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moving back to uk just not 100% sure


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Just wondering how many on here came to oz and ended up back in uk if so how long did it last?

i always wanted to make the move here since my backpacking days over 10 yrs ago and the many times on holidays.

Came on or with got her or while here.

Its coming up to 2yrs on June 2015 and as much as I wanted to get here I left it till about 3 months before my pr visa was due to expire.

Or should I say before I would be too late in getting in.

working here in my trade 10 yrs ago while backpacking and seeing the jobs advertised here I thought I cant go wrong more so on the projects that was going on previous to coming and while being here.

But to be honest it maybe time for me to call it a day see to the end of my lease or head off sooner.

As nice as it is nice weather etc etc the work needs to be there and ongoing.

In the 23 yrs in the industry and over this time hardly out of work the odd few months here and there over that time it's been pretty sweet back there for me.


It was always a worry what if it does not work out,what if there is not enough work etc.

in the 17 months of being here I have only had about 4 months work if that.

Pretty sick of just getting the odd job here and there and nothing more steady,getting messed around and the endless applying for jobs and some not even getting back to you etc.

Each and everytime having to get a medical.

There has been a lot of bad timing on some work and just as said being promised but nothing.

i do find they could not care less of there workers here ok they are not 100% at home but I find they care more and I myself I hardly need to call them they are always calling me asking if I want work.


But it's like I sold my house left funds in uk to see how it went here,ok it's something but not enough to buy a house here and with getting silly jobs here the way it's going I just wanna own again and I'm not getting any younger.

i know I would pretty much get work asap if moved back home it's such a carry on here to get on one and on the jobs I have been on the guys around me have way less yrs in the industry or experience and even guys in charge of me and above,it's really opened my eyes coming here and seeing these guys on the jobs while I keep trying etc.


As much as it would be nice to stay here I think the lack of work I have been offered etc has just put me off and it's just got worse by being annoyed buy there driving here to many other things,ok most don't settle and some never do,but I do wonder if oz was ever for me.


Unless things get much better soon then it's time to go back me thinks,As I really can't go on like this I have done pretty well supporting my wife and bub and savings have taken a huge hit but if I move back I know I be back on my feet soon again.i rather be broke I think in uk near family than over here with none.


Such a waste of a pr for us and shame it was not 2yrs for citizenship as feel it would not have been a complete waste coming over here but hope we are not those ones that want to come back to oz wishing we never left in first place.

God it's a hard one.

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Doesn't sound like a a hard one - sounds like a no brainer to be honest - go where you know the work is. Don't think it has been a waste of time - nothing ever is - it's all an experience. I could happily live in either place after spending most of my life here - just go where it is best for you now and it is so obvious from your post - it is the UK

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Hmm Have you tried applying for other type of work outside of what you're usually doing?It doesn't sound like you're entirely convinced that moving back to the UK is the best thing for you to do right now. No place is that good without a job though,so if you're fed up of beating your head against a brick wall,then moving back might be the best way forward.There is the risk of ping ponging though.Some people actually find it hard to settle anywhere tbh,and are always looking for the next place to move. I don't know what else you've tried work wise,but I am going to suggest maybe changing careers first before commiting to a move back.If you do then manage to find work that's more permanent,you might feel more settled. Is it possible for your OH to work,even part time to boost the money coming in?

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Go where you can get a job - hopefully one which is going to enhance your career rather than marking time. If you can land a job in UK from Aus then go for it - utilize your networks and see what happens. Having something concrete on the table is always going to be a whole lot better than what ifs. Sure, you may regret leaving Aus but it doesnt sound like it's paradise on a stick for you at the moment and if you cant make good career headway it never will. Good luck!

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Your not a carpenter are you. If so I know exactly how you feel as I am one.been here 7 yrs without a return to uk but 3 yrs ago I was like you. After all the cvs you send off and not much feed back and if you do get a response they leave you dangling by a thread. Then you start questioning your ability. We was all ready to pack it in, savings where dwindling and so on and so on.we started getting quotes for shipping/ flights etc back as by this time 10 months without solid work sent me into deep depression as I was the main breadwinner lol. But out the blue I got a call from a shop fitting company can I start tommorow. Too bloody right I said that was 2 yrs ago and still with them now.all I am saying is you never know what might happen and maybe just hang on until you really know you can't take any more. If you can secure a job atleast you can then recoup some of your savings. Good luck

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I understand how you feel completely , but not for being out of work for oh luckily just not enough work around so you constantly living on a knifes edge . It is bad timing though and my oh reckons if we get through the next 12 months here he reckons we will have a great life out here . That is the only reason I'm hanging on to be honest ! Several times I've felt like I don't want hear this no more . So do know how you feel ! And like you was very sweet back in the uk for us too. My oh is seeing more jobs coming through for him though , more than he's ever seen since arriving 2 yrs ago just over . People think you are being negative if you say , maybe they don't want hear it , but it's the truth not negative just being realistic . The sun is lovely to me and do like outdoor living ect... But you can not live on fresh air ! And has it been worth leaving back home for hassle or worry not up to now it hasn't not really it's just cost after cost , perth then brisbane . Getting better but my oh is more convinced for him but not 100percent convinced yet ! Where he is now on site it comes to a end on the 19th that's it . So I know there is work on the cards on something else but it's the sort of not knowing , but you sort of know if that makes sense ! My hubby is one who will not make false promises he just says let's just see how we go . In the uk he never ever said that if he saw it drying up he would be off on the next job . Although he carnt complain how he's been treated they have looked after him without a shadow of a doubt ! I understand perfectly where you coming from and I wish you all the very best ! Different situ maybe for us though because different jobs entirely but I do hear every time my hubbies back what's happening . And I carnt say hang in there because that depends on your funds , that would be easy for me or anyone else to say , you do what's right for you and your family . But I deffo think bad timing really :)

