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Partner Visa processing time increased to 18 Months


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There will be no migration either if they don't let their spouses to live with them. These rules are inhumane and violates basic human rights.



How do they violate human rights? If the UK spouse visa process doesn't violate human rights then the Australia partner visa process certainly doesn't.


Give me Australian partner migration over UK spouse migration ANY day. At least Australia deems how genuine the couples relationship is to be higher than how much the sponsor earns - unlike the UK.

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Don't think this is a human rights issue but 18 months is a really long time and together with the new cost of the visa it is going to deter all but the most determined or who have no option which is clearly the intention.


There is no human rights issue but its just seems a bit strange even with a 50% hike the prices are not exactly mental when compared to the prices quoted in the media charged by people smugglers. So if you are bogus I don't see this deterring anyone a few thousand extra dollars in total and a little longer wait is still much preferable to a perilous boat ride across the south pacific.

To me it seems to be a tax on Australian citizens with foreign partners more than anything. Im not complaining mind they can do what they want its their train set.

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Of course it is a human rights issue. Imagine you are an Australian. You want to marry, or have married a person of another nationality. You want to live together in Australia - but the Government says no, it will cost many thousands of dollars and you'll have to wait 18 months. That's not reasonable. A few weeks, perhaps, for processing but longer than that is indefensibly keeping families apart or denying the Australian the opportunity to live in his or her own country with his or her family. That absolutely is a human rights issue.


And boats have nothing to do with it. Partners have never sought to enter Australia illegally by boat.

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Of course it is a human rights issue. Imagine you are an Australian. You want to marry, or have married a person of another nationality. You want to live together in Australia - but the Government says no, it will cost many thousands of dollars and you'll have to wait 18 months. That's not reasonable. A few weeks, perhaps, for processing but longer than that is indefensibly keeping families apart or denying the Australian the opportunity to live in his or her own country with his or her family. That absolutely is a human rights issue.


And boats have nothing to do with it. Partners have never sought to enter Australia illegally by boat.


Well I am the partner and I am getting married in Sydney next October so although I paid the old rate and only have a year wait I don't think I would have felt mine and my fiancés human rights were impeded on.


Note the increases in cost do affect me directly for subsequent visas.

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Clearly there is no point in discussing human rights with epople who think it is OK for a government to tell people what to do. We just don't have a common vocabulary to engage in such a discussion.


Thats kind of what we elect them for, if they didn't have power to tell people what to do then they would be a very useful government.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I submitted my partner visa application in Jan 2010 and it took nearly seven months before the visa was granted. Had I managed to get the application in two weeks earlier, it would have cost about 20% less and taken only a month at most to process. Those were the days.

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Had I managed to get the application in two weeks earlier, it would have cost about 20% less and taken only a month at most to process. Those were the days.

It might still have taken longer. I applied in November 2009 and it took 3 months to process mine - but they did F up my medicals.

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