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Price of a pint?

Guest The Pom Queen

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Ok I think this is really serious stuff for the blokes. I've heard lots of people ranting about the price of a beer in Perth compared to other states. So come on how much is a pint of beer near you?


I paid $14 dollars for a pint in the Marriot hotel in QLD.

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I haven't bought a pint for years as have given up drinking (boring I know), but compare some of the prices you can pay for water in some restaurants and I'm sure beer can appear cheap....


Good for you NtoS - How do you feel after giving up? Much healthier I'm sure. I was forced to give up drinking Beer as I have Cealiac disease (for a bloke on a staple diet of bread, pasta, pastry and such like it is, sorry, was a nightmare to deal with) hence I'm on the Cidre:wub:


Sorry back to the question, AU$8 for a Schooner of Bulmers in Queanbeyan, or AU$18 for a four pack of 300ml bottles.....in my local in England, dunno dont bother checking really £2.70 I'd say, and a four pack of Strongbows........£3.75.

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And you paid it:laugh:


there is a few cheaper places in Perth for drinks, normal bars, not clubs.


In the CBD, the cheapest I've found are in the square round print hall. Which surprised me:rolleyes: that's a nice place to go anyday of the week.

could name a few other places, but I'm sure the snobs of PIO would turn their noses up at such ale houses:mad:


Rocky foreshore, right on the front, you can get a choice of bottled beers or ciders for $5, ok it's not a pint, but seriously we would have to pay nearly that in pounds on a night out in the city where we lived in the UK. Here you can kick back, watch the boats, the sea, the dolphins.


Its not a lot to pay to have that view

I'm worried, there are pubs I've not been in, in Perth? We are slipping. Right I'm adding The Square Round Print Hall to my list. Got to be worth it for the name alone .:laugh: Welcome back lovely :wubclub:

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In and around Perth. Most range from $8 to about $12 depending on the pub.


Sometime it's less for a schooner, sometimes it's more for a special.


Works out to be cheaper than it was in the UK, as a %age of my salary.


A mate was over from London way and said that the prices all seemed similar at 2:1.

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Cheapest pints ever had in Perth was at a suburban RSL Club. A little more than half that usually pay in Perth Inner City pubs. I think $9.50 was the cheapest ever paid in my area but usually find the places with a degree of ambiance on e tends to pay more. $10.50 to about $12 would be the norm.


We have a pub near to where I live that reportedly had the most expensive pint in Australia. That was a couple of years ago and no longer recall the beer but think it was $17 50 a pint from memory. Once it got out the beer was quietly excluded from the offerings. It wasn't on the brews advertised when I was there a few months later anyway.

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In Perth I think it depends very much on where you are. I don't drink beer as a rule, but do occasionally have a bottle of Corona on a hot day. Paid as much as $11 a bottle at the Lucky Shag and The Royal, but as little as $6.50 at the Belmont Social Club recently when attending a Quiz Night.

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Waste of money.

Buy from the bottle shop and drink at home for a quarter of the price.

Most would do that on occasions but a lot of us also want to get out and partake in the wider world minority though we may be. It is not just money involved here. It is ambiance. Chance social interactions with new and varied people. Or just plain watching the world go past from a vantage point. All a little hard from one's suburban garden or patio.

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Dearest beer I've had in Perth was at the Belgian beer Cafe. Thought they are charging too much so never been back since. Don't mind paying $10 a pint if I'm in a nice place. If I'm in a normal pub in the burbs somewhere I would expect to be paying about $8.


$10 would be pretty cheap for inner city. Although possible. I agree though with comments regarding Belgian Beer Café, a lunch and two pints there a couple of years back convinced me never to return. Doesn't seem to bother a lot of the punters though.

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There's plenty of great pubs in Australia, I try & visit the old ones the older the better. Anybody been to the Daly Waters pub in NT. What a great pub that is with the hot springs there too. For Queenslanders The Apollonian At Boreen Point is a great pub, I've also spent many a Sunday afternoon at the Lord Nelson in Sydney but that was many years ago. I've also had some great nights at the roadhouses in the outback. I'm sure there's plenty of great old pubs in Victoria but I haven't been down there to check any out yet.

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