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Going back to UK for no reason


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Guest Guest66881

Hanging on to what was or could have been is a hard one to let go of, but that you must do or you will end up very bitter and very lonely, that or come back:wink:

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Nah won't end up lonely lol , I carnt let go of uk yet not ready too , I will though I'm a very strong willed , I get knocked down , but I'll get back up again . Lol .


Not bitter , I can have it either way , but you have got see how work goes here . Got be realistic . That's alls my hubby's being . Realistic .

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There is never "no reason" life is about making decisions based on your best information of the day. Sometimes the decision turns out well, sometimes it doesn't. If we all swanned around doing stuff without making an active decision we'd be screwed.


Sorry the UK wasn't a good decision for you, equally I'm sorry that Aus isn't a good decision for others. Sadly, crystal balls are not in great supply at the moment. If you make a bad decision then look at your life, with the information you have on hand, make another decision. Stop harping on about the original decision - it was the best you could do at the time and it didn't work, draw a line and move on to making things better!

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There is never "no reason" life is about making decisions based on your best information of the day. Sometimes the decision turns out well, sometimes it doesn't. If we all swanned around doing stuff without making an active decision we'd be screwed.


Sorry the UK wasn't a good decision for you, equally I'm sorry that Aus isn't a good decision for others. Sadly, crystal balls are not in great supply at the moment. If you make a bad decision then look at your life, with the information you have on hand, make another decision. Stop harping on about the original decision - it was the best you could do at the time and it didn't work, draw a line and move on to making things better!



you are absoulutley right , there is no crystal ball on life . The sad part is on forums or wherever you say what peeps don't like to hear , they either rip your head off , or think you have a bad attitude just because they love it .


You answer back with a view and suddenly you either have a bad attitude , or are told to sod off in a fashion , or that you being negative , the way I look at it , if anything didn't sit right with them , or they wasn't happy for some reason of a situation , let's see if their attitudes change to fit their circumstances . :wink:

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Sometimes you do things so stupid, like leaving Australia on a whim. Getting back to UK and thinking to yourself, why the hell did I do that ?

And sometimes you up sticks sell your house and emigrate to Australia and think after 3 months.....why the hell did I do that?

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Guest Andy
Sometimes you do things so stupid, like leaving Australia on a whim. Getting back to UK and thinking to yourself, why the hell did I do that ?


So if you are going back to the UK you could visit your children and then that would give you a reason to go.

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Since we all seem to be channelling songs in this thread, all I can say to @jasepom is that "shoulda, coulda, woulda are the last words of a fool" and sometimes you do things just to do them so that you don't look back and think "shoulda, coulda, woulda, means I can't change my mind" because actually, minds and needs to do change and sometimes in life, it isn't necessarily the destination that is important, it's the journey there xx :hug:

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Sometimes you do things so stupid, like leaving Australia on a whim. Getting back to UK and thinking to yourself, why the hell did I do that ?



Going to make yourself ill jasepom. We went to oz on a whim returned twice would have been mortgage free in my mid forties if never tried it, but what an adventure and it 'aint' over yet.

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Sometimes you do things so stupid, like leaving Australia on a whim. Getting back to UK and thinking to yourself, why the hell did I do that ?


I'm not being facetious but I genuinely don't understand why you still say things like this. You got what you wanted and are back in Oz living your dream aren't you?

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Sometimes you do things so stupid, like leaving Australia on a whim. Getting back to UK and thinking to yourself, why the hell did I do that ?


Something i've realised from reading people's comments on this forum is that finding true happiness and being comfortable in your surroundings is all a matter of opinion. I'm returning to the UK in 6 weeks and personally I can't wait to get home. This is based on my own experience of Australia compared with the lifestyle I had in the UK. I don't expect everyone else to share this opinion, because each of us will have our own experience of Oz and will have course also travelled from different parts of the UK to get here.


I think people need to bear this in mind when they post questions asking other PIO members whether they should take the plunge and move to Australia. They might as well be asking whether people like Marmite or not and will never really know how things will pan out until they try it themselves.

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Good post above

I moved here as i felt like it at the time, think I applied for a visa just to see if i could get one haha but after being here a while my personal journey is that I feel I have a better lifestyle in the UK and was better off.

Thats just my situation (without a family) and like dining out etc...I have also heard other say its healthier here but thats rubbish to, its just that it took them a move like this to pull a finger out i reckon.


Iwill go back but I dont dislike it here either so going to enjoy it while I am here.

I have met people here who love it and slag off the UK all the time even though that made them who they are today and others say the opposite which isnt true either, to me there both similar places to live after the novelty of the beach wears off.

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Jase, your posts are just one liners that go over the same thing over and over again. Loads of people give you great advice but I've never seen you thank them for it, consider it or acknowledge it. Do you just want sympathy for ever or are you going to actually do something about your situation?


On a previous post (of the same 'woe is me' type of thing) you mentioned your children's ages. They are more than able to fly to Oz as Unaccompanied Minors.


My ex chose a lifestyle in Australia over his son and we now live in different countries too. I'm sure my ex found it hard 'losing' a son, but he made the same choice as you so it's a choice of his own making. Has my son suffered because he knows his dad chose a country over him? Yes. Is he unhappy? No.


My son is now 11 and has accepted his dad's decision. He has a good and fulfilled life in England and has regular contact with his dad - two phone calls a week, Skype (when it works!) and a visit to Oz every nine months or so for 3-4 weeks. Since he was 9 years old he's flown alone to Australia with Singapore Airlines and they have looked after him very well from the moment I left him at Heathrow Airport until the moment he was handed over to his dad on arrival at Adelaide Airport. My son actually loved the flight because he was treated like a VIP and even got upgraded to first class on one trip.


So what I'm saying is, you've made a decision to go it alone in Australia and make a life there. Now you need to accept that and make contact with your ex wife and look at a way of moving forward and make arrangements for the kids to come and have holidays with you. I'm sure they would love the experiences this will bring and the chance to see you and spend meaningful time with you. It may be daunting for your ex wife to go through with this, but that was the same for me at the start too. However, as the years have gone by I have seen how this contact with his dad has been such a positive thing for my son I would never stop it. When parents split up and can't agree on what country to live in it's not the children's fault, so as adults, we have to do the best we can and find a compromise.


So, stop feeling sorry for yourself, enjoy the life you have chosen and start saving for your kids to fly out and spend some time with you in the school holidays. Start putting how your kids must be feeling first.

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