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Is OZ REALLY all that?


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You have said nothing to change my opinion that making such a sweeping statement is ridiculous at all. Even more so when your comment seems to contradict itself, I have been to Victoria in winter it was fairly grim from what I remember.


I like Melbourne but really it is somewhat over rated in my opinion. I don't feel the poster is very worldly to avail myself to further comment.

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I think your husband needs to do a lot more research.


His salary expectations are wildly out. Even for FIFO which would be VERY unlikely given mining is in a major downturn.


Moving to Australia will not automatically improve the lives of your children. It was reported yesterday that Australian children are the most inactive in the world.


Australia is expensive. Anyone who says it isn't is living on another planet. All of the Australian cities are officially in the top ten of the most expensive places to live in the world.


Having more family time is a myth. Some achieve it but many don't. The official statistics are that Australians work the longest hours in the developed world.

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My friends have just spent the last five months in the UK, living there in a couple of house swaps, nice place to visit but they would not live there, why because its so different to Australia and one of them is Australian and the other is a New Zealander. People have to realise that UK and Aus are nothing alike, the lives we lead in Aus are nothing like the lives we lead in the UK. So to be successful as a migrant and to be fairly happy one needs to forget about the other country, whether it be going on way or the other. Comparisons can not be successful, why, because, the people are different, the climate is different, the way government runs the country is different. We have separate States which are different from each other again. So to try to find out whether you will like it is not possible until you do it.


However if you are going to this much trouble to try to find out I would have to say don't do it. Your mind is not right for migration if you are looking for guarantees of happiness, wealth etc.


A couple where one wants and one does not quite often ends being apart, again the difference comes into play. Moving when you do not really have the heart for it will make it all the more miserable trying to settle and cause arguments and digs and all the stuff that destroys our relationships in the long term.


To do the migration thing as people who want separate things, love has to be the strongest thing in the relationship. Many do have this love and do it but its not easy at all.

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Guest hoffer

Some great posts on here both the positives and negatives.


My take on it. I cant see a chippy earning $80 an hour that's $166k per year which i will try and put into context.


I am on a little more than that so will give you an idea on my expenses per month. Before someone chirps up and says im paying more than you have to I already know this but we all have different priorities.


My rent is $3900 per month (yes its high but i pay for the location)

My electricity is $850 per month(still not figured out why this is so high)

Gas is $150 per 1/4

Foxtel is $136 per month

Optus internet and phone $140 per month

Car lease is $488 per month ( and i paid for 3/4 of the car cash)

insurances are about $150 per month

I refuse to work out how much food costs me but for a family of three its pretty high and would just upset me so i choose to be oblivious to the cost here.


There are positives and negatives to being here which have already been discussed. For us the quality of house we live in, the way we choose to live our lives is much better here. Yes i do not have the disposable income we were used to in the UK but due to the stress of moving and being a small family of three here we are definitely closer. My relationship with my daughter is far better as i get to see her a lot more and we do stuff every weekend as a family.


I love it can you tell?

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Guest hoffer

One more thing. If your going to do it you have to give yourself time to settle and adjust i have met a number of people already who have come here and at the first sign of difficulty or homesickness have gone back to the UK. Its going to be difficult initialy how you as a family cope and deal with that only you can answer.


Either way i wish you luck in what ever decision you choose

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No it dosen't. There isnt anywhere in Europe where its hot 20 degrees plus in winter??


Or there is no tropics, rainforest ect.


You cannot live in a hot climate and live within the British language/ culture like Australia. I lived in greece for a long while too.


I hate history and stuff, means nothing to me. I love that Australia has no history because I cant be bothered with that sort of thing anyway. Honestly I like travelling but if I got a visa, i'd never leave Australia again only for perhaps one week a year to sit on a beach in bali with other Australian's drinking beer. That said I might even not ever leave Victoria. Victoria has it all! :)


Shame you don't like history as Melbourne's is actually not bad for history for Australia.


You should probably move to Gibraltar where you could get a job and enjoy the sun. Also if you only want weather why on earth are you living in Melbourne? You would be better off in Brisbane (not that we want you fare dodging our public transport)

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I hate history and stuff, means nothing to me. I love that Australia has no history because I cant be bothered with that sort of thing anyway. Honestly I like travelling but if I got a visa, i'd never leave Australia again only for perhaps one week a year to sit on a beach in bali with other Australian's drinking beer. That said I might even not ever leave Victoria. Victoria has it all! :)


I was young, naive, clueless and thought I knew it all once too! :embarrassed:

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Some great posts on here both the positives and negatives.


