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Why did you take citizenship....?


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Wouldn't bother with 2 passports Nic, it's expensive and when we went back to the UK recently we used our Aussie ones and we were through quicker then people in the UK line. There were only about 6 of us in the non-UK line.


It isn't all about money though Paul.... some of us just need to keep that connection with our birth country. My children and I emigrated to WA in 1991 and have maintained both passports once Australian Citizenship was granted, and will continue to do so.

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It isn't all about money though Paul.... some of us just need to keep that connection with our birth country. My children and I emigrated to WA in 1991 and have maintained both passports once Australian Citizenship was granted, and will continue to do so.


If you've got money to throw away fair enough. I don't.

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Wouldn't bother with 2 passports Nic, it's expensive and when we went back to the UK recently we used our Aussie ones and we were through quicker then people in the UK line. There were only about 6 of us in the non-UK line.


Maybe so, but I'll always have a British Passport, I'm not looking to give it up.

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I took it because we had been there for four years (at the time it was only a 2 year wait) and we were returning to the UK. I wanted the freedom to return whenever I wanted and for the girls to have more options as they got older. My oh didn't bother (and didn't have time as he left before we did) and last time we lived there he went on an RRV.

I'm so glad I did it - my kids have more options for uni etc now and we'd like to go back, at least part time, in the next few years.

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Maybe so, but I'll always have a British Passport, I'm not looking to give it up.


Agree Nicolac..... I was born Anglo Saxon/English... very proud of it... can trace my heritage back to the 1600's on the family tree... will NEVER give up my Brit passport!!


However as I now am an Australian Citizen and have been for 20 years, I have very strong feelings about this country too....


So dual nationality for me as long a I live.....

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How long do you have to live in Australia before you can apply for citizenship? And what's an RRV?


My British passport expired the other year; I'm waiting until I get married in June to renew it now due to the cost.


You have to live in Australia for 4 years with a minimum of one year on PR before you can apply for citizenship. RRV = Returning Residents Visa

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Wouldn't bother with 2 passports Nic, it's expensive and when we went back to the UK recently we used our Aussie ones and we were through quicker then people in the UK line. There were only about 6 of us in the non-UK line.


We've let our British ones expire - a lot of expense to renew 4 passports that we're unlikely to use

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We've let our British ones expire - a lot of expense to renew 4 passports that we're unlikely to use

How much does a British or Australian passport cost? I have read loads of comments about Brits not getting an Aussie passport or not renewing a passport due to cost.

Are the Brits tight with money or not very well off?

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Guest littlesarah
How much does a British or Australian passport cost? I have read loads of comments about Brits not getting an Aussie passport or not renewing a passport due to cost.

Are the Brits tight with money or not very well off?


If you're an Australian citizen, you require an Aussie passport to enter the country - the visa attached to your British passport is cancelled once you become a citizen. So I doubt that many British people would choose to not have an Aussie passport. It is more expensive to renew a British passport in Australia than in the UK ($282 vs 72.50 GBP), and given that one can easily enter the UK on an Aussie passport, for those intending to stay here forever there isn't much reason to keep a British passport current.

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Agree Nicolac..... I was born Anglo Saxon/English... very proud of it... can trace my heritage back to the 1600's on the family tree... will NEVER give up my Brit passport!!


However as I now am an Australian Citizen and have been for 20 years, I have very strong feelings about this country too....


So dual nationality for me as long a I live.....


Just because I don't have a British passport doesn't mean I don't have dual nationality. That will always be there. The passport is only a bit of paper, expensive paper though.

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If you're an Australian citizen, you require an Aussie passport to enter the country - the visa attached to your British passport is cancelled once you become a citizen. So I doubt that many British people would choose to not have an Aussie passport. It is more expensive to renew a British passport in Australia than in the UK ($282 vs 72.50 GBP), and given that one can easily enter the UK on an Aussie passport, for those intending to stay here forever there isn't much reason to keep a British passport current.

wow - that is expensive...... Didn't think the British government would rip off it's citizens by that amount.

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We will never be 'Australian' imo..though it will say so in our passports...I see it more as like an 'honourary' degree...an honourary citizenship...I believe your country of birth and origin is usually the nationality you feel most affiliated towards...I expect the longer you are here the less relevance country of birth has though...I stoll feel very English despite my citizenship...just a pom in Oz!


This is how I feel, and why I haven't applied for citizenship even though I qualify, I juts have PR. Did you feel OK giving the pledge of allegiance to Australia? I'm pretty sure I will return to the UK at some point, for good.


I may well apply for citizenship just for ease of travel - I must admit I didn't realise you need a RRV to return to Aus even after a short holiday, I thought you could be away for say 60/90 days without one...

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