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Any tips when flying to Aus with a six month old?


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Hi all, we are returning to Aus in the new year with a 6 month old, I wondered if anyone else has travelled to Aus with a 6 month old? Did you take a stop over? Do you have any advice? It's hard enough flying but I'm petrified with having the baby too!!


Thanks for your advice :-)


We flew UK - New Zealand when our daughter was 5 month old; we stopped over in Los Angeles which just made life much, much easier. Not sure we'd have survived the direct flight :-)

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I tell you what is funny..why SELFISH parents assume other passangers on the flight who dont have kids

want to listen to your screeching brats..What happened to consideration for others..There isnt any anymore thats what...Its the ME culture as long as Im okay thats all that matters, and your screeching brats will turn out the same way..selfish...Put a dummy in it, thats what parents always used to do when we used to live in a less selfish greed driven world..

Ok so us parents wont be selfish anymore, if we have to fly we will just leave our kids so we dont need to bring them on a flight and disturb people like you that obviously never cried when you were a child. I have never seen you once saying anything nice on this forum and if you are this nasty on here I wouldnt like to meet you in real life!
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I tell you what is funny..why SELFISH parents assume other passangers on the flight who dont have kids

want to listen to your screeching brats..What happened to consideration for others..There isnt any anymore thats what...Its the ME culture as long as Im okay thats all that matters, and your screeching brats will turn out the same way..selfish...Put a dummy in it, thats what parents always used to do when we used to live in a less selfish greed driven world..


Well I am one of those other passengers with no kids and I have no problem whatsoever with crying babies, I feel sorry for the parents not only are they themselves disturbed they are also worried, stressed and concerned if they cannot settle the child, there are very few people on this planet whom act ignorant of their crying child, a crying child which cannot be pacified is usually suffering in some sort of way, but you do not really care about that do you? you care about yourself.


My I suggest you take a boat for all your future travels and that would be consideration by you for others.

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I tell you what is funny..why SELFISH parents assume other passangers on the flight who dont have kids

want to listen to your screeching brats..What happened to consideration for others..There isnt any anymore thats what...Its the ME culture as long as Im okay thats all that matters, and your screeching brats will turn out the same way..selfish...Put a dummy in it, thats what parents always used to do when we used to live in a less selfish greed driven world..


I was one of those.passengers without kids more many years, traveling long haul frequently, and do you know what..... It never bothered me one bit, why - because mostly they don't cry and scream all flight, most other passengers have their headphones on watching a movie or listening to music anyway, and even if a baby does cry - so what, that's what babies do and their parents will be trying to calm them down.


I think the only selfish person we have seen so far on this thread is yourself.


Some people have suggested you should pay for first class ticket so you can be away from the noise, well... The have baby seats up that end of the plane as well :-)


Maybe you should just stay away from planes, or public places in general if children anger you so much? Although I am sure this is in all likelihood some online keyboard warrior bravado - and in real life, you love babies and you'd be up there pulling faces at them, making them laugh,, chatting with the parents, cooing over their sweet child.

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I was one of those.passengers without kids more many years, traveling long haul frequently, and do you know what..... It never bothered me one bit, why - because mostly they don't cry and scream all flight, most other passengers have their headphones on watching a movie or listening to music anyway, and even if a baby does cry - so what, that's what babies do and their parents will be trying to calm them down.


I think the only selfish person we have seen so far on this thread is yourself.


Some people have suggested you should pay for first class ticket so you can be away from the noise, well... The have baby seats up that end of the plane as well :-)


Maybe you should just stay away from planes, or public places in general if children anger you so much? Although I am sure this is in all likelihood some online keyboard warrior bravado - and in real life, you love babies and you'd be up there pulling faces at them, making them laugh,, chatting with the parents, cooing over their sweet child.


LOL reminds me of travelling with my granddaughter at around 18 months. At the end of the flight a smartly dressed middle aged man approached my daughter in law at baggage claim and said "when you got on I was dreading the flight (he sat across the aisle) but I must say what a pleasure it was to see a child cope so well with the long trip, well done!" Then he was gone. She was, understandably, filled with pride!

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Its comments like some of these that make me really dread having to fly with our 2 1/2 year old and 16 month old later this year. My kids are exuberant and hate to be tied down to any one place for long (dont know many kids at those ages that will sit still for long) so I know the flights are going to be difficult to start with before we have even gotten on board.


However I also know that I am going to (over)pack toys and books and food and movies etc just to try and keep them quiet so as not to annoy any passengers more than possible (so please dont bitch when parents with over size carry ons take up space in the overhead cabins - you cant have it both ways and expect parents not to bring on toys etc but complain when the kids become bored).


