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Ok, theres me having my afternoon tea and dunking a delectable McVities digestive into the tea and enjoying my moment of quite, when it occurred to me my life of tea dunking maybe coming to a short end soon when we emigrate to Oz in October (as I never saw digestives being available in the supermarkets when we were in Oz in Feb).


My question is, is this going to be the case!? or is there a even better biscuit OZ style that hits the spot with tea dunking ? or is this a favourite British pastime that I have to leave in the UK? :huh:

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So Australian landlords don't like Pommies and the shops don't sell digestive biscuits.


Maybe you should rethink your plans and stay at home before you become another of those "back in England" types that really grate on everyone's nerves.


Giving everyone a fair go is part of the culture as is the fit in or feck off mentality.

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So Australian landlords don't like Pommies and the shops don't sell digestive biscuits.


Maybe you should rethink your plans and stay at home before you become another of those "back in England" types that really grate on everyone's nerves.


Giving everyone a fair go is part of the culture as is the fit in or feck off mentality.


LOL abz, you're not by any chance a landlord? seems like you taking a personal offence to my other post :tongue:. In case you haven't read it recently, I've accepted the good advice of the people in that thread, so I don't know why you think I've got it in for Aussie's?. In respect to this thread it was a tongue in cheek post to see what interesting OZ biscuits would be suggested by people living in OZ, that goes well in tea. So your misunderstanding of me making a complaint is somewhat unfounded!?


The bit about fair go with the culture, I am looking very much forward to embracing all the wonders and culture of OZ life and the many things it has to offer, otherwise I wouldn't be emigrating in a months time, but your comment suggest that I am not allowed to mesmerise good old British ways ? by what right does that give you to brand me as the type to grate everyone's nerves and tell me to stay back in the UK? you don't even know me? and uncalled for jibe mate, having a bad day on the threads?


If anything its people's comments like yours that damages the excitement of new emigrants like me joining the OZ community or using this thread as a source of info and social networking because your so negative and plain rude, I suggest you go dunk your attitude in TEA and reinterpret the meaning of this post before you make said judgemental comments.

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Telling Poms about tea is a bit like telling your grandmother how to suck eggs (an expression I've never quite understood either), but from a native-born Aussie point of view, dunking in tea? Ewwww.


Don't get me wrong, I am a tea fiend. Love my cuppa. But dunking biscuits in my tea seems about as obvious as pouring tea over my biscuits. Maybe it's just because I drink black tea - I love to dunk in cocoa.

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Guest Guest66881

Yeah i love to dunk, just not into tea.

For me Aussie ginger nuts are perfect for coffee dunking as they are solid, i also like to bits at an anzac biscuit then take a sip of coffee.

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