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getting my daughter a visa shes 20


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hi, can anyone help. my husband is australian but has lived and worked in the uk for 10 years which is where we met an married. we have been married 5 years. i have a 20 year old daughter eho is not eligible on our visa because she is over 18. i was told if she was a student in australia she could get a visa as a dependant. but A) i dont know if this is age limited or B) is she already has to be a student in the uk. At the moment she is currently living and working in australia on a working holiday visa.

my husband is desperate to go home but i cant bare the thought she would not be able to join us. does anyone know if the above is true or if there is a way she can legally get a visa.


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Your daughter could apply for a student visa, but what about once she graduates?


You'd have to hope she followed in her mum's footsteps and fell in love with an Aussie :)


I'm not sure if the 'last remaining relative' visa would be relevant in your case?? You could look it up.

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Perhaps she could look into extending to a second WHV or applying for a student visa to extend her time in Australia.


You never know, maybe she'll meet someone while in Australia and be able to stay indefinitely through a partner visa, or perhaps even end up moving overseas to somewhere other than either Australia or the UK. I know when I migrated, I left my son behind in Canada (he was 18 and entering university). When I asked him about the fact that I was leaving him behind his comment to me was "Don't stay here because of me, as who knows where I may want to be in a couple of years".

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I think it could be possible but at the very least, because she's no longer a minor, she would need to return to being more or less fully dependent on you and I suspect that her dependency would need to be for 12 months or more.


You should be consulting a good RMA about this before you do anything further (or give up hope).

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wrussell has suggested there are perhaps solutions but you should contact a decent agent to discuss and if need be, have them take your case on.

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How long does she have left on her WHV? If she has a second year but hasn't actually used it yet, she may be better to go back to the UK and save using it till such time as you move over there as it may be helpful as a springboard iykwim.

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Yeah that's what my daughter says but but the thought of not being able to give her a cuddle. Before her why she lived with me full time. She actually wants to be a teacher so plans to go back to college on her return to England.

thanks for your reply

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Did you not just state that she plans to go back to college on her return to England? Then you would be waiting 4 years if she is studying to be a teacher before she would be eligible to enter Australia as a teacher. If she was to study in Australia as a temporary resident then you should potentially look at the costs for international students... You would have to have an amazing salary to be able to afford these. Your daughter is an adult who has learnt to fly the nest already on her adventures, if she thinks long term Australia is for her, let her have some fun living and studying in the UK and spending the summers flying over to stay with you and once she has the required qualifications she can move over permanently.


Seems the most sensible of options without jumping in with both feet. Most people on this forum have had years of planning in order to make the move successfully.

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