I also know that I will be in a state myself if (when) they start to cry and will try absolutely everything I possibly can to get them to quieten down but I also know that they are going to cry and it may carry on for some time (and by some time I mean probably about 10-15 minutes which to me, their mother, is distressing so I can only imagine how much other people dont like hearing it). I am not a parent who will sit there and let my kids cry and I am sure most parents are the same (I say most as there are always the exceptions to the rule) but sometimes it takes a while to get a child in a foreign environment and out of their comfort zone, not to mention uncomfortable (as all people flying are - even you!) to settle down.


So here's a concept which I am sure is foreign to those people complaining - how about offer a smile and some reassurance to the stressed out mothers and fathers walking the isles with their children to keep them quiet or rocking and cooing to soothe a stressed child and stop the crying. How about not giving the evil eye and bitching and moaning or making those exasperated sighing noises......they arent a help to anyone and really, I am sure, only add to the stress of the parent (so much so that you may even risk getting a smack or talking to from the exasperated and stressed out mother/father yourself).

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Its comments like some of these that make me really dread having to fly with our 2 1/2 year old and 16 month old later this year. My kids are exuberant and hate to be tied down to any one place for long (dont know many kids at those ages that will sit still for long) so I know the flights are going to be difficult to start with before we have even gotten on board.


However I also know that I am going to (over)pack toys and books and food and movies etc just to try and keep them quiet so as not to annoy any passengers more than possible (so please dont bitch when parents with over size carry ons take up space in the overhead cabins - you cant have it both ways and expect parents not to bring on toys etc but complain when the kids become bored).


I also know that I will be in a state myself if (when) they start to cry and will try absolutely everything I possibly can to get them to quieten down but I also know that they are going to cry and it may carry on for some time (and by some time I mean probably about 10-15 minutes which to me, their mother, is distressing so I can only imagine how much other people dont like hearing it). I am not a parent who will sit there and let my kids cry and I am sure most parents are the same (I say most as there are always the exceptions to the rule) but sometimes it takes a while to get a child in a foreign environment and out of their comfort zone, not to mention uncomfortable (as all people flying are - even you!) to settle down.


So here's a concept which I am sure is foreign to those people complaining - how about offer a smile and some reassurance to the stressed out mothers and fathers walking the isles with their children to keep them quiet or rocking and cooing to soothe a stressed child and stop the crying. How about not giving the evil eye and bitching and moaning or making those exasperated sighing noises......they arent a help to anyone and really, I am sure, only add to the stress of the parent (so much so that you may even risk getting a smack or talking to from the exasperated and stressed out mother/father yourself).

I wouldnt stress yourself. Kids and babies will cry thats what they do sometimes. It is only 1 day and its more than likely that you wont ever see any of the moaning faced gits that complain about the crying ever again so enjoy your flight, let your kids be kids and just ignore the moaners!

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I tell you what is funny..why SELFISH parents assume other passangers on the flight who dont have kids

want to listen to your screeching brats..What happened to consideration for others..There isnt any anymore thats what...Its the ME culture as long as Im okay thats all that matters, and your screeching brats will turn out the same way..selfish...Put a dummy in it, thats what parents always used to do when we used to live in a less selfish greed driven world..



Let's have a look at this 'ME' culture you are referring to and let's discuss the word IRONY.


This post was intended for the practical advice from others who have travelled with their infants, in an effort to AVOID the very thing you are speaking of- therefore expressing a desire to contain as much discomfort to not only the child but also OTHER PASSENGERS.

Any intelligent person can derive from this a lack of selfishness, and thereby a lack of the 'ME' culture you are referring to!


Now comes the part where you learn the understanding of IRONY; because in your attack ( which I may add, is for no good reason, given that clearly this post is part of proactive approach to flying with an infant)

you may notice that all you are doing is indulging your own desires to Troll what was, a perfectly harmless and understanding thread and tarnish it with your own negativity.

Which suggests that only SELFISH party or member of this greedy 'ME' culture is you, Echidna66.


Can only assume that there must be something missing or very wrong in your life, if you feel the need to attack people online, when they are clearly not guilty of the very thing you complain of, it doesn't even make sense!


Quit hijacking threads with your obvious issues and get real.

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Good Luck. Sounds like you are ready to settle in Oz. Don't do what I did and go back to England. LOL



Thank you, you, I actually already did that and learnt the hard way! Lol


once we we return to Aus, that's it, never going anywhere!


Will you you ever make it back you think?

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That's right. Because babies in business class and first class don't cry, do they?



I think people write that because the chances of babies flying in first class are a lot more minimal- not that it matters of course, babies will cry wherever they are and of course there is every chance they could be!

