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For those thinking of moving back to the UK


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Absolutely agree 100%. Only took me 3 months to realise id done the single most stupid thing of my life. Gave up a fantastic home in a lovely suburb, great career, to be unemployed and sick as a dog in UK.


Surely leaving your wife and children in the UK must be the "single most stupid thing" of your life?

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.... especially if your reasons for return are weather related! I have only returned to UK once in winter in 8 years and we had almost unbroken cold sunshine, blue skies, a bit of snow!!, the other two times we came in summer - and pretty good weather (last year's summer weather was particularly sublime). What I really don't know is how I would cope with a long, grey, damp and miserable winter - I remember how sad it used to make me never seeing the sky and how I craved the sunshine. When I think of mist and grey now it seems as exotic as the pebbles on Brighton beach - Short memories but the tendency is to romanticize what you haven't got - many of us hoping to return fear the ping pong. I need this money to retire, I can't spend my twilight years gadding about everywhere....

I'm always intrigued by that assumption that winter in UK is grey grey grey - it isn't! There are some absolutely cracking days in winter in the same way as there are glorious days in summer and, if one was to be objective about it, far more than are gruesomely ghastly! It's just that if a day turns cloudy then it's remembered as dismal even if, for the most part, it was gorgeous. It's the variety in weather that makes it great for me!


OP sorry it hasn't worked out for you - for many of us it's been an absolute life saver and far far better than we could ever have imagined! Perhaps moving elsewhere in the country is a more sensible option before nicking off back to a foreign country in the other side of the world?

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We made that mistake too!!! Literally within about a week of landing we knew we had made a huge mistake!! We return may 2015, can't come quick enough!!!


I don't know what happened with me. It was going so fast, my wife pushing us to sell the house and everything to go back, after all wed built here. Jobs and house everything. then arrived back in UK, thinking what the hell have I done. Worst feeling ever!!!!

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I suspect those considering a return to UK after a time here could benefit in several ways. Namely the dollar is remaining strong, if not at the levels experienced at its height, still good. Selling an overinflated house in a city like Perth or Sydney would surely ensure something of quality over there? Just not London. The cost of living being substantially lower the further north one goes would further brighten the experience.

It would appear jobs are on the up while OZ is getting harder in many different ways.


On top of that a country with permits travel at ease and a continent just a few hours drive away. Unless you are a nothing but hot weather buff and life means a beach, there is very little imo, to keep folk in Australia. Another consideration for the future where would you consider the better option for retirement?

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.... especially if your reasons for return are weather related! I have only returned to UK once in winter in 8 years and we had almost unbroken cold sunshine, blue skies, a bit of snow!!, the other two times we came in summer - and pretty good weather (last year's summer weather was particularly sublime). What I really don't know is how I would cope with a long, grey, damp and miserable winter - I remember how sad it used to make me never seeing the sky and how I craved the sunshine. When I think of mist and grey now it seems as exotic as the pebbles on Brighton beach - Short memories but the tendency is to romanticize what you haven't got - many of us hoping to return fear the ping pong. I need this money to retire, I can't spend my twilight years gadding about everywhere....

Winter was very mild but with frosty sunny days, this year has started like last year warm to hot and sunny,I love the 4 seasons and look forward to the Autumn and winter asI love the cold winters with heavy snow...thats if we get one...:mad:

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Simply Don't do it, we spent 2 years on the Gold Coast and came back due to us having a little girl and my partner missing family etc.. Now we have realised we have made the biggest mistake of our lives, I can go on forever why i hate the UK so much but i suppose you have heard it all before so i won't bother, stick it out guys it will be worth it once you have settled we will be applying for RR Visa early next year and hopefully will be returning back to the goldie can't wait





haven't done the gold coast , but I can understand your situation ....I work in stoke a lot ( hanley , longton , meir , burslem ..there I go name dropping ) .....the people are great , but some of the areas are a bit ropey , to say the least , and stoke has had a sudden wave of immigration ....very , very quickly

If you had a good life in oz , I can fully understand your desire to return to oz ....it all depends where you come from in the U.K , iam happy here in the uk , but my immediate surroundings and lifestyle are pretty decent .

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haven't done the gold coast , but I can understand your situation ....I work in stoke a lot ( hanley , longton , meir , burslem ..there I go name dropping ) .....the people are great , but some of the areas are a bit ropey , to say the least , and stoke has had a sudden wave of immigration ....very , very quickly

If you had a good life in oz , I can fully understand your desire to return to oz ....it all depends where you come from in the U.K , iam happy here in the uk , but my immediate surroundings and lifestyle are pretty decent .


