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Tiger Snakes .....


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only yesterday I was told these snakes were very common in WA but they really don't want to have anything to do with humans so go on their way , but if you were to get bit by one then time is a concern..........I`ve only seen one in 7 yrs at the beach , was dealt with by the authorities .....:policeman:

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Oh good god, snakes spiders you lot are seriously making me shrink in my seat! What if I bring my kids to oz and they get bit by a spider or a snake?.... What do you lot do? Time? How long ahhhhhhhhhhh

They have venomous snakes etc in Blighty, why don't you tell us what you do?

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Oh good god, snakes spiders you lot are seriously making me shrink in my seat! What if I bring my kids to oz and they get bit by a spider or a snake?.... What do you lot do? Time? How long ahhhhhhhhhhh


A lifetime these days; plenty of bites but so very few deaths...unlike road accidents and the like but people are blasé about that.


Cheers, Bobj.

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Oh good god, snakes spiders you lot are seriously making me shrink in my seat! What if I bring my kids to oz and they get bit by a spider or a snake?.... What do you lot do? Time? How long ahhhhhhhhhhh


Just don't live in the bush/on the edge of bushland and you probably won't come across many at all. We live in the middle of the estate (outer Brisbane) and haven't seen one around, however a few of my friends on the edges get one or two a year in the garden.

We do a fair bit of bushwalking and I've only ever seen a couple darting off. Actually one turned out to be a legless lizard! I saw a couple on my first trip here years ago but did more exploring and bush camping.


We carry a small kit around with us and know what to do in case of a snake bite. Don't really worry about spider bites. Haven't seen a redback yet even though there are some around - seem to be more over Perth way.


ETA: I think I have definitely become a lot more relaxed about snakes since living here. I had them all blown out of proportion in my mind. I have even held a couple at Australia Zoo/Lone Pine which I didn't think I could ever do. You realise that they are around but rarely a problem. The vast majority of bites are because people are trying to catch or kill them.

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Interesting info on snakes and what to do http://www.anaesthesia.med.usyd.edu.au/resources/venom/snakebite.html


When they talk about pressure bandage they mean those stretchy wide bandages (maybe some medical person on here can give us the correct name ?) Good to keep one in the car if you are going bush for any reason but as others have said its not like they are going to run out of the bush and bite you, leave them alone and they will generally leave you alone. http://www.health.qld.gov.au/poisonsinformationcentre/bites_stings/bs_pressure.asp

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On the farm we had them everywhere but in 10 years I can only remember a dozen or so....


From worst to least worst!


I crawled under an electrified fence but the only spot I could do so was in a dried up dam. I got half way through and had a funny feeling so stopped and looked up (from 6 inches off the ground) and one had its head less than a metre away. I froze. It turned and wandered away after a bit.


In the bedroom. It got in through the hole knocked out for the bath effluent, into the wall and out through a small hole in the wood paneling. Was it in the bedroom overnight when I had gotten up for a piddle in bare feet without turning on the light???


In the washing machine. 1 hot cycle = 1 angry (and clean) snake!


Jumping over a fallen log and landing on the ground with a black snake curved off the ground ready to strike. Again, I froze. Off he went eventually. I went the other way!


Standing at the top of the elevator in the hayshed with a square bale in my hands trying to throw it to someone further in the shed to stack. It felt like it was being held back. I looked down, a snake had been baled into the bale with about 1/4 sticking out. He had grabbed my trousers with his jaws and wouldn't let go as I was trying to swing the bale around. I'm still glad I wasn't wearing shorts that day!


Walking through a land slip with my little (about 8 then) brother. Tiger snake pointing uphill just above the cow track. I saw it after I had gone past. I couldn't walk back as they try to escape downhill. I made my brother walk back 10 metres or so then flicked a bit of rock at the snake and stamped hard on the ground. He swung around in an instant, raced accross the cow track and disappeared into the long grass.


In the woodshed next to the chicken pen. The pen was moved the next weekend to the bottom of the driveway.


At the back door of the house. The dogs yapping like crazy. With little kids around, that one got the wire.


Being chased along the gravel road. They can't get any grip so it's easy to keep ahead of them.


Numerous times running over them in the car. You have to be careful they don't flick up into the chassis (or open window!) as you hit them. Unfortunately by the time you see them it's too late to stop and swerving would just kill you as you roll the vehicle off the road.


My little terrier grabbing one as it was trying to get into its hole.


Quite a few in the long grass when spraying ragwort and blackberries or when building fences along the creek.


The rest that were seen from the quad or the tractor when out and about don't really count, they can't get anywhere near you, so why bother them?

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I remember the episode of Deadly 60 and they were in Perth somewhere. Went to the local park and there were so many tiger snakes in the vegetation next to the walkways and cycle paths. Houses all around too. People had no idea they were there as they caused no bother at all.

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Dmjg:Do you ever feel like a cat?:laugh:I've only had one experience and that was when I was rock climbing.I went to get a grip of a rock above me,and just as well I looked first.There was a red bellied black snake curled up asleep!:eek:


I can think of so many close shaves that could have turned out a lot worse than they did.


I think I feel like a few dozen cats looking back.


Im almost glad that the worst thing that could happen now is that a kid pulls a knife. The poor little bugger wouldn't know what hit him!

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one venomous snake Coventry ...the adder ...wouldn't even make the top 100 ...hardly a tiger or taipan


Ah yes I know genius. But you know how poms carry on about snakes and creepy crawlies like a bunch of babies. Best most of them stay in Blighty where it's safer, so I'm told.

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I've had to kill a redback on a net curtain once!Went in to check my then young daughter who was having an arvo nap?Noticed something on her curtain and to my horror,I had to take off my thongs (flip flops lol)and squish it between them?Not nice!Then once when moving a tree stump in the garden,rolling it over to get some weeds out and a scorpian ran towards me?:eek:Put the spade through that one!Really dislike killing things,but for the safety of us and the kids?Sometimes you have to!

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