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I have found the Best Fish & Chip shop in Australia!!!


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I haven't been home since 2005 and the more time that passes the less I seem to miss... it'll be 20 years this December since I left Lancashire... time flies!


One of the things that I could never truly find over here was a decent fish & chip shop. That is until Good Friday last week....


Chumley Warner's


If you're an expat in the Hunter Region you owe it to yourself to check this place out!


They do real chips!!!!

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Hello and welcome to the forum.


I'm guessing many of us won't be able to sample but glad you enjoyed it.


PS - We have a pretty good chippy down the road here too :cute:

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Glad you found one that you love.


I've got used to Aussie fish and chips now. its a lot different to UK and think I prefer my chips dry not soggy now.



Maybe I have too. I was so looking forward to having a fish supper at my local chippie on my last visit home. It was really disappointing - soggy chips, greasyy batter. I couldn't decide whether the chip shop had gone downhill or it was just my taste that had changed.

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Maybe I have too. I was so looking forward to having a fish supper at my local chippie on my last visit home. It was really disappointing - soggy chips, greasyy batter. I couldn't decide whether the chip shop had gone downhill or it was just my taste that had changed.


Yeah I had fish and chips back at home and my local was really gross like greasy as hell. Took a trip back to my in-laws in Scarborough to find a really nice one. Still the chips are very different.

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Wonder how salties rate us?


Do they have their hot spots for tourists and distinguish between stringy and porky?



Love it, mate... A saltie resided about 15 metres from that spot. Indeed, the bloke who gave the barra to us was camped in that very spot a couple of days earlier and told us that a croc came up to nose around, so the bloke moved to higher ground.


The croc? a 15 ft chappie with it's snout shot off. We actually saw it cruising the far side of the river that same day.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Glad you found one that you love.


I've got used to Aussie fish and chips now. its a lot different to UK and think I prefer my chips dry not soggy now.


I know its a real conundrum isn't it ......whether you get a dry or a soggy one ....takes up all of my time

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thank you for your kind suggestion..... I also couldn't find any good fish & chip shop here, I read your post last night and persuaded my husband to take me to Chumley Warner, it took me exactly an hour from me place but literally worth it.... I just can't believe I had 'British Fish & Chips' after such a longgggg time... Really they had 'real chips'....Had 'irn-bru' too:p


thank you again.... I will go regularly now :)


Aussie Girl Bay


I haven't been home since 2005 and the more time that passes the less I seem to miss... it'll be 20 years this December since I left Lancashire... time flies!


One of the things that I could never truly find over here was a decent fish & chip shop. That is until Good Friday last week....


Chumley Warner's


If you're an expat in the Hunter Region you owe it to yourself to check this place out!


They do real chips!!!!

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true Andy, but some I've had are


I think that may have been true some years ago Les but i think these days a lot of chippies are more aware of peoples healthier outlooks and most chippies at least around where we live cook crispier chips and and not so fatty.

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I think that may have been true some years ago Les but i think these days a lot of chippies are more aware of peoples healthier outlooks and most chippies at least around where we live cook crispier chips and and not so fatty.




I'm guessing that those who rave about Chumley warners here are used to the old style/fat laden..................they were bloody abysmall last time I tried 'em..............give me the double dipped crisp uns anytime

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  • 8 months later...

Haha... you've got it wrong mate, an expat work colleague from Newey put me onto it. I'm sure yours are great though! I took a cruise to Moreton Bay a few months ago... think Redland Bay would be a bit far to swim according to google maps! I'll check in next time I'm up the coast. I like a proper sausage dinner with onion gravy and some curry sauce on the side.

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