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Overseas visitors


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I'm sure a lot of you have had visitors over Xmas n new year.


Weve had one, but it was my daughters friend from way back in primary school, so apart from making sure they've had enough food to soak up the alcohol, not really needed.


But I have a friend who has had two lots of visitors from the UK in Dec. the first came at the beginning the next lot after a 4 day reprieve.


Saw her the other day and was shocked, she looks knackered.


I think now I'm too selfish for oversea visitors, unless they just want a bed to sleep in.


Perth is now my home, not a tourist attraction, been there done that.


Can imagine it could be quite unsettling too, if you've not quite settled yourself, having close rellies over, then having to wave them bye bye at the airport, not knowing when you will see them again.


Of course, its lovely to see family and friends, but do you find it a pain going to the same tourist attraction again and again??

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It's a novelty in the first few years but after that you tend to leave them to their own devices! We've had my in-laws and my Mum, Nan and Aunty every year since we emigrated (6 years ago). In laws only stay 2 weeks, the other lot usually a month but now split their time between mine and my Aunties (who lives here too) and often we just end up with my Mum. Last time they just sat in the garden reading! Mum did a bit of gardening, lazing around. Was a struggle to get her out to the beach!


We usually try to fit a few days in down south and have now taken both lots down to a cottage with us, no more expensive than going on our own as most places sleep 6 and lovely to share it with them.


I expect people to pull their weight though and maybe cook a few times and tidy up. In laws usually do a shop and take us out for a meal. Both lots do babysitting and we often take ourselves away for a few nights child free. Mutually beneficial:)

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Parley ...I'm not on about putting people up, that's not an issues.


im on about being chief cook n bottle washer, plus tour guide.


I just saying, Perth is now my home, its where I go to work 9-5. While I enjoy visiting all the things Perth has to offer, I would much rather do it in my own time. The friend I am on about has just spent 5 weeks organising stuff for her overseas visitors, they have wanted to be entertained 24/7.


All she wants is a good bloody sleep

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I can completely relate to how unsettling it can be when people come over when you aren't that settled yourself. I was heartbroken saying goodbye to my youngest son in the UK, then when he came over here and left again on Christmas Eve, I was in tears. He skyped me Christmas Day and I was in tears again but I'm okay now. Strange, don't feel so tearful about the others so it must be true about youngest sons :laugh:

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I'm lucky..................I won't have to put up with the ex's family any more :-) I've had to do Fraser island 3 times, Stradbroke island twice, Gold coast and australia zoo umpteen times..............when you've seen it yourself before, it just gets tiresome although I never tire of these places when with immediate family

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I think it would be pretty exhausting actually.I am lucky in so far that when I got back to Oz,yes I did stay with family,first at my Mum's,and then at my sisters,but I don't need to be shown the sights,having lived there for 30 yrs!:laugh:When I last stayed with Mum,as I always did anyway,I cooked,cleaned and generally just looked after myself.My Mum was incapable of going out the last time I was there,so I went out by myself.Then when she died,I stayed with sis,and again,even though she works part time,when she got home,I had done some housework (being careful not to tread on anyone's toes)and we also did some together if she needed help. When my kids come to stay with me,they generally are also good at cleaning up after themselves,and we cook together which is nice. I can't imagine (lol)having a houseful of guests,working and coming home,cooking for all of them,taking them out and so on.Nope,sounds too exhausting to me. I'm quite a private person by nature,so I think I would feel self conscientious if say a long lost rellie came to stay.

When my OH and I used to go back to Oz together,we would hire a car,and head out most of the day,so as not to get in anyone's way. We'd also pay for food and eat out.

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I think it depends on how much you like the visitors.

I had my brother and his 6 yr old son over earlier in the year and enjoyed going to all the places with them.

They were only here about 10 days and we did Healesville Sactuary, Puffing Billy, AFL match, mini golf, plus a few family bbqs.


Had a great time.

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Our visitors arrive in a couple of weeks, i'm back at work, but as this is their 3rd trip they're pretty good at getting themselves around. We have a few things that we'll do with them - going down to Margs for a few days during their stay.

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When I moved across the UK three years ago we were inundated with visitors, sometimes each week all summer long that it really started to affect my husband and I's relationship. We never got any time to ourselves and with 3 children we struggled to be perfect hosts and be parents to our children. By the 2nd Christmas it ended with a huge family argument where I saw all the anger from my in-laws who took it all out on me, despite the fact I had done so much for them over time. That was the final straw and I think now I am lucky that I have no contact with them. So, when we move to Australia hopefully visitors will be to a minimum...


However, my mum is recently divorced and is struggling on her own emotionally and has nothing of quality in her life. Her and my husband don't really see eye to eye (due to my mum naively thinking the world of my cheating ex-husband) and I feel like I should be supporting her in the future in coming to experience life in Australia. She has nothing in her life, she barely travels 3 streets down the road each week. My sister rarely talks to her. I really think experiencing a few months in Australia would make her feel so much better and allow her time with her grandchildren but I also know deep down she drives myself and my husband potty!


