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Heading back to the UK after 18 months of a living nightmare,


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I reckon even if you've bought your home your only renting it off your bank/building society anyway. Well for 25/30 years anyway :laugh: I reckon there are a bigger percentage of renters here than in the UK, well certainly where I came from . When we sold our house we needed a rental for awhile back in the UK. In our village there were about 2-3 to rent at any one time. I. Our suburb here ( which had about the same number if houses as our village) , there are listed 10-20 at any one time . We've built a modest house so managed to keep our mortgage low which means our mortgage payments are way lower than any of the rents around here, but of course we still have the upkeep. A strange thing happens to some people when they start looking to buy here, whereas back in the UK a tiny 3 bed semi sufficed, all of a sudden here their houses have to be palatial with ensuites bigger than a football pitch. They then wonder why it's difficult to pay the massive mortgage. Then moan about cost if living!

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Johndoe,I don't think you understand, my wife and I have offer to go to the bottom of the ladder of our skill sets to get jobs, my wife is a HR CONSULT and would take an assistant HR officer role but been reject many times, I've applied for finishing foreman, site manager, senior site manager, project manager, you get the idea, we get told the same to experienced for the role, don't have Queensland experience, your not a member of the union, your not Queensland this that and the other, so please don't teach the teacher, we gone to the bottom of the barrel to get roles.........it's not us it's the market place.....end

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What's wrong with renting?


Well, nothing at if you're earning an income. (aside from the usual insecurity of being turfed out of your home on a whim, not being able to decorate the way you want, having inspections etc) But what happens when you retire? Can you afford to indefinitely keep up your ever-increasing rental payments out of your pension? What happens if you suffer an accident or injury, or terminal disease and can no longer work? The right insurance policies will pay off your mortgage in such an event, but will it pay rent for the rest of your and your family's life?

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Johndoe,I don't think you understand, my wife and I have offer to go to the bottom of the ladder of our skill sets to get jobs, my wife is a HR CONSULT and would take an assistant HR officer role but been reject many times, I've applied for finishing foreman, site manager, senior site manager, project manager, you get the idea, we get told the same to experienced for the role, don't have Queensland experience, your not a member of the union, your not Queensland this that and the other, so please don't teach the teacher, we gone to the bottom of the barrel to get roles.........it's not us it's the market place.....end


I sympathise with you, But you're speaking of the same barrel. The point I was making was that many migrants, faced with the dilemma that you have encountered, decide to retrain or seek jobs in an entirely different sphere. The PIO members that I made mention of, realised within 3 months that they were banging their head against a brick wall and took steps before their savings ran out. eg from PA to nurse, from disabilty support team leader to wardie, the latter earning more as a wardie than she would, had she found a job in disability support.

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You can rent with a social landlord Lizzietinknicks!The rent is modest,its secure,you can swap your home and move somewhere else,and its yours for life if you want it.You can also decorate,make changes etc within reason.You have the added bonus of no maintenance costs as such for a new boiler or whatever.My mate lives in one,on a private housing estate and is laughing!!Of course people will argue there's the bedroom tax but you can always swap to a one bedroom place when you retire if you don't want to pay the extra.There are always alternatives in life.The thing is,everything is always temporary.Even home ownership!And no you can't take it with you!lol

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Johndoe,I don't think you understand, my wife and I have offer to go to the bottom of the ladder of our skill sets to get jobs, my wife is a HR CONSULT and would take an assistant HR officer role but been reject many times, I've applied for finishing foreman, site manager, senior site manager, project manager, you get the idea, we get told the same to experienced for the role, don't have Queensland experience, your not a member of the union, your not Queensland this that and the other, so please don't teach the teacher, we gone to the bottom of the barrel to get roles.........it's not us it's the market place.....end

