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.....the rich get richer.....


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.............the new rich list.........

............there is rising dissent and anger over the inequality........

............the top few %..........earning and owning more than the rest of Briton......

.............surely this concentration of wealth is unsustainable.......

................there must be a point when such inequality becomes unstable........?

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.............the new rich list.........

............there is rising dissent and anger over the inequality........

............the top few %..........earning and owning more than the rest of Briton......

.............surely this concentration of wealth is unsustainable.......

................there must be a point when such inequality becomes unstable........?

There our to many people caught up with money it seems there only drive, you can not take it with you when you die.
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.............the new rich list.........

............there is rising dissent and anger over the inequality........

............the top few %..........earning and owning more than the rest of Briton......

.............surely this concentration of wealth is unsustainable.......

................there must be a point when such inequality becomes unstable........?


It's sickening really....so many aspire to wealth but I think many realise it is not the answer. Wealth and greed, the root of all evil IMO

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But aren't the working class quilty for paying over the odds for these people to get so rich..


footballers who are on squillons, singers, bands etc.


its up to joe public to say no...not paying that for your service.


We all have a choice, I'm not working my butt off just to pay enflated prices to someone else.


if people stopped paying over the odds, then they wouldn't be able to ask daft money.

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How would you vote if you were lucky enough to be a scot? :laugh:

To be honest I haven't read enough to make a proper decision but I'd probably vote no. My friend lives in Scotland and she gets free eye tests etc which we don't get in England. I'm not sure how long the extra benefits people in Scotland would last without increasing the amount of tax you pay. If it's working why change. But like I said without reading enough I can't make a proper decision. I just know if it's a yes and things turn bad there is no going back :(

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But aren't the working class quilty for paying over the odds for these people to get so rich..


footballers who are on squillons, singers, bands etc.


its up to joe public to say no...not paying that for your service.


We all have a choice, I'm not working my butt off just to pay enflated prices to someone else.


if people stopped paying over the odds, then they wouldn't be able to ask daft money.




..........I totally agree with you...

..........that's freedom of choice though......

..........so can the football supporter......

...........then complain about the millionaire singer.....?

...........or coffers of the queen.....?

...........each supplies a demand....

............as supported by the individuals................just a thought....!

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..........I totally agree with you...

..........that's freedom of choice though......

..........so can the football supporter......

...........then complain about the millionaire singer.....?

...........or coffers of the queen.....?

...........each supplies a demand....

............as supported by the individuals................just a thought....!


Exactly you can go pay arena tour prices..to see a singer you like, for me that would be two days wages.


that singer is already wealthier than I could ever imagine....sorry but I will keep my hard earned cash, I'm not going to pay him/her those stupid prices, just to swell those coffers .

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Rather than worry what other people are making start concentrating on what you can do to increase your earns if it means that much to you. It's a fact of life there will always be rich people and poorer people!




.......it was just a newspaper article to discuss.......

......and I have enough for my needs thanks....!

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I'm afraid the past is going to have to be relived in some form if the present form of inequality is allowed to continue. It will be a very long and hard struggle to recapture what has been lost and what is yet to be lost. Quite possibly impossible without a form of revolt.


Sadly the divide and rule of the working class, has been engineered perfectly by a collection of vested interests, in the sense that they are more inclined to blame the vulnerable from within their class, than to seek or demand a fairer deal from those hording the real influence and wealth and deemed untouchable even envied.


I'm afraid greed and the want of money and the means of obtaining it has seriously impacted on the quality let alone the meaning of being alive in modern times.

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...........perhaps an increase in inequality should be countered by higher redistribution through more progressive taxes .....?

...........or more generous social spending .......?


As someone who comes from a working class area and has worked since I was 16 I would be more than happy to see less generous social spending.

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I'm afraid the past is going to have to be relived in some form if the present form of inequality is allowed to continue. It will be a very long and hard struggle to recapture what has been lost and what is yet to be lost. Quite possibly impossible without a form of revolt.


Sadly the divide and rule of the working class, has been engineered perfectly by a collection of vested interests, in the sense that they are more inclined to blame the vulnerable from within their class, than to seek or demand a fairer deal from those hording the real influence and wealth and deemed untouchable even envied.


I'm afraid greed and the want of money and the means of obtaining it has seriously impacted on the quality let alone the meaning of being alive in modern times.


Doubt it will ever change either Flag,the theme that runs through the ragged trousered philanthropist still rings true today

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As someone who comes from a working class area and has worked since I was 16 I would be more than happy to see less generous social spending.




.........which part of social spending though....?

..........it encompasses so many things.....



.........Ask people where that money goes and the assumptions might be on unemployment or incapacity benefit. In fact, 47% of UK benefit spending goes on state pensions of £74.22bn a year, more than the £48.2bn the UK spends on servicing its debt.


It's followed by housing benefit of £16.94bn (+5.2%) and Disability living allowance of £12.57bn (+3.3%). Jobseekers' allowance is actually one of the smaller benefits - £4.91bn in 2011-12, an increase of 7.6% on the previous year.




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.............the new rich list.........

............there is rising dissent and anger over the inequality........

............the top few %..........earning and owning more than the rest of Briton......

.............surely this concentration of wealth is unsustainable.......

................there must be a point when such inequality becomes unstable........?


When they start offering cake?

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.........which part of social spending though....?

..........it encompasses so many things.....



.........Ask people where that money goes and the assumptions might be on unemployment or incapacity benefit. In fact, 47% of UK benefit spending goes on state pensions of £74.22bn a year, more than the £48.2bn the UK spends on servicing its debt.


It's followed by housing benefit of £16.94bn (+5.2%) and Disability living allowance of £12.57bn (+3.3%). Jobseekers' allowance is actually one of the smaller benefits - £4.91bn in 2011-12, an increase of 7.6% on the previous year.





Well housing benefit is one of the biggest issues. 18 year old single mums getting a house paid for is just wrong, this shouldn't be the states problem to deal with it should be dealt with by families.

I dont understand how such a thing as 'bedroom tax' (its not a tax its a reduction in benefit) is allowed to exist if you live in government owned property along and have a three bedroom house you shouldn't have the option to live there if a family needs it. Although I do understand money would need to be put in to building smaller council properties.


I could be wrong (I normally am) but to claim jobseekers don't you actually need to have been in work in the not so distant past? If so then I have no issue with jobseekers allowance at all.


I dont see pensions as social spending either for the most part as the majority of people have paid in for a long time to get what they do.

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Well housing benefit is one of the biggest issues. 18 year old single mums getting a house paid for is just wrong, this shouldn't be the states problem to deal with it should be dealt with by families.

I dont understand how such a thing as 'bedroom tax' (its not a tax its a reduction in benefit) is allowed to exist if you live in government owned property along and have a three bedroom house you shouldn't have the option to live there if a family needs it. Although I do understand money would need to be put in to building smaller council properties.


I could be wrong (I normally am) but to claim jobseekers don't you actually need to have been in work in the not so distant past? If so then I have no issue with jobseekers allowance at all.


I dont see pensions as social spending either for the most part as the majority of people have paid in for a long time to get what they do.




.......there will always be those who take advantage......

.......and those disadvantaged.....

.......but so many depend on housing benefits...........perhaps better control over who is entitled....

.......the controversial bedroom tax is something I'm not sure on......

.......pros and cons again.........and personal circumstance should...IMO.....be taken into consideration....

........like yourself I have little idea on some of the job seeker allowances.....!


........but there are many areas of government spending that need to be increased....

.......health......schools........protection/police fire defence force.....




........but I do think addressing the tax issues would have the greatest impact.....

........fairer laws and control over evasion and expenses scams......

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