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It's frustratingly true what beachpig says, given long enough everyone seems to get that lucky break but it's not really any help to hear that when you are waiting for it with no idea whether it might be days or years away. Rather than prolong this state of limbo I would put a deadline on it, the end of your lease is a fairly obvious one. At least it'll feel like you're moving forward.

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Go to barrow island or the wheatstone project...


I have been trying gorgon since was before I came here and already have applied with Wheatstone last time I spoke with them they said at least March/April before they take on that was months ago the said this.i even applied for one job the other day they emailed next day said not take my application to next stage. I was pretty shocked to be knocked back so quick.

i did email back asking why,it's not as if I have lack of experience or not been around must companies would snap me up in a heart beat,here it's a different story they just don't care less about you.

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A note on the citizenship front, when you came back to Oz, if your PR had been validated years earlier, you will be eligible for citizenship after 3 years living in Australia. As you can use the 12 months out of Australia at the start of your 4 years eligible period as you were a holder of a PR visa and last left Australia as a PR. If you dont leave for 3 years you will be eligible, 3 years aftrer your return, any short holidays will push eligibility by the number of weeks you have been away.

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I have been trying gorgon since was before I came here and already have applied with Wheatstone last time I spoke with them they said at least March/April before they take on that was months ago the said this.i even applied for one job the other day they emailed next day said not take my application to next stage. I was pretty shocked to be knocked back so quick.

i did email back asking why,it's not as if I have lack of experience or not been around must companies would snap me up in a heart beat,here it's a different story they just don't care less about you.




It wont won't be you but they already have people already on those projects . People getting laid off too on other projects that are coming to a end soon , so they also will be looking for work ! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...



we totally relate to your post. We came from Sussex in 2010 with 2 kids and 2 dogs with high hopes of making a better life. We purchased 4 acres of land and built a beautiful house with money from the sale of our UK house. My husband is a well seasoned carpenter and joiner a craftsman. All the spiel about Australia needing this trade seemed absolute BS because he has been out of work far more in the years we have been here than he ever was in the UK. I have been an unemployed book keeper for over a year now. It doesn't help that we are a bit out in the country about an hour and mins from Melbourne city. Beautiful countryside, rolling hills but NO WORK.


After 5 years and all of us feeling unsettled and not knowing if we ever will be with the lack of security and definitely missing family and friends to the point of misery we have decided to chuck in the towel, take a big hit financially on the house and head home. We are going very soon. My husband and I don't doubt for one minute our work prospects will be better back in the UK. There will be hurdles to jump i.e. purchasing property again etc. but as you said, we would rather be poor in our own country with our families and friends around for support than broke and lonely on the other side of the world.


It has taken us a long time to come to the decision but feel so refreshed now that clarity is there. Cant wait to get back, go to the pub, long country walks on the downs with no snakes to worry about and visit our nearest and dearest when we want.


I hope you are able to work it out as I know how agonising it can be. Good luck!

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  • 2 months later...
A note on the citizenship front, when you came back to Oz, if your PR had been validated years earlier, you will be eligible for citizenship after 3 years living in Australia. As you can use the 12 months out of Australia at the start of your 4 years eligible period as you were a holder of a PR visa and last left Australia as a PR. If you dont leave for 3 years you will be eligible, 3 years aftrer your return, any short holidays will push eligibility by the number of weeks you have been away.


well I came here in 2009 to validate my visa if I remember right jan/feb 2009 but never made the move here until June 2013.

so what does this mean for citizenship?

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My husband was in the construction industry and had to move wherever the work was. Before the children started school, we moved around with him - from Sydney to Perth then back to Sydney again. When there was a slump in Sydney he went up to Brisbane - kids and I stayed in Sydney. He also went out to Dubbo, Brewarrina and Cobar and up to Darwin. Later he was lucky to get a job as a foreman for a construction company back in Sydney.

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A note on the citizenship front, when you came back to Oz, if your PR had been validated years earlier, you will be eligible for citizenship after 3 years living in Australia. As you can use the 12 months out of Australia at the start of your 4 years eligible period as you were a holder of a PR visa and last left Australia as a PR. If you dont leave for 3 years you will be eligible, 3 years aftrer your return, any short holidays will push eligibility by the number of weeks you have been away.


Does that count if validated in 2009 jan came again for holiday for one month same year dec 2009 and not move here until 2013 june?

