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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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Sorry mate, no idea who Clarence Darrow is and just because he said it doesn't make it true.

No Worries mate. Happy to help.

ACLU ( which was led by Clarence Darrow) is 10 times or more of Sarah Hanson-Young's ideology, which is basically supporting all the good things in this world.

And that by default makes him the epitome of truth.

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The poor man who died like the majority really shouldn't have been there at all. He was not really a refugee.


He graduated in Iran as an architect but was unable to find work so he thought he would head to Australia in the hope of furthering his architectural studies.



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Let them in. Let them ALL in. Australia has plenty of room, limitless resources to house, treat, educate, all who want to come. We will never run out of money to build more hospitals, schools, houses, roads, infrastructure. No Australian will have to wait any longer for his or her medical treatment or public housing, and in any case, even if they do, they should just accept that it is the RIGHT thing to do, if it means another, more needy person from overseas, can escape from 'Hell.'


On the other hand, if Australia is turning into a fascist state, then there WILL be plenty of room, with all the Australian 'refugees' flooding the other way!

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Let them in. Let them ALL in. Australia has plenty of room, limitless resources to house, treat, educate, all who want to come. We will never run out of money to build more hospitals, schools, houses, roads, infrastructure. No Australian will have to wait any longer for his or her medical treatment or public housing, and in any case, even if they do, they should just accept that it is the RIGHT thing to do, if it means another, more needy person from overseas, can escape from 'Hell.'


On the other hand, if Australia is turning into a fascist state, then there WILL be plenty of room, with all the Australian 'refugees' flooding the other way!


The problem is that stop the boats is also supported by the drown the boats crowd. USA too has the stop the boats policy, but its not supported mainly by shock jocks or romper stompers. The American conservatism encompasses anyone who believes in American values. So you would find Bobby Jindal as one of its most important leaders.


But I see more of these comments here, I would, if I'm a migrant of brown color, support the migrant friendly parties,as I'm sure the crowd with the purist ideology will come for me after the refugees as for them, It doesn't matter if I'm born here, a European just landed here a day before would be more local than me. And that is irrespective of even If I come in through legal route.


England is different as its not part of the new world.

Not really into it at all TBH. Don't care how much the box with the eye catching flashing lights in the corner of the room tries to tell me I should be - I ain't. I make my own mind up and if that decides I don't want to live around a bunch of smellies from the developing world (higher casts, I might add - the lower one's will be cleaning toilets for ever) then I don't..... Couldn't care less what Gillard or Blair think.
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Guest Guest66881
Australia will become more like the United States. Australia is not in the European Union to become like Great Briton.


It's not in the USA either?

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It's not in the USA either?

Yes. And like USA, Australia doesn't have free movement of people agreement with an entire continent as UK has with Europe. So its more like the USA.

And Canada and NZ are too pacifist, so Its Australia that would be more like the USA. Already under the new government, its expanding its alliance with Japan and South Korea. Its trying to improve relationship with India. It was ready to send troops to Afghanistan and was ready to interfere in East Timor to protect human rights.

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We all know they were all Labor supporters just trying to make a political point.


How many services were held for all the drownings ?



Or just people who wanted to express their condolences for the tragic loss of a life.

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Or just people who wanted to express their condolences for the tragic loss of a life.





Unfortunately not. Over 1000 men women and children have drowned coming by boat in the last 6 years. Many infants and young kids who had no say in the decision to get on a ricketty boat.

There were no candlelit vigils.

I believe this was very political and mostly greenies attending.


I am sorry for the man and his family though but this demonstration was over the top.

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Unfortunately not. Over 1000 men women and children have drowned coming by boat in the last 6 years. Many infants and young kids who had no say in the decision to get on a ricketty boat.

There were no candlelit vigils.

I believe this was very political and mostly greenies attending.


I am sorry for the man and his family though but this demonstration was over the top.


I think the vital difference here was that this poor man was supposedly under the protection of the Australian government, and the poor souls that have drowned trying to get here were not....or not yet if you prefer. More to the point though was the Minister in charge lying for about a week when he knew what had happened, but was hoping to get away with it. I'm not a greenie, or a leftie, and in fact have a sneaky respect for Margaret Thatcher, but detested Tony Blair (hmmm....,maybe there's something about people called Tony...) but I do resent people who are supposed to represent us as any government in a democracy should, treating us like idiots...

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Australia will become more like the United States. Australia is not in the European Union to become like Great Briton.


Australia will become more like USA in the dilution of the population in race. The big difference will be USA will focus more on Latino's while Australia will look towards its hood Asia for population. Britain will be an increasing European influence. Probably East.

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We all know they were all Labor supporters just trying to make a political point.


How many services were held for all the drownings ?


What nonsense. I attended one years back when a boat sunk with heavy loss of life back in the Howard days. The point being made in this case is that Manus Island is not a suitable place nor was really intended to be, it was all part of the hyper electoral period, with little consideration for longer term prospects.

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Many of the people who express sorrow and outrage at recent events resulting in the death of a man held in detention have been expressing outrage at the policies of both major political parties that incarcerate people indefinitely. Asylum seeker policy isn't about party politics - for many it is about respecting international law and upholding human rights.


But I will say no more because no doubt I will be labelled as a 'Labor supporter' when in fact my motives come from a completely non-political place.


Why should you care how they label you? The important thing is to get the message over and not to give the impression the entire nation is behind the bone headed regardless of the colour of their politics. Common decency is not or should not be related to either side of the political equation.

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What nonsense. I attended one years back when a boat sunk with heavy loss of life back in the Howard days. The point being made in this case is that Manus Island is not a suitable place nor was really intended to be, it was all part of the hyper electoral period, with little consideration for longer term prospects.





See by your response you have proved me right. You attended only to make a political point. You are a labor supporter and went to one to protest against Howard and now to protest against Abbott.

You make no mention of attending in the Gillard,Rudd years when thousands more drowned.

Don't pretend it was concern for any deaths. It was purely political otherwise you would go regardless of which party was in government.

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Guest Ptp113
Do you have a life outside of this cyber world..It appears you spend your whole day on Poms in Oz, firing in answers to other peoples posts immediately after they have posted..Are you a POM??...I despise that imbecilic word, POM, its so Boganite..another imbecilic Aussie term..


You're a Pommy Barsteward, I'm a Pommy Barsteward, Prince Charles is a Pommy Barsteward, and loves it. What exactly is your problem?

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