My take on it. Icant see a chippy earning $80 an hour that's $166k per year which i will try and put into context.


I am on a little more than that so will give you an idea on my expenses per month. Before someone chirps up and says im paying more than you have to I already know this but we all have different priorities.


My rent is $3900 per month (yes its high but i pay for the location)

My electricity is $850 per month(still not figured out why this is so high)

Gas is $150 per 1/4

Foxtel is $136 per month

Optus internet and phone $140 per month

Car lease is $488 per month ( and i paid for 3/4 of the car cash)

insurances are about $150 per month

I refuse to work out how much food costs me but for a family of three its pretty high and would just upset me so i choose to be oblivious to the cost here.


There are positives and negatives to being here which have already been discussed. For us the quality of house we live in, the way we choose to live our lives is much better here. Yes i do not have the disposable income we were used to in the UK but due to the stress of moving and being a small family of three here we are definitely closer. My relationship with my daughter is far better as i get to see her a lot more and we do stuff every weekend as a family.


I love it can you tell?


Just to show why its so difficult to generlise


Our mortgage is $1500.00 per month

Our Electric is approx $200 per month

Our Gas is approx $40 per month

Our Broadband,Internet ,homephone & Foxtel and 3 mobile phones $480 per month

Our food approx $100 to $150 a week ( just two of us as OH is away fifo )

No car loan or lease as bought a cheaper new car cash and have nothing on credit.

So its a very mixed bag depending on where you choose and how you choose to live.

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Guest hoffer
Hoffer how is your electricity so high? I pay under 50 a month!!!


That is exceptionally low and my theory is that i am paying for the whole streets electricity

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That is exceptionally low and my theory is that i am paying for the whole streets electricity


I must add I'm in a 2 bed apartment and we are both out at full time jobs. But I still think you are paying for the street or have a shocking disregard for energy

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You say that Aus is something you'd like to 'experience'. That's very different from bringing your family over to live potentially permanently. As has been said, what if hubby wants to stay and doesn't want the kids to leave.

I don't think it's something I'd go into knowing I'm not thinking if staying long term (not saying that you're not) as moving out and then back could financially cripple you not to mention the broken ties with homes etc.

Of course if it doesn't work out you can go back but in the same way i'd be wary of someone getting Married saying 'if it doesn't work out we can always divorce', if you're already thinking of the escape plan then it doesn't bode well.

Again, I'm not suggesting that the above describes you but if it does, I would definitely come for a reccie first. Not discounting it, just come an see what you're dealing with.

Go on wollies, peter jones, Dick smiths' websites, have a look a gumtree and get a feel for the price of things you're comfortable with too. If you're happy to drive a banger it'll be a different story than if you want a brand new car as soon as you arrive and so on.


Also, re prices etc, in Darwin, a decent campsite costs $49/ night! In Sydney, a bedroom in a share house was $300/week near Bondi.

Just as a single person out here, factoring in costs of accommodation, food, phone, etc I'm spending around £700-1000/month.

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Just to show why its so difficult to generlise


Our mortgage is $1500.00 per month... Nowt, paid off 16 years ago

Our Electric is approx $200 per month...$20-$25, solar panels.

Our Gas is approx $40 per month...Nowt, all leccy.

Our Broadband,Internet ,homephone & Foxtel and 3 mobile phones $480 per month...$39 bband and inet.

Our food approx $100 to $150 a week ( just two of us as OH is away fifo )$85-$100 for two.

No car loan or lease as bought a cheaper new car cash and have nothing on credit...Nowt

So its a very mixed bag depending on where you choose and how you choose to live.



On an old age pension...Insurances are from the superanny nest egg.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Our Broadband,Internet ,homephone & Foxtel and 3 mobile phones $480 per month

So its a very mixed bag depending on where you choose and how you choose to live.


Call me old fashioned, but I have great trouble in understanding why people need to spend the above amount. We pay $110 a month for unlimited broadband and home phone, which includes calls to UK, I also know that I could get this cheaper, but with moving house soon we are not bothering with changing yet. My wife just got a $5 Aldi sim with $5 dollar credit included, should just last her the one year then we will have to do a $15 min top-up. Ok I have a work phone, but if I had my own, it would have the Aldi sim too! Don't need foxtel either.

I suppose the once big difference between wanting (must have) and actually needing has merged these days to mean the same.