I think it is extraordinarily difficult to understand the Brisbane market unless you have personal experience of it. FUBAR was how an Aussie mate of mine described it - how apt! When I headed back to the UK early this year for a holiday I thought I was unemployable - even though I know I have excellent experience. Like the OP, I work at a senior level (IT) but would be willing to try anything. Brisbane has limited opportunities to start with, has a number of 'shoe ins/mates' placed in senior/middle management positions who do not appreciate applicants with more senior experience and feel undermined by them. In the UK I got approached for a contract (IT) and stayed there for 3 months. I loved working at that level again, but needed to return to be with my family. When I came back, I decided not to bother with Seek, and just use contacts - and amazingly via a friend of a friend I have had an 'in' and managed to get part time work. Like the OP I have applied for numerous positions many I could do in my sleep, and almost always roles went to a mate of the recruiter, and/or someone far less experienced. What I lack is the ability to schmooze my way through the marketplace and suck up to the 'right' people - an essential part of getting on in Brisbane. Call it entitlement, but I'm well skilled, I work hard and I do a really good job - I'm more than capable of delivering- and I'm willing to believe that the OP and partner are exactly the same - BUT the ability to do a great job does not feature on many recruiters list. Maybe that makes us unsuitable for working here - but I think it's a real shame - So many excellent people I know (Australians and Poms) have had to leave Brisbane to get decent jobs. And as for retraining... it doesn't change the way people get jobs here - Unless you have a sought after skill where slipping a mate in may be frowned on or even dangerous, you're always going to be at a disadvantage. At the end of the day, delivery and high standards will take second place to doing a favour to mates. In the UK when I have failed to get roles, 95% of the time it is because I was the weaker candidate - and that meant that I didn't fit the role description as fully. Everyone can cope with that. Because there's stuff you can do about that, like retraining or extending your experience. At least the OP will be returning to a more level playing field and a more professional market. Good luck Freyertuck - Hope it's not too long before I can get back too!

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Paul1977, you are obviously deeply unhappy. You can choose to perpetuate that unhappiness in your life, on this forum, in your relationships, whatever - and remain unhappy and become more unhappy. Or you can choose to find things to be happy about. Either way. But I will have to add you to the ignore list, joining simmo, if you continue to make me unhappy with your whinging.


Johndoe,I don't think you understand, my wife and I have offer to go to the bottom of the ladder of our skill sets to get jobs, my wife is a HR CONSULT and would take an assistant HR officer role but been reject many times, I've applied for finishing foreman, site manager, senior site manager, project manager, you get the idea, we get told the same to experienced for the role, don't have Queensland experience, your not a member of the union, your not Queensland this that and the other, so please don't teach the teacher, we gone to the bottom of the barrel to get roles.........it's not us it's the market place.....end

Specific to MBTTUK ONLY:


WHY on Earth do posters have to incessantly justify their decisions?

WHY are they unable to explain WHY they are returning to the UK?

WHY do they have to be 'deeply unhappy' (even in their relationships??? Is nothing sacred?) Any and every aspect of the outlook of those who are unhappy in Australia/are returning to the UK/want to return to the UK-becomes fair game?

WHY if Australia is such a wonderful place should migrants have to take paper rounds or work as orderlies?

This opinion is based SOLELY on the principle of 'you can't have it both ways'. IF Australia is so good then why is it necessary to downgrade on skills? As a First World country that has been over promoted for many decades as the primary location for British migration -WHY is there the necessity to downgrade skills?


Because of course it is NOT 'living the dream' at all.


WHY is it so necessary to suggest to those here on THIS forum- that they had some kind of over inflated view of Australia (ergo: it is your fault), when both Governments and media in both countries have incessantly over marketed Australia?

To see and hear the misleading nonsense that is constantly peddled by UK and Australian media of sun/surf/sand/BBQ/.....Fantasy homes downunder (fantasy being the operative word there)-is frustrating in the extreme. Because it sends a false message.

WHY is there such a need to blame the UK migrant when the over promotion has come from such powerful sources?

WHY do they end up having to 'explain themselves' as if they are in some kind of Tribunal?


WHY if you and you and you who have settled in Australia successfully repeatedly come to this forum to criticise returnees?

Are you not confident in your own decisions?

Do you not have a wide choice of topics here on PIO to discuss the merits of Australian living?


.............and the worst offenders are our fellow countrymen and women- whether now naturalised Australian or not. THE worst offenders.


And it will continue won't it?

You won't quit the compelling and obsessive need to question the intelligence/personality/and general outlook of those who do not wholeheartedly embrace the one true God: Australia.

Does it ever occur to you that this actually says a lot more about you then those you feel the need to criticise?


Tbh- if those who are returning/want to return/.....and shock! horror! those who simply do not like Australia venture into other forums to take a shot at Australia; go for it. You have plenty of areas here to do so.


MBTTUK should be a 'safe haven' of discussion for those who have reason to post here. It is not against forum rules.

They should not have to repeatedly run the gamut of harping criticism ON THIS SPECