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WHV with Criminal Conviction


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Hi all sorry for my in-experience here, I am interested in visiting Australia towards the end of the year on WHV, however I have a criminal conviction that resulted in 21 months jail time.. i served 6, this was in 2007, the Crime was graffiti.

I have some family in Aus, my sister is an Aus national and is happily married with 2 kids in Melbourne, and i would love to go visit them.

I have spoken to a migration agent and i am planning on going with him , however i wanted to know about the reference's. The Migration agent advised me i would need around 10-12.

What i wanted to know is do these reference's need to be certified ? and if so will that be hard, i was planning on asking a teacher from my Uni but it think it might be a problem if he/she needs to take half a day off to go somewhere to get the references certified ?

I might find it hard to find that many reference's from people like teachers,policemen,doctors ( people with respect in the community ) that are willing to take a day of work to get my reference signed?


Since my conviction i have done many things like completed my degree at uni, got a fantastic job as a graphic designer and have been in no trouble what so ever.

Any advice would be fantastic


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Hey thanks, i did read this before .. but i am sure people with substantial records do get into aus, and with even more substantial records than mine.

I am just curious for some others experience, and more specifically experiences with the references

But once again thanks

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I don't recall people having to get them certified (or sending that many). I'm sure that if they were to write the character reference on headed notepaper, provide all contact details, business card etc. ... and added the line - should you require further information please do not hesitate to contact me, that would be sufficient .. but I don't know 100% (your agent should be able to tell you)


You're right that people with more substantial records have got into Aus. Also write a statement yourself, the incident, your regrets but the achievements you've now made. I would also include something from someone who has witnessed those changes - an old teacher, family member.

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Also I got this from another website forum. It seems its not impossible to apply but get some professional advise first.


"1. Do not make the application to DIAC without assistance. It is harder to overcome a s501 refusal than prevent one in the first place.


2. Do NOT apply for evisitor/ETA."

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it does say if your sentenced to 12 months or more. But you only served 6 so its best to ask immigration first or speak to a immigration specialist in your country.


I take it to mean sentence not time actually served.

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I take it to mean sentence not time actually served.


That's my understanding too - it's the length of the sentence (not time served) early release usually has parole conditions and that you can be returned to finish the sentence

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Hi all sorry for my in-experience here, I am interested in visiting Australia towards the end of the year on WHV, however I have a criminal conviction that resulted in 21 months jail time.

You fail the character test if you have been convicted of offences with sentences totalling 12 months. You are pitching in at nearly double that level. That is, in itself, an issue. But you must also have noticed that getting a job is much harder when you have a criminal record. And given that the WHV is intended to be a visa for young people to travel about, hopping from job to job, do you think you'll find it difficult to get a job with a long prison sentence in the background - let alone need to get a new job every few weeks/months?


For this reason, if I were a delegate of the DIBP I would not grant a WHV as I would believe there would be a high likelihood that you would not be able to secure employment if you disclosed your prior conviction - hence would risk not being able to support yourself.

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Hey all thanks for all the comments and advice, actually I don't find it hard to get a job, my employers are always fully aware of my history.

I am a graphic designer and my previous graffiti blends well into my career so it is always easy for me to get a job.

But I will go with a migration agent and see what happens, I have family living in Aus so it would be a shame not to try ..I just wanted to know more about the references needed

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actually I don't find it hard to get a job, my employers are always fully aware of my history. I am a graphic designer and my previous graffiti blends well into my career so it is always easy for me to get a job.

In which case this should be made very clear in your application.

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Hey all thanks for all the comments and advice, actually I don't find it hard to get a job, my employers are always fully aware of my history.

I am a graphic designer and my previous graffiti blends well into my career so it is always easy for me to get a job.

But I will go with a migration agent and see what happens, I have family living in Aus so it would be a shame not to try ..I just wanted to know more about the references needed


Yea that's a good idea thanks!

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Hey all thanks for all the comments and advice, actually I don't find it hard to get a job, my employers are always fully aware of my history.

I am a graphic designer and my previous graffiti blends well into my career so it is always easy for me to get a job.

But I will go with a migration agent and see what happens, I have family living in Aus so it would be a shame not to try ..I just wanted to know more about the references needed


References are not the only issue. If you propose to retain the services of an agent make sure you consult a registered migration agent with a track record in character cases.

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