Are they Eastern Europeans?

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Simply Don't do it, we spent 2 years on the Gold Coast and came back due to us having a little girl and my partner missing family etc.. Now we have realised we have made the biggest mistake of our lives, I can go on forever why i hate the UK so much but i suppose you have heard it all before so i won't bother, stick it out guys it will be worth it once you have settled we will be applying for RR Visa early next year and hopefully will be returning back to the goldie can't wait









Sorry Have to Disagree, I have been back several months and the choice of where to live is very difficult, so far 7 job offers not all in my trade, lovely weather since mid March and a Christmas in winter and close proximity of Europe, cheaper prices and lots more mean that neither the UK or Oz are better than one another they are just different and each one can offer anyone the chance to be happy, its a personal choice, though you did get the required response to your post ;-)

Me?, I am through choice looking to move back to Perth but will have sadness at having to leave either country. Summer here and the summer nights of daylight til 10pm have been fab.

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Well, each to their own. I personally could write a list of things I don't like about Oz, but then never really wanted to the leave the UK in the first place, indeed if I had a crystal ball, for a hundred reasons I would have firmly dug my heals in to stay.


But home is where the heart is, so good luck with your return :)

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Simply Don't do it, we spent 2 years on the Gold Coast and came back due to us having a little girl and my partner missing family etc.. Now we have realised we have made the biggest mistake of our lives, I can go on forever why i hate the UK so much but i suppose you have heard it all before so i won't bother, stick it out guys it will be worth it once you have settled we will be applying for RR Visa early next year and hopefully will be returning back to the goldie can't wait




Going back will work for some and not for others. The most important thing for anyone thinking of going back is - sit down and make a list of the reasons you left in the first place. If you can't think of any, you're probably deluding yourself - stay sitting down some more and think again!

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We came here to be near family, but to be honest we don't see them that often as we live quite some distance away. So I guess the reason we came has not really worked out.

Aus is okay and the money here is better but the Aus employers do like their pound of flesh; to the point that there isn't the energy or time to enjoy. We don't like the town we live and there is naff all to do so if we want to do anything we have to drive for an hour.


I don't miss the UK although I did like living there; however my son does want to go back there. I do miss mainland Europe as we spent most of our spare time there. I have always liked the cosmopolitan bustle so I guess Aus is the polar opposite of that. If my son heads back to UK then I will may try to go somewhere close-ish in Europe.

My plan is still the same though, to give it 5 years and then decide. We are moving at the end of this year to Brisbane so there should be a bit more for us there.


Millie x

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It would be interesting to hear which part of the UK the OP returned to. I would imagine the in your face beauty of the Gold Coast would be hard to give up for some of the grimy British towns and the attitude of course.


In your face beauty. LOL! :smile:


After being here a few years and being back to the UK once each year, I've found myself become more accustomed to life here in Australia. I prefer the people, generally. The Brits can be a very conservative bunch and it gets tiring (after experiencing here), having to conform much more to pleasantries all the time.


Some things I noticed when I went back:


- Lots of house building everywhere and lots of traffic: you really appreciate the space here (generally speaking) compared to the UK;

- Economy is picking up, but not everywhere and people are still not that happy with their lot - but unable to see beyond the four shores;

- Anti-European sentiment and right-wing sentiment is being stoked by opportunist political groups and individuals who are taking advantage of the current circumstances that the UK faces - rightly or wrongly;

- Family: great to see them and my love for them is the same but I have better quality time with my parents when they come here (while they are able) and sometimes it's good to be on the periphery of all the family politics!

- Good to see good friends, but good friends never forget, no matter how long.


For me Australia wins for the following reasons:


- Outdoor lifestyle / more relaxed attitude to life;

- Having the opportunity in the future to work in Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Sydney or Adelaide - - rather than over-priced Aberdeen or London for what I do (I'm sure you can guess what industry I'm in!)

- Happy partner, happy life;

- We have pets here - we think it's cruel to move them again on 24 hour flight;

- We've made some good friends: because we have less time commuting and more free time away from work we have more active social lives and more time for extra-curriculars;


Like some others have commented, it may not be forever but at this point in our lives, Australia suits us better than the UK. I still get home-sick but I remember what an opportunity we have here and I soon get over it.