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Does that count if validated in 2009 jan came again for holiday for one month same year dec 2009 and not move here until 2013 june?
Go onto the DIPB website and there is a citizenship wizard, put in all the dates you arrived and left and it works out when you can apply
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Just wondering how many on here came to oz and ended up back in uk if so how long did it last?

i always wanted to make the move here since my backpacking days over 10 yrs ago and the many times on holidays.

Came on or with got her or while here.

Its coming up to 2yrs on June 2015 and as much as I wanted to get here I left it till about 3 months before my pr visa was due to expire.

Or should I say before I would be too late in getting in.

working here in my trade 10 yrs ago while backpacking and seeing the jobs advertised here I thought I cant go wrong more so on the projects that was going on previous to coming and while being here.

But to be honest it maybe time for me to call it a day see to the end of my lease or head off sooner.

As nice as it is nice weather etc etc the work needs to be there and ongoing.

In the 23 yrs in the industry and over this time hardly out of work the odd few months here and there over that time it's been pretty sweet back there for me.


It was always a worry what if it does not work out,what if there is not enough work etc.

in the 17 months of being here I have only had about 4 months work if that.

Pretty sick of just getting the odd job here and there and nothing more steady,getting messed around and the endless applying for jobs and some not even getting back to you etc.

Each and everytime having to get a medical.

There has been a lot of bad timing on some work and just as said being promised but nothing.

i do find they could not care less of there workers here ok they are not 100% at home but I find they care more and I myself I hardly need to call them they are always calling me asking if I want work.


But it's like I sold my house left funds in uk to see how it went here,ok it's something but not enough to buy a house here and with getting silly jobs here the way it's going I just wanna own again and I'm not getting any younger.

i know I would pretty much get work asap if moved back home it's such a carry on here to get on one and on the jobs I have been on the guys around me have way less yrs in the industry or experience and even guys in charge of me and above,it's really opened my eyes coming here and seeing these guys on the jobs while I keep trying etc.


As much as it would be nice to stay here I think the lack of work I have been offered etc has just put me off and it's just got worse by being annoyed buy there driving here to many other things,ok most don't settle and some never do,but I do wonder if oz was ever for me.


Unless things get much better soon then it's time to go back me thinks,As I really can't go on like this I have done pretty well supporting my wife and bub and savings have taken a huge hit but if I move back I know I be back on my feet soon again.i rather be broke I think in uk near family than over here with none.


Such a waste of a pr for us and shame it was not 2yrs for citizenship as feel it would not have been a complete waste coming over here but hope we are not those ones that want to come back to oz wishing we never left in first place.

God it's a hard one.


Have you considered getting yourCV professionally reviewed? Sometimes it can help? Your industry has taken a kicking in alllcountries.

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Go onto the DIPB website and there is a citizenship wizard, put in all the dates you arrived and left and it works out when you can apply


Yes, try this - we validated ours on holiday in Nov 2008 but moved in Apr 2009 and were eligible from Nov 2012. I think it depends on how many days out of the country you were. Although if you didn't move out until 4 years later then I doubt this would be counted.

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I'm not sure to the questions asked in calculator the answers I would need to enter but this is a run down of myself and wife:



Lodged 21st nov 2007

granted 14 august 2008

came in jan 2009 if i remember to validate visa

and moved here 1st june 2013 to live.


in these times was here for the month to validate and took my now wife over for a holiday again for one month in 2009,i had not been here until we moved as above 2013.


So what does that mean as in the citizenship.


Wife and bub had to do another visa partner 309 as i had mine before i met.

she lodged 12 may 2012

granted 13 nov 2012

and as we arrived 1st june here to live she validated her visa there and then,she is now in the stage of doing here 100 partner visa second stage for her.

she got her or 2014 but would need to check when in 2014.

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I'm not sure to the questions asked in calculator the answers I would need to enter but this is a run down of myself and wife:



Lodged 21st nov 2007

granted 14 august 2008

came in jan 2009 if i remember to validate visa

and moved here 1st june 2013 to live.


in these times was here for the month to validate and took my now wife over for a holiday again for one month in 2009,i had not been here until we moved as above 2013.


So what does that mean as in the citizenship.


Wife and bub had to do another visa partner 309 as i had mine before i met.

she lodged 12 may 2012

granted 13 nov 2012

and as we arrived 1st june here to live she validated her visa there and then,she is now in the stage of doing here 100 partner visa second stage for her.

she got her or 2014 but would need to check when in 2014.

For your citizenship eligibility; if you haven't left Australia after you arrived 1 June 2013, you will be eligible to apply for citizenship on 1 July 2016. The 12 months you're allowed to be outside Australia to meet residence requirements was between 1 July 2012 and 1 July 2013 - your 4 years started on 1 July 2012. Any time spent outside Australia after 1 July 2013 extends your eligibility date by the length of the absence.


If your wife and child have not left Australia since their arrival in June 2013, they will meet the residence eligibility for citizenship 12 months from the date her 100 is granted or on 1 July 2017 whichever is later. Time spent outside Australia after the grant of the 100 will extend the eligibility date if it means that she doesn't meet the 'absence of no longer than 90 days in the year immediately before applying provision'.

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