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Well again thank you all for your opinions and advice. Its opened up a lot of questions especially regarding the kiddies that I didnt really think about. I mean id like to think my husband wouldnt be an arse and try to keep the kids there if we did go and it didnt work out but....


I know im gonna get shot down for this but I did say if we did move, I wanted to be in a city/big town near a hospital incase we get eaten by spiders....yes I know its a stupid reason.....google fills you with dread! Hence the reason we said perth....also seemed like the "it" place to go....again, google's fault!


Well see....if we did stay here we would move to cornwall but we still have to content with chavs/bad weather/expensive petrol! Although im cautious, oz does tickle me in a way that id like to experience. Either that or I have a rash ;)


Bad joke, but thank u all again! Time to chat with the husband i guess. :)


We thought of moving to the South coast from Manchester before we emigrated. I had been working down there, in Portsmouth and Plymouth and liked it. Weather always seemed much better, less crowded, near the ocean. Me and the wife had met on holiday in Bournemouth years before and had always had a love of the South Coast, we both loved the idea of living near the Ocean and a bit nicer weather.


We seriously looked into it, I could have got a job down there at the time but the wage increase wasn't massive and the cost of houses was horrendously different to Manchester. It was enough to make it almost impossible, so we thought we may as well bite the bullet and move to somewhere that had a lot nicer climate too. We had luckily made a fair bit on the little end terrace we were living in so we sold up and came.

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Call me old fashioned, but I have great trouble in understanding why people need to spend the above amount. We pay $110 a month for unlimited broadband and home phone, which includes calls to UK, I also know that I could get this cheaper, but with moving house soon we are not bothering with changing yet. My wife just got a $5 Aldi sim with $5 dollar credit included, should just last her the one year then we will have to do a $15 min top-up. Ok I have a work phone, but if I had my own, it would have the Aldi sim too! Don't need foxtel either.

I suppose the once big difference between wanting (must have) and actually needing has merged these days to mean the same.

There are ways of making it cheap.


Vaya has a great mobile plan for 18 dollars.

Get tpg unlimited 59.99

Get unblock us 4.99

Watch BBC iPlayer/4od for free

Get Netflix 5.99


Way more TV than foxtel

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I must add I'm in a 2 bed apartment and we are both out at full time jobs. But I still think you are paying for the street or have a shocking disregard for energy


Maybe the other apartment residents are paying your share. My daughter shared an Apartment and all that apartment paid for was the shared lighting in the block. Of course the other residents had no idea. Your bill must be wrong because service fees would take quite a lot of the $50.00. Maybe you will get a surprise one day. :wink:

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Call me old fashioned, but I have great trouble in understanding why people need to spend the above amount. We pay $110 a month for unlimited broadband and home phone, which includes calls to UK, I also know that I could get this cheaper, but with moving house soon we are not bothering with changing yet. My wife just got a $5 Aldi sim with $5 dollar credit included, should just last her the one year then we will have to do a $15 min top-up. Ok I have a work phone, but if I had my own, it would have the Aldi sim too! Don't need foxtel either.

I suppose the once big difference between wanting (must have) and actually needing has merged these days to mean the same.


Yeh, we wouldn't have bothered with foxtel either but my son was so hacked off one weekend when he was home from FIFO and there was no AFL on free to air on Sunday. The following week the foxtel installer rolled up. He pays for it though so all good there. Got to admit that it's good for sport but really not much else. We watch more ABC and SBS than anything. Foxtel OK for the odd documentary too.


Don't think I would bother with a mobile phone if work didn't supply me with one. It's turned off in my bag every weekend and quite often I forget to check it for days on end. My wife has one but isn't tied to it like most folk, her bill is pretty small. our iinet broadband and fixed line phone are about $100 a month, including calls.

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Is Oz really all that? Well….No. Both countries are amazing in their own ways and offer great things.

I am Australian, left Oz at 22 to travel and ended up living in the UK for 14 years. I have recently returned with husband and 2 young children. In the Uk i could work part time, we had a great work life balance and a really good life. Main reason to come back was because we wanted to spend time with our families again and for our kids to know their grandparents and cousins, etc. However, we both have to work full time here for much less money than we made in the UK. We are here because our family is and we are determined to give it a good go but without the family aspect of it I think we would be making plans to leave pretty soon.