My advice to those who are going back after a long period away is to go and experience the UK for a few weeks holiday time before you commit to finally going back.

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Going back will work for some and not for others. The most important thing for anyone thinking of going back is - sit down and make a list of the reasons you left in the first place. If you can't think of any, you're probably deluding yourself - stay sitting down some more and think again!


I don't disagree but I think there is a difference between 'leaving the the UK' and 'going to Australia' - the only thing I didn't like about the UK was the unpredictability of the weather really (no surprise we made the decision to emigrate in February!)


I did think that Australia would but the cherry on the top of an already great life but the things I perceived Australia would offer it didn't - yes the weather was overall better but I hated the Perth summer as much as the Scottish winter and found it more restrictive. As for the rest I was delusional about Australia :) It has all the same problems as the UK and I found myself working longer hours for less money with a higher cost of living. I think it matters a lot where you come from in the UK - as I said on another post recently if my only choice in the UK was to live in my home town (Middlesbrough) then for the sake of my son I would reluctantly live in Perth instead. Moving to another part of the UK is much easier than moving to Australia though - especially if you have already tried Australia once. Hats off to those that have a second bite of the cherry though, there are no rules that say you can't - it depends a lot on why you left Australia too because those problems will still be there also!

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We came here to be near family, but to be honest we don't see them that often as we live quite some distance away. So I guess the reason we came has not really worked out.

Aus is okay and the money here is better but the Aus employers do like their pound of flesh; to the point that there isn't the energy or time to enjoy. We don't like the town we live and there is naff all to do so if we want to do anything we have to drive for an hour.


I don't miss the UK although I did like living there; however my son does want to go back there. I do miss mainland Europe as we spent most of our spare time there. I have always liked the cosmopolitan bustle so I guess Aus is the polar opposite of that. If my son heads back to UK then I will may try to go somewhere close-ish in Europe.

My plan is still the same though, to give it 5 years and then decide. We are moving at the end of this year to Brisbane so there should be a bit more for us there.


Millie x



We did the exact same thing. Moved out so my partner could be closer to his family, but due to the spread from Sunshine Coast down to Melbourne, we still don't see them often.

I'm working a boring job that is below the level of my capabilities because no one wants to hire someone without 'local experience'. There is no socialising after work, people head home at 4pm but bars don't even open til 5pm at the earliest. I hate where I live, staying in means putting on a dvd as there is nothing on tv, going out means wondering the streets because the only place to go eat is a Sushi restaurant (I hate Sushi!). I am hoping that moving out of the Brisbane suburbs and being closer to the Gold Coast will remind me why I wanted to move here in the first place. I am also giving it four years before deciding whether to go back (been here 6 months).

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In your face beauty. LOL! :smile:


After being here a few years and being back to the UK once each year, I've found myself become more accustomed to life here in Australia. I prefer the people, generally. The Brits can be a very conservative bunch and it gets tiring (after experiencing here), having to conform much more to pleasantries all the time.




In your face beauty - I didn't get that either. The unspoiled sections of the Sunshine Coast, yes - but Gold Coast over-development and monotonous dry bushland aren't my idea of beauty!


Your comment about British conservatism is the only thing that worries me about going back. I remember when I came to Oz, it was exhilarating to get away from all the Hyacinth Buckets. I could never stand having my whole life controlled by "what will the neighbours think?" I hope that has changed in 30 years!

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I see some love or it hate it.


We've only just moved from the UK (Surrey) to near Melbourne.


It has been a shock, not what we were sold by the company that hired the other half, and not what we were told by people who lived here.


There are positive and negative elements living in any country.


For me, it was easier than the wife moving abroad. I moved from Spain at a young age to the UK, then back and forth, and other places, back to the UK and now here.


The biggest element is missing the family or family events, that means a lot for us. However, some of them we didn't see that often so it's not the end of the world.


What is upsetting is not being able to see a relative if they are poorly or funeral.


Also, unable to catch a flight back to Spain without a moments notice is a bummer or quick holiday.


Saying that though, we like it here, it's nice and most surprisingly, the wife does like it.


Financially, we are not better off here. A lot more expense.


One of the main things on the back of our heads is, if and when we are going to return back to the UK. Because you become "unsettled" as you don't really feel rooted, so that is one of our main concerns.


Not sure if we are going to live in other areas of Australia, I hope so, specially if a bit warmer.