As for other guests, I doubt they will come that often but if any of my friends make the effort to come and visit I would be so happy. My life long friends have stuck by me since school and despite lack of contact we still act like we have never been apart.

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We've had a few since we've been here. The biggest problem really was them not having transport. I think I'll advise them to rent a car in future because it's hard to go about your daily business when you are having to run people here there and everywhere. We've two spare rooms so space isn't an issue but when we visited England no one has anywhere big enough for us to stay so it's not really the same. MIL and AIL were last to visit and they were pretty content to just flop out by the pool all day, but OH took the time off work so we did go out and do stuff too. We went to Rotto which we hadn't done before but a fare bit we were repeating. OHs Mum had never flown before so we were quite honoured that she made the trip. The other problem of course is because of the distance people stay perhaps longer than can be comfortable. A few days is enough for me really. Even the dog is a pain in the posterior when we have visitors.

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I must be odd, as I love it when we get visitors, we even had so many of my OH's family come once that some had to stay at my parents house, we always have a spare car usually, I find we all get along just fine, we do take them out a bit and have lots of BBQ's drinks at our own house, my parents, sisters and close family friends house, we always go back to King's Park at day/night as you can never be sick of that, my FIL (R I P) wasn't an easy man and was very jealous of how close we all were, but we got past that and he apologised not long before he passed away, haven't had any for while, so I am hoping we get some this year or next , although it can get very expensive with some of the fussy ones when it comes to eating x

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I must be odd, as I love it when we get visitors, we even had so many of my OH's family come once that some had to stay at my parents house, we always have a spare car usually, I find we all get along just fine, we do take them out a bit and have lots of BBQ's drinks at our own house, my parents, sisters and close family friends house, we always go back to King's Park at day/night as you can never be sick of that, my FIL (R I P) wasn't an easy man and was very jealous of how close we all were, but we got past that and he apologised not long before he passed away, haven't had any for while, so I am hoping we get some this year or next , although it can get very expensive with some of the fussy ones when it comes to eating x

I'll come visit Laney your house sounds fun :wink:

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They definitely need to be self sufficient to a degree to avoid frustration. We wouldn't dream of not hiring a car when over in UK. Then you can please yourself, get out of the house etc. Our visitors have become quite handy with trains and buses and we're always happy to drop them at the station, especially if they take the son out with them too;)

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Ah we do that too HH, we are right near the Train Station so drop them off and they go to the City and Freo, then just pick them up when they get back, we don't go out with them all the time, oh no Fifi I can be stressed and out of my comfort zone, so when they go off I do a good tidy up and relish the few hours they are gone, then I am okay for another week or so lol x

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Yes Lainey ...you are def not the grump I am.


Reckon I'm a miserable git, who enjoys her own company



We were reflecting on our first visitors the other day while still at in laws in UK. They stayed for 8 (count em) weeks.....by the end we remember a night when we insisted we had the front lounge to ourselves and made them knock if they wanted us, lol. Things got a bit strained, haha. I did pull out all the stops that time though and even moved the kids into same room so they could have a room each! fresh flowers in there...etc. Lol, how times have changed, now I vacuum and change the bedding.

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Ah we do that too HH, we are right near the Train Station so drop them off and they go to the City and Freo, then just pick them up when they get back, we don't go out with them all the time, oh no Fifi I can be stressed and out of my comfort zone, so when they go off I do a good tidy up and relish the few hours they are gone, then I am okay for another week or so lol x


Thats the way, then at weekend do something together.... get on with stuff while they're out, it really makes a difference. I give them a job to do if in, like right Aunty Lynne, you peel the veg and Mum can you do the washing. To be fair they're actually all good house guests, they wouldn't be invited back otherwise! Nothing worse than people sitting round waiting to see what you're doing them for dinner!

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When we first had visitors they were a couple of friends of my wife she knew through nursing. We were still in rented accommodation and they were great. Made sure they paid for a lot of stuff, cleaned up, cooked a couple of meals. They were in their 20's and used to find their own way about and entertain themselves. Pleasure to have them around.


Then my parents and my wifes parents came when we got our house. They thought they were on holiday and we were there to act as tour guides, cooks, cleaners. They came for 6 weeks each the first time too. We made a joint decision to make it a month tops after that.


Most of our visitors liked to do the touristy things that we never got round to doing as residents. Just about all of them had been on the River Cruise and Winery tour and me and the wife had only been to drop people off at the jetty in Perth and pick them up when they got back, usually half cut saying what a good time they had.


We decided to go with my Sister when she was over and we had a great day out. We thought it was good value too and promised ourselves we would do it again. There are a lot of things going off in Perth that you need a visit from someone to make the effort to go. Me and the wife are always saying we should get out more as we love going to Freo, Kings Park, Scarbourough Beach but if we are left to our own devices just go down the local beach almost daily. Not complaining as I love that too, it's a great spot and hard to beat but we always enjoy going a bit further when we get round to it.


I think it's the time of year for the visitors threads. There is one nearly every year with some real horror stories and some funny ones too.:wink:

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