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Mrs tonyman @ well wishers


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I've been planning and talking about putting a message together to say, THANK YOU!!.Although they are not big enough words,to all the amazing Poms Gang, who took the time to send your love, hugs and just good wishes to give me strength after the sudden loss of one of my heroes, my Dad.


I'd love to say, things are better, I'm more positive and life is great. But I'm a realist and each day is a reminder that life will never be the same again. I try not to be sad and lets face it, with five kids and Mr Tonyman to keep me going, I have to paint a brave face on to be strong for them!

My kids and Mr T are my everything and fill my life with pride and smiles, but those quiet moments are so so tough. Luckily I'm a big believer in showing your feelings, crying is a strength,not a weakness and I stress this to our girls (boys still a little young and oblivious) so there've been some serious Kleenex nights at our place :cry:


Just please know, that every time any of you have asked how I am, sent your love and just generally cared, has been passed onto me and has meant the world. To meet people for a short time but feel you know them, means added love and support that has no price.

All my love hugs and thanks to you all,


Mrs T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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Big Hugs Mrs Tonyman, glad to see everything is going better, you have lots of love and support around you, Kleenex nights are alright and you have has many as you like, take care of yourself and your Dad will always be with you, he will be watching you all and will be so proud of xxxxxxxxx

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Feeling your pain Mrs T..


i too had the call last month, same as you, lost my dad.


but like you, I've got amazing family and friends, its not easy but lean on them.


the waking up in the middle of the night, the sign that triggers the flashbacks....not so easy to deal with.


We only spoke briefly at the meet, but I know your a kind soul, please, don't suffer on in silence. I'm going thru it at the moment, like you.


Our dads..are/were our heroes. Please get in touch Mrs T. I would love too talk too someone in the same boat xx


Fi xx

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Awwww how lovely.

I'm glad to hear things are better. Of course it's going to take a while and you'll have those sneaky moments that take you by surprise but you're a strong family and I'm sure your dad is looking down on you all with pride. :-)

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Hi Guys

Great to hear back from you. I really do feel him looking and smiling down. Our kids were his everything and the time he spent in Perth, he loved and raved about how it was the best thing we ever did,a true star! We all cherish our times in the sun.....and him helping fix the retic, a plumber through and through :)

Hey Fifi lets chat soon my friend xxx

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First of all a hug to you both, Mrs Tonyman and Fifi, the loss of a parent is hard, and I share your loss, but in some ways a wake up call, while we still have parents alive. Because often we haven't asked enough questions about their lives, and once that generation has gone there is no one left to ask, or even just not been in touch enough.

there was a documentary about the 2nd world war the other day, and I realized I knew nothing about my father's role, how my parents coped, or to be honest much about their lives when they were growing up, but it's far to late now. So speak to your parents while you can.

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Guest Guest16631

............:hug:..........for all of you.......those who recently had someone who finished this journey.....

........it's sad that they are no longer tangible.........but this doesn't mean you can't still talk to them......

.........talk about your memories.......

.........your feelings.......

..........sometimes they are the people you need to share with......

..........to have a house full of family is lovely Mrs Tonyman......a partner FiFi....to talk and share with...

..........but don't let the memory .....the ..feeling .....go of your fathers......

..........I talk to mine.....he left at 58......over 15 years ago.....

...........but it's as if it was 16....17......25 years ago.......!

...........when I .....see ...him,and talk about things I know only he can help with.......

...........so keep them close in your mind......

...........people never leave you.......

.............they are just with you differently.....ime.....

.............take care,,,,,,,tink x

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It does get easier I promise, one day at a time. I still think about my parents most days but its usually with a smile now rather than in pain. Take care of yourself as well as the family and remember there's no right or wrong way to grieve its your journey and Im sending you massive :hug: :hug: to help you on your way.

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Glad to hear you're surviving Mrs T. I lost my Dad 3 years ago and he would've been celebrating his 90th this week. I think he was the only man in my life i've ever been able to really rely on. It's an odd feeling realising you're really alone when both parents are gone. Still, you carry them with you every day. Big hugs, and I hope it gets easier for you soon. xx

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I've been planning and talking about putting a message together to say, THANK YOU!!.Although they are not big enough words,to all the amazing Poms Gang, who took the time to send your love, hugs and just good wishes to give me strength after the sudden loss of one of my heroes, my Dad.


I'd love to say, things are better, I'm more positive and life is great. But I'm a realist and each day is a reminder that life will never be the same again. I try not to be sad and lets face it, with five kids and Mr Tonyman to keep me going, I have to paint a brave face on to be strong for them!

My kids and Mr T are my everything and fill my life with pride and smiles, but those quiet moments are so so tough. Luckily I'm a big believer in showing your feelings, crying is a strength,not a weakness and I stress this to our girls (boys still a little young and oblivious) so there've been some serious Kleenex nights at our place :cry:


Just please know, that every time any of you have asked how I am, sent your love and just generally cared, has been passed onto me and has meant the world. To meet people for a short time but feel you know them, means added love and support that has no price.

All my love hugs and thanks to you all,


Mrs T xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Xxxxxxxxxx :hug::hug:

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