Overall, people will have different opinions and reasons for staying/or going back. What is important to remember is that everyone is different and GENERALLY we cannot criticise people for their opinions/actions in regards to staying or moving back.


This is a forum after all, from my little postings on here, seems like a brilliant community and some really great advice.


If you stay or go, make sure it's a joint decision, not rushed and be happy :)






ps: I hate polished concrete flooring that doesn't have underfloor heating, this house is freezing !!!

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In your face beauty - I didn't get that either. The unspoiled sections of the Sunshine Coast, yes - but Gold Coast over-development and monotonous dry bushland aren't my idea of beauty!


Your comment about British conservatism is the only thing that worries me about going back. I remember when I came to Oz, it was exhilarating to get away from all the Hyacinth Buckets. I could never stand having my whole life controlled by "what will the neighbours think?" I hope that has changed in 30 years!


Reverse for me it was Aussie conformism and conservatism that tempted back to the freedom of London on two occasions in the past.

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Simply Don't do it, we spent 2 years on the Gold Coast and came back due to us having a little girl and my partner missing family etc.. Now we have realised we have made the biggest mistake of our lives, I can go on forever why i hate the UK so much but i suppose you have heard it all before so i won't bother, stick it out guys it will be worth it once you have settled we will be applying for RR Visa early next year and hopefully will be returning back to the goldie can't wait



Totally and utterly disagree! Everyone reacts differently. I think it depends where you live in the UK though and your family there. I moved to Australia many years ago from a beautiful spot called Milford-on-Sea in Hampshire and was glad I could compare that with the Gold Coast. It seemed fair. We lived in Currumbin near the Currumbin Bird Sanctuary and having been around Oz I honestly think that Currumbin Beach, especially where the river estuary meets the ocean is one of the most beautiful spits in Oz. We went from there back to UK last year and had a magic harbour front unit with balcony at Paignton surrounded by utter beauty and views across the sands to Torquay. We absolutely loved the variety in the UK, loved catching up on the spur of the moment with family, being in London just before Christmas (magic - I felt like a child with excitement) and miss it like crazy. 11 months was not long enough. We had hardly touched the places we wanted to visit all over the UK and I have still never been to Ireland, nor did we get tine to get to the continent. So much to do, the people were so amazingly happy and friendly and the humour from complete strangers we bumped into had me in stitches. I have not laughed, smiled and been surrounded by so much love for 31 years. I am niw in a seafront unit at Cotton Tree near Maroochydore at Sunshine Coast, a place I didn't know of because my daughter lives here but other than her being around the corner I am bored out of my mind!

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PS. The weather last year was superb! Mild winter and beautiful summer and it is another beautiful summer there again this year. I am colder now at the Sunshine Coast with 5C at night and no double glazing or central heating than I ever was there!

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Totally and utterly disagree! Everyone reacts differently. I think it depends where you live in the UK though and your family there. I moved to Australia many years ago from a beautiful spot called Milford-on-Sea in Hampshire and was glad I could compare that with the Gold Coast. It seemed fair. We lived in Currumbin near the Currumbin Bird Sanctuary and having been around Oz I honestly think that Currumbin Beach, especially where the river estuary meets the ocean is one of the most beautiful spits in Oz. We went from there back to UK last year and had a magic harbour front unit with balcony at Paignton surrounded by utter beauty and views across the sands to Torquay. We absolutely loved the variety in the UK, loved catching up on the spur of the moment with family, being in London just before Christmas (magic - I felt like a child with excitement) and miss it like crazy. 11 months was not long enough. We had hardly touched the places we wanted to visit all over the UK and I have still never been to Ireland, nor did we get tine to get to the continent. So much to do, the people were so amazingly happy and friendly and the humour from complete strangers we bumped into had me in stitches. I have not laughed, smiled and been surrounded by so much love for 31 years. I am niw in a seafront unit at Cotton Tree near Maroochydore at Sunshine Coast, a place I didn't know of because my daughter lives here but other than her being around the corner I am bored out of my mind!


Would sure agree with you on Currumbin, it is our most visited place on the Gold Coast, great for and very safe for kids in the estuary lagoon, the walk up and down the river banks, a great RSL club on the river, the surf club on the beach, cafe's restaurants, whale watching from the shore, and the wildlife park (bird sanctuary) we drive down to the GC most weekends there are many other great places, just a shame that a lot of people seem to base the whole of the Gold Coast as been Surfers Paradise.

We like England too, cold or hot, just not wet, foggy or windy!

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