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Tony Abbott has done it. He has stopped the boats.


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So it is all about saving life is it? How would you have any idea if folk are not still going down, with the military secretive operations of this government and dismal performance in managing the camps?


Didn't see many candlelit protests before. Then again, I didn't actually see any this time either.


How do I know? Because I work with people *IN* those camps.

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Didn't see many candlelit protests before. Then again, I didn't actually see any this time either.


How do I know? Because I work with people *IN* those camps.


Not implying anything about you of course, but wasn't the recent violence against refugees purportedly carried out by "those working with people *IN* those camps"?? What I am trying to say here is that it doesn't make you (or anyone similar) a better person. Doesn't make youi a bad one either, but in the context of this particular discussion, evidence shows it to be kind of irrelevant.

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Not implying anything about you of course, but wasn't the recent violence against refugees purportedly carried out by "those working with people *IN* those camps"?? What I am trying to say here is that it doesn't make you (or anyone similar) a better person. Doesn't make youi a bad one either, but in the context of this particular discussion, evidence shows it to be kind of irrelevant.


Irrelevant indeed. There are many roles in those places of detention and many poorly qualified or inadequately trained staff. Some good some bad others indifferent. Serco has a mixed reputation at best . Hands often tied to what can be actually done by those employed to help.

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I wonder how many people realise that per percentage of population size ( Australia being quite small in comparison to other countries) that Australia takes more refugees than any other country if you take into account how many we let in . Other countries take more but have a lot bigger population. Also I wonder how many people realise just how many refugees fly into Indonesia with a passport than board a boat for Australia , and you guessed it they magically lost there documents . By doing this and arriving legally in Indonesia they are therefore illegal immigrants if they continue to cross borders without documents. Indonesia should be detaining them and charging them when caught. IMO. I do feel for the genuine refugees but seems most are not now on the boats.

i had lunch today with a university teacher friend today. He spoke to his class on certain maters, I can't be bothered putting all I was told about it but makes me angry what certain so called refugees are trying to achieve.


Although both sides of government would like the public to believe that it is simply untrue.

According to UNHCR figures (Global Trends ) Australia ranked 68th in the number being hosted. Pakistan highest at 1.7 million.


Australia was 47th on a per capita basis and 91st relative to natural wealth.


As most nations do not have an official resettlement policy, in other words they just roll up and are housed in camps if not living in the community, where as Australia does along with a handful of countries, is where the high figure materialises.


Even then according to 2012 figures Australia was second to Canada.


In absolute numbers the USA took most at 66,300, followed by Canada then Australia.

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Flag not everyone is totally brainwashed like yourself, and not everyone believes everything they are told in simple words..Most asylum seekers are freeloaders..they pay thousands of dollars to get to Australia for a better life..I dont like freeloaders and dont want them around me, so if that labels me as a racist then that is what Iam and Im not ashamed to admit this...You appear to label anyone that doesnt agree that they are all genuine refugees as a racist..Look at the state of the UK now, and alot of it is down to people scared to say anything and being called a racist..by do gooders like you..


Well said Echidna!

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You don't know many(any) refugees I expect do you? Sooner have one of those "freeloading"folk living next door to me than a neighbour with your what shall we say, pommy tabloid attitudes. Or is it suburban Murdoch induced infusions directing your thought?


Most asylum seekers that become refugees are very hard workers. Many are often better educated than the workers this country imports by the shed full. They are generally anything but free loaders. In fact their get up and go will add greatly to this nation's gene pool in time.


As for being brainwashed, perhaps you should search your own motives for sprouting the views you do, populist as they are, and tell me whose brain washed?


I have no idea nor care if your racist. Not my issue. The content of the post does deserve a retort as such though.


Do you have a life outside of this cyber world..It appears you spend your whole day on Poms in Oz, firing in answers to other peoples posts immediately after they have posted..Are you a POM??...I despise that imbecilic word, POM, its so Boganite..another imbecilic Aussie term..

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I wonder how many people realise that per percentage of population size ( Australia being quite small in comparison to other countries) that Australia takes more refugees than any other country if you take into account how many we let in . Other countries take more but have a lot bigger population.


Yes, this totally incorrect - Australia has about 1 refugee per 1000 of population, not too bad but way less than most countries which have much smaller populations: Australia is taking refugees at half the rate of Belgium, for example.

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Would have been better if they could have spelt Doesn't right.


I might be cold hearted or something but I was a bit surprised at the turnout for one guy getting killed. They showed a bit on the news and their was one lady sobbing hysterically like she'd known the guy or something. Pity they don't hold the same vigil every time one of our troops gets killed in Afghanistan.


Lady that was sobbing at the vigil would probably be protesting that we shouldn't be there in the first place though.

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Would have been better if they could have spelt Doesn't right.


I might be cold hearted or something but I was a bit surprised at the turnout for one guy getting killed. They showed a bit on the news and their was one lady sobbing hysterically like she'd known the guy or something. Pity they don't hold the same vigil every time one of our troops gets killed in Afghanistan.


Lady that was sobbing at the vigil would probably be protesting that we shouldn't be there in the first place though.


"True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else."-Clarence Darrow (American Civil Liberties Union)


And did she say to you that She doesn't feel sad for the soldiers?

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"True patriotism hates injustice in its own land more than anywhere else."-Clarence Darrow (American Civil Liberties Union)


And did she say to you that She doesn't feel sad for the soldiers?


Sorry mate, no idea who Clarence Darrow is and just because he said it doesn't make it true.

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Guest littlesarah
We all know they were all Labor supporters just trying to make a political point.


How many services were held for all the drownings ?


Many of the people who express sorrow and outrage at recent events resulting in the death of a man held in detention have been expressing outrage at the policies of both major political parties that incarcerate people indefinitely. Asylum seeker policy isn't about party politics - for many it is about respecting international law and upholding human rights.


But I will say no more because no doubt I will be labelled as a 'Labor supporter' when in fact my motives come from a completely non-political place.

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