I think once upon a time Australia was the promised land and it did turn people's lives around but now in 2014 I don't think it's the case anymore. I have heard so many stories of the reality not living up to the fantasy people built up over the years it took to go through the visa process. It has been (still actually is) a stressful and financially draining experience for us but it's worth it when I see how much my kids love playing with their cousins and grandparents, etc.

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Carpenters will be happy on $43 per hour if they know someone to get foot in the door.


Caravans cost per week will surprise you, its not a cheap option.


Send him over to get established for first 3 months - and if he can do it and keep the cost of running a house hold in UK it works. Let him sleep in the tent during this time.


With young kids to consider be careful. Things changed here dramatically since 2008, and even since Abbott got in.


Cats have been outlawed from some suburbs (they are not allowed out at night) -


Yes - 100% agree - cheapest to get him established first.

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Is Oz really all that? Well….No. Both countries are amazing in their own ways and offer great things.

I am Australian, left Oz at 22 to travel and ended up living in the UK for 14 years. I have recently returned with husband and 2 young children. In the Uk i could work part time, we had a great work life balance and a really good life. Main reason to come back was because we wanted to spend time with our families again and for our kids to know their grandparents and cousins, etc. However, we both have to work full time here for much less money than we made in the UK. We are here because our family is and we are determined to give it a good go but without the family aspect of it I think we would be making plans to leave pretty soon.

I think once upon a time Australia was the promised land and it did turn people's lives around but now in 2014 I don't think it's the case anymore. I have heard so many stories of the reality not living up to the fantasy people built up over the years it took to go through the visa process. It has been (still actually is) a stressful and financially draining experience for us but it's worth it when I see how much my kids love playing with their cousins and grandparents, etc.


I agree with your assessment of how OZ has changed. Far more changes on the way as well. Long term I do not see any better future in Australia at all. Once Europe recovers I see even more there.

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Hi, When we moved over we thought we'd both buy a cheap $1000 car to tide us over until we worked out what we needed. Using English car prices as a guide I assumed we'd be buying a 5-8 year old Mondeo or simular. Well thats not the case, $1000 buys you something that looks like its been parked underwater for 10 years and then set on fire! I ended up spending $10,000 on a 2003 Nissan Navara and only just changes it recently (3 years on)


What I am trying (badly) to say is that in our expereince EVERYTHING costs 4 times as much as you would expect.


When we moved over we said that we didn't want to gwet here and only associate with other English people, so even tho the English we met were very nice and welcoming we shyed away and expected to be able to join in with the locals. This was also a mistake. The locals, (on average in MY expereince only) are the most closed minded racist and unfriendly people you could meet. Lesson there, acept any and all that offer friendship at the start! 3 years on and I know 2 Australians and 8 other English people that have become friends.


As for will it be a better life for you/anyone here, I'd say it could be. I met a guy who was on holiday here visiting his girlfriend and he loved every second of his time here. I however hate it. But he said he comes from a "dirty little town up North and works in a cigarette factory" I lived out in the country and worked as a body guard to anyone with enough money and reason to want a escort. Horses for courses, or, if the only way is up then come here!


The weather is a MAJOR factor, I live on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, or 'The land that time forgot' and the weather here is fine if you like boiling hot and humid in the summer and really hot and raining, in the winter. I realise that I am in the minority in liking the cooler weather but you do need to consider how you will go living day to day sweating and having less energy and staying indoors as much as possible under the AC. I used to trail run and cycle lots at home but can't do that here as its to hot and so built up and busy that cycling on a main road doesn't really appeal as I used to cycle on country lanes and through forests.


As a positive I do a lot more kayaking and have started fishing. I surf most days instead of making the 5 hour drive to Devon its now 3 miles away which is nice. But the waves here are no where near as good as at home, just warmer with a lot more people.


Good luck in whatever you decide, and you know what, I reckon its better to regret a mistake than constantly wonder "What would have happened if......"



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Banned cats!!!!


I love how Australia has the most insane laws and rules.

No matter what you are doing there's a law here to stop you having too much fun!

A recent one was a collegue getting pulled over as she pointed out of the window whilst her son was driving.


Carpenters will be happy on $43 per hour if they know someone to get foot in the door.


Caravans cost per week will surprise you, its not a cheap option.


Send him over to get established for first 3 months - and if he can do it and keep the cost of running a house hold in UK it works. Let him sleep in the tent during this time.


With young kids to consider be careful. Things changed here dramatically since 2008, and even since Abbott got in.


Cats have been outlawed from some suburbs (they are not allowed out at night) -

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