. Doesn't sound very much like isolationism to me.


But we do trade with both at present! And we are not stopped from trading with 'x' just because we also trade with 'y'.

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Guest Amelie
But we do trade with both at present! And we are not stopped from trading with 'x' just because we also trade with 'y'.


Paul and Danny,


It depends on what is detailed on the referendum, if we get a referendum?


There is a big difference between wanting to remain our cooperation with other European countries and take back our sovereignty, which was given away to Europe.


Margaret Thatcher signed the Single European Act in 1987 for better cooperation and trade across Europe….which she later regret because it was just one step towards giving away our sovereignty.


Tony Blair signed the Social Charter in 1997, which gave away our sovereignty.


If look back to the Scottish Referendum, the UK would not have stopped trading with Scotland if it had become independent. Scotland would have had its own sovereignty.

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If look back to the Scottish Referendum, the UK would not have stopped trading with Scotland if it had become independent. Scotland would have had its own sovereignty.


Yep but they tried to make it sound differently at the time. I'm hoping if we have a EU referendum the same amount of rubbish goes around

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Guest Amelie
Yep but they tried to make it sound differently at the time. I'm hoping if we have a EU referendum the same amount of rubbish goes around



Looking back at the Scottish Referendum campaign, it seems to me that it was not very clear to the voters what constitutes as independent. There was no clarity from both the SNP and the 'Better Together' campaign of what an independent Scotland really meant. It's almost as if the decision making, or the planning of what an independent Scotland would have looked like was used as part of the campaign, which made it very difficult for the people of Scotland to vote. Agreements with sovereignty and exchange rates etc…should have been finalised before the campaign started…...I know this is easier to say now.


Hopefully, a number of key learnings from the Scottish Referendum campaign would have been addressed if they want to start another one in the future.

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Yep but they tried to make it sound differently at the time. I'm hoping if we have a EU referendum the same amount of rubbish goes around


in my 'English' eyes living in Scotland the SNPs idea was farcical anyway. I totally understand the idea of an independent Scotland I do. The idea of an 'independent' Scotland in the EU seemed pointless as the EU is on a road to a single federal state in all but name.

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Again it's a case of what do you want?

We have an ageing population that is living longer - it has to be paid for and currently at least 40% of welfare is spent on pensions.


We have better healthcare so previously fatal conditions can now be treated and life expectancy is longer.


We have an economic system that demands continual growth at all cost - look at the way 'business' is explicitly pushed as the primary cause of concern for both major political parties regardless of voters concerns being more about the social cost of immigration


We have a generally overskilled workforce with not enough Brits wanting to do the low pay, or manual work needed.

We have a very small manufacturing industry - so no products to sell abroad to improve trade figures.


Something has to give so we either rethink what we want economically, or we rethink what we want politically and socially.

Some people want to have their cake and eat it and at the moment that is not possible.

What do I want .....the sixth richest economy in the world looking after its own poor and elderly....the kids leaving school with a chance of a decent job and wage...free school and university ....freedom of religion and sexuality.....its easy

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What do I want .....the sixth richest economy in the world looking after its own poor and elderly....the kids leaving school with a chance of a decent job and wage...free school and university ....freedom of religion and sexuality.....its easy





You sound like a s*****ist. They don't like them in these parts.

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How lovely to see Conservative central office putting out all of these smears against the SNP as they know they could do a deal with Labour to keep Cameron out. I would be laughing for months if this happens to be honest. I think the SNP are doing a great job of representing the interests of Scotland and as I mentioned

elsewhere, the Tories have been defecating on the home nations for far too long.

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The more time goes on the more I think I will be voting UKIP. I think the only real options I have are Labour or UKIP as the tories won't get a sniff.


Tories and Labour are virtually indistinguishable now, with Milibean desperately trying to shift the party rightwards. This is a continuation of the work of Bliar, the man who destroyed Labour. Lib Dems are a dead duck. The greens are loopy (have you head their policies?) Plaid Cymru are hardline socialists, as are Mebyon Kernow. The SNP are a fifth column who would destroy the rest of the UK to get independence at any cost.


UKIP have a stance, but it's too radical for most Britons. I voted for them to make a point. That is that, unless the mainstream parties can tackle the immigration issue they are not going to win popular support

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How lovely to see Conservative central office putting out all of these smears against the SNP as they know they could do a deal with Labour to keep Cameron out. I would be laughing for months if this happens to be honest. I think the SNP are doing a great job of representing the interests of Scotland and as I mentioned

elsewhere, the Tories have been defecating on the home nations for far too long.


Labour won't do it I don't think, not without some promises I doubt Nicola Sturgeon won't make. She has already said she won't be in a coalition without the scrapping of Trident. Its a big issue for one of the leaders to blink on. If Milliband scraps it he is weak and Scotland is controlling the UK they wouldn't be elected at the next election. Sturgeon goes in to a coalition and it isn't scrapped and she is a liar the same as the rest of them.

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How lovely to see Conservative central office putting out all of these smears against the SNP as they know they could do a deal with Labour to keep Cameron out. I would be laughing for months if this happens to be honest. I think the SNP are doing a great job of representing the interests of Scotland and as I mentioned

elsewhere, the Tories have been defecating on the home nations for far too long.


Is there any proof, thats a serious question last I heard it was he said she said etc.

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Guest Amelie
Is there any proof, thats a serious question last I heard it was he said she said etc.



I agree with you there Danny. The whole thing is blown out of proportion…and who cares what Nicola Sturgeon said? If Sturgeon did actually say that Milliband wouldn't make PM material then you'd have to give her a lot of credit, because she is basically saying what everyone else is thinking...


If SNP and Labour do agree to become a coalition government, then I wonder if Paul would be laughing if the money dries out and all the benefits will not get paid?

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