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What do you miss about the UK?


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@Dawn2002 we're hoping to move to the Gold Coast after xmas - if you have any advice re decent suburbs eithger on or very close to a beach please let me know. I hope they open up some M&S stores soon - it's so British it really amazes me they don't already have them! Even Dubai has an M&S!


Totally agree with what people are saying about Christmas! During my gap year in Australia Christmas day was the only day I missed home and not just because I wasn't with immediate family & friends but because Christmas in the sun is just weird & the Ozzie's don't quite go as 'all out' as we do in the UK - I think Christmases will definitely bwe the time of year we head home for our trips :-)

If you have children Coomera State College is NOT a good choice. Lots of nice areas, depends on where on the Gold Coast you prefer, closer to the beach the more expencive of course.

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self deprecation


creaky old pubs with low ceilings


the sound of robins tweeting


the smell of the English countryside, particularly on a dank, foggy day in November


seeing a fox at night and knowing that it belongs in that environment, rather than being a feral animal


country walks


curry houses


the ability to get to France in an hour by plane, and not to have to plan 2 years ahead in order to go there

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I'm like a broken record. The only thing about the UK I miss is Manchester. I've been saying this ever since we arrived, getting on for 3 years ago. Watching From There To Here on iplayer certainly made me rather misty-eyed :)


Not bothered about Christmas at all, since most of my family died it's just a few extra days off work to me, and I'm quite happy to spend that time in warmer climes!

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Friends and family being able to pop over for a cuppa. Has to be going to watch the blues at Goodison , although I don't miss the layers of clothes I needed to sit there for 2 hours . Miss all the footy progs on the TV but don't miss any other TV as mostly watched the news and politics stuff anyway. I order stuff from M&S and get free delivery which is great. Went back at Christmas and first stop was M&S cafe for a Cumberland sausage toastie. Wasn't as fab as we had remembered. We've adopted a much healthier eating style over here as the fruit and veg is much better. Miss the long light summer evenings. We will never have that here on the Sunny Coast even if they do change the daylight saving hours. Was lucky enough to see quite a bit of Europe so looking forward to seeing some of the history here and in the countries closer to Oz. Listened to Life in a northern town by The Dream Academy recently...now that really did make me nostalgic but probably because I was a teenager at the time. What you miss may depend on where you land in Oz, I'm lucky that I have the most amazing green hinterland and stunning beaches. Anyone who is lucky enough to hold dual nationality for both countries really did get hit with the lucky stick :)

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Old buildings and lots of historical sites within easy distance. Just took that stuff for granted.

And definitely been able to travel into Europe quickly for a long weekend.


A lot of people in the UK would be happy to swap for our weekender options around Brisbane. Sometimes grass is greener I think...

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Old buildings and lots of historical sites within easy distance. Just took that stuff for granted.

And definitely been able to travel into Europe quickly for a long weekend.


We see/do more of that now when we go back on holiday than we ever did when we lived there. Same with food and shops don't really miss them now but enjoy them when we are there.

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I miss living in a village, with the countryside all around, and being able to walk or cycle from my front door. Watching the Tour De France in Yorkshire, made me wish I'd visited there whilst I had the chance.


The countryside is wonderful here too, of course, but it's not practical to walk or cycle from my front door! I drove to Windsor on Sunday arvo, from Surry Hills, 60 kilometres, mostly motorway and dual carriageway.


I can actually immerse myself in all things British via internet, Sky News UK, Sky Sports, TV. Now my computer is working again, I might actually listen to 'The Archers' on line, (the only 'soap' I was ever addicted to.)

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Summer!Been in Adelaide now for a few months so have missed out on the nice warm weather.Pubs where no one is playing pokies,countryside,my OH and kids,my job (Did I really say that!lol)and my town where I live,and working on my allotment!

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Guest Guest 47403

Currently nothing as everything is so new and interesting here, I'm sure there will be something at some point though.


I don't miss washed out summer camping trips though.

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You can buy it at our Coles in Adelaide, although only orange double concentrate flavour, that family could have stayed after all!! :wink:


They were here for 2 weeks, that would be a pretty short stay for a holiday! :biglaugh:


Saying that if my memory serves correct it was Blackcurrant they were looking for...


Hope they are enjoying life back in Hull with lots of cordial.

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They were here for 2 weeks, that would be a pretty short stay for a holiday! :biglaugh:


Saying that if my memory serves correct it was Blackcurrant they were looking for...


Hope they are enjoying life back in Hull with lots of cordial.


No sign of blackcurrant at Coles, just orange, oh dear!!

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A lot of people in the UK would be happy to swap for our weekender options around Brisbane. Sometimes grass is greener I think...


Yes, there is lots to do and we have seen lots of the area and go camping etc.

However I do miss the differences in culture that you can get within a few hours of the UK (and at a low cost) that just isn't possible for us at the moment. For example I had family in Italy and, if flexible, could sometimes get flights over there for £200 altogether with free accommodation.

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Not a thing! I'm here and I'm very happy!

What I did miss - and boy, did I miss them:

The variety in almost everything - scenery, opportunities, products, activities

The weather - clement, unpredictable, gorgeous

The sense of humour, banter, community spirit

The countryside, ever changing with the seasons, beautiful colours, wild food (just finishing the cherries, about to move on to blackberries!)

The courtesy of drivers

The history - walk down a C21 street and suddenly find a beautiful C10 building

Christmas - never did get used to hot Christmases even though I had over 30 of them.

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Guest Guest 47403
Robinson's cordial?


$1.49 at my local spudshed cheaper than you'd pay back in the UK.


Wouldn't buy any though just thought of the couple from the newspaper article that said that because there poor little Chantelle couldn't get her favourite Robinsons cordial was one of the reasons they MBTTUK :laugh:

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My daughters , my granddaughters , English cities. , European cities , the Lake District , snowdonia and the Brecons ,the Peak District , stone villages , old buildings and Leeds rhinos . Nando's that do starters and deserts and sell beer like a real restaurant .

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