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We flew UK - New Zealand when our daughter was 5 month old; we stopped over in Los Angeles which just made life much, much easier. Not sure we'd have survived the direct flight :-)



Thank you for sharing your experience, definitely food for thought! :-)

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Its comments like some of these that make me really dread having to fly with our 2 1/2 year old and 16 month old later this year. My kids are exuberant and hate to be tied down to any one place for long (dont know many kids at those ages that will sit still for long) so I know the flights are going to be difficult to start with before we have even gotten on board.


However I also know that I am going to (over)pack toys and books and food and movies etc just to try and keep them quiet so as not to annoy any passengers more than possible (so please dont bitch when parents with over size carry ons take up space in the overhead cabins - you cant have it both ways and expect parents not to bring on toys etc but complain when the kids become bored).


I also know that I will be in a state myself if (when) they start to cry and will try absolutely everything I possibly can to get them to quieten down but I also know that they are going to cry and it may carry on for some time (and by some time I mean probably about 10-15 minutes which to me, their mother, is distressing so I can only imagine how much other people dont like hearing it). I am not a parent who will sit there and let my kids cry and I am sure most parents are the same (I say most as there are always the exceptions to the rule) but sometimes it takes a while to get a child in a foreign environment and out of their comfort zone, not to mention uncomfortable (as all people flying are - even you!) to settle down.


So here's a concept which I am sure is foreign to those people complaining - how about offer a smile and some reassurance to the stressed out mothers and fathers walking the isles with their children to keep them quiet or rocking and cooing to soothe a stressed child and stop the crying. How about not giving the evil eye and bitching and moaning or making those exasperated sighing noises......they arent a help to anyone and really, I am sure, only add to the stress of the parent (so much so that you may even risk getting a smack or talking to from the exasperated and stressed out mother/father yourself).


Nah, don't worry about that sort of comment, the kids will be fine and the vast majority of your fellow travellers will give you a smile of understanding. Travel light though, wrangling a whole load of luggage just increases stress levels - give them both little backpacks and put a few little wrapped gifts in them. The kids will likely sleep most of the way, just let them run and run at the refuelling stop (take a blow up beach ball perhaps). Other thing for older kids - if they get motion sickness, and they are old enough for meds, try the meds on the ground first because sometimes they can have a paradoxical effect and really hype up the odd kid rather than their general sedative effect. You absolutely do not want a kid hyped up on Phenergan bouncing off the walls - test first! But motion sickness meds are invaluable for travel sick kids.

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I think a lot of people will think 'oh no' when they hear a baby cry on a plane or a toddler screaming, I have myself, initially for the distressed child, and if it continues, for the noise, sorry :) then I get back to the film I'm watching or turn up the iPod volume while sympathising with the parents as reasonable adult would, in my opinion! On a recent flight from Brisbane to Perth we were surrounded by crying babies/children, when one stopped another started, we had no in flight entertainment either. After a while it just got funny!

I changed my seat on a flight last year to sit with a girl on her own with a fairly new baby, as I was in a middle seat, which I hate. It was one of the nicest flights I've had, got some cuddles too. Don't forget that a lot of the people on the flight will be parents and will most likely have gone through the crying baby/toddler scenario, wether on a plane or in a supermarket, I have!

Really, try not to stress about it. If you have the misfortune to be travelling with some miserable b*****ds, as QSS says, you'll probably never see those people again!

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Those eggs could well come in handy for screeching brats on a long noisy flight...


I only asked WHY dont parents dont consider other passengers on a flight anymore and use a pacifier when it is screaming??? Parents in less selfish

times always used to use these...How many breastfeed on planes in public also?..This disgusts me..

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I only asked WHY dont parents dont consider other passengers on a flight anymore and use a pacifier when it is screaming??? Parents in less selfish

times always used to use these...How many breastfeed on planes in public also?..This disgusts me..


OK you now have proved your an arse and not worth any further comment.

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I only asked WHY dont parents dont consider other passengers on a flight anymore and use a pacifier when it is screaming??? Parents in less selfish

times always used to use these...How many breastfeed on planes in public also?..This disgusts me..



Well im im sorry you disgust me , have you ever been a baby before , I don't mean to be rude but you my dear need get in the real world , a pacifier r u for real , the babies ears may be effected , tummie anything . You are so rude

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How many breastfeed on planes in public also?..This disgusts me..

I agree and I'm glad you had the guts to say what we were all thinking. Also, I am disgusted that babies sometimes fill their nappies in public - you'd think they could wait until they got home, wouldn't you?

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Thank you, you, I actually already did that and learnt the hard way! Lol


once we we return to Aus, that's it, never going anywhere!


Will you you ever make it back you think?


I have come back thankfully and enjoying it here now. Thank god for citizenship

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