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What do you miss from the UK?


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My OH is going to miss decaffeinated Twinings Earl Grey Tea (yes, seriously) as she does not think it is available over there. She will have to go back to Caffeine!!

All twining teas available in the supermarkets including Earl and Lady Gray teas ( which are caffeinated by the way)


Also a few specialist tea shops selling loose and bagged teas of many varieties.

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Things I get from UK. Boots own moisturiser and no 7 stay perfect make up. And Turkish Aleppo chilli flakes ( without seeds)!


im sure Boots would do well here. They have shops in Asia so it isn't as though they have no presence over this side of the world! They have now paired up with a drugstore chain in the USA and one in Singapore ( although they sell a very limited range in Singapore and it is aimed very much at the local market)


They don't ship to Australia either!


never did find a moisturiser I liked here and it is an expensive game trying them out!!! Now buy in bulk when in UK or get people to bring me some. Other stuff I find is readily available. And more and more European brands and stores are opening up. Not sure if it is a good thing or not.........

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Quaker oat cereal bars, golden syrup flavour. I eat 'em like sweeties. Bought 4 boxes back from our recent UK trip, scoffed 3 boxes, saving the last for special.


Thorntons caramel shortcakes. Interestingly, I found quite similar caramel shortcakes in the bread aisle at Woolies, not quite as nice but passable. Made in Pontefract, by gum!


M&S Swiss Mountain Bars. Kinda like Toblerone but I prefer these. Super interestingly, Aldi Australia has completely identical bars, in some of the same flavours. Same supplier, different country, different brand? Even the shape of each chunk is identical.


Morrisons vegetable crackers, fab dipped in a tub of dairylea. Gutted to find Morrisons discontinued them.


Related: tubs of cheese spread - Dairylea, Laughing Cow, store brand. Can get Laughing Cow triangles here but the packaging is inconvenient. Cream cheese doesn't do it for me.


Didn't realise how much I missed til we visited,

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i miss the motorsport of the uk, bugger all racing on aussie tv these days unless you have foxtel and the distance to the tracks is a pain. finally going to start building myself a new track car soon though :) just a bit more of an adventure getting to the track haha

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i miss the motorsport of the uk, bugger all racing on aussie tv these days unless you have foxtel and the distance to the tracks is a pain. finally going to start building myself a new track car soon though :) just a bit more of an adventure getting to the track haha


Definitely agree there, this country has far and away the best national motorcycle racing series and touring car racing. Being the home of F1 also helps I think, more F1 teams based here than anywhere else.

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Definitely agree there, this country has far and away the best national motorcycle racing series and touring car racing. Being the home of F1 also helps I think, more F1 teams based here than anywhere else.


Expensive sport to go and see now though.


Remember the days when OH n I would travel down from Scotland for the F1 races. Like others sleep in our cars, in the car park, one general admission pass, give you three days of racing, practice, qualifying and race day, entry to the pits.


Within less than five years it was unaffordable, ridiculous pricing structures. Camping prices....really.


It got that for a weekend slumming it, we could have two weeks abroad all inclusive for cheaper:mad:.


Shame, cos we loved it, and I'm glad we got those years at Silverstone, they were fab:wink:.



but to hell with you sports, that are affordable to the working man, then made all out of reach.

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There you go but this is about things people miss in the UK. ;)


Yes I miss watching the cricket with posh pricks in ties :wink:.


You haven't turned into one of these wannabe mods have you?

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There you go but this is about things people miss in the UK. ;)


So why post? You aren't missing them, you're back there.................or do you just have this driving force to "contribute"?.........the same force that seems to grip the likes of Aldo and PB?

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I don't see many ties at the cricket to be honest, lots of tshirts, shorts and costumes.


Sorry mate. I do miss the atmosphere at British sporting events, the Aussies never quite get as loud. Maybe it's easier to shout in the cold? or can get away with drinking more.

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Sorry mate. I do miss the atmosphere at British sporting events, the Aussies never quite get as loud. Maybe it's easier to shout in the cold? or can get away with drinking more.


There is nothing like a British crowd at a motorcycle GP or World Superbike race. It really isn't always cold but I'm sure you know that ;)

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General admission race day at Silverstone is £99, not too bad for the pinnacle of racing. We are hopefully going next year or to Goodwood.


You will need to be in the que for the crack of dawn to get a good spot.


all ok if you live within driving distance.


if you want to see all three days, and camp on a site with no facilities .....what's the charge!?

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You will need to be in the que for the crack of dawn to get a good spot.


all ok if you live within driving distance.


if you want to see all three days, and camp on a site with no facilities .....what's the charge!?


Well yes if you go to an extremely popular event a queue is inevitable unfortunately. 3 days is £120 according to their site. Don't know about camping.

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Yeah to be fair I was in Melbourne around GP time this year, hotel rooms were extortionate. Blokes in red bull polo's everywhere.

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Yeah to be fair I was in Melbourne around GP time this year, hotel rooms were extortionate. Blokes in red bull polo's everywhere.


Yes I know people who have been and said the wallet took an extreme bashing. It's not a cheap sport to follow. We have a good friend here who tries to do a couple of the European rounds and even the US.

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I used to miss BBC Radio 4 but the Internet has changed that. I miss UK TV, especially news and current affairs, I used to love election night, again things are different now, there is a much wider selection of TV here, You Tube etc.


Used to miss UK confectionary, there was a very limited selection years ago, much more available now, most supermarkets sell Quality Street, and there are numerous web sites that sell UK chocolate.


A word of warning, if you are planning to order chocolate for Christmas do it early, I ordered some last summer, when it arrived it had melted in the heat and when it reset it wasn't very nice.


There is one product I have never been able to get - Elizabeth Shaw mint crisps, there are other flavours I would like try if I could get them.

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What products/things do you miss from the UK and find it difficult to get them here in Australia?


Babycham and Duchy Originals Organic Beer.


You use to be able to occasionally buy both. But not seen either for years now.


What things are you finding expensive here in Australia compared to the UK?


Books. Thank goodness for the cheap prices and free shipping to Australia from The Book Depository in the UK


What things do you refrain from buying here in Australia because they are too expensive?

Nothing. If I need something (apart from books) I buy it here without another thought.


If you could have one product here which would make your life easier, what would it be?


Duchy Originals Organic Beer. Not make my life easier just more enjoyable!



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Miss UK newspapers.


Here we get the local rag - The West Australian, but the only national is The Australian.


Used to read The Sun and The Daily Star - yes, I know there trashy and full of rubbish, but just a daft bit of fun. Also miss having the choice and range of newspapers - The Times, Guardian, Independent, Observer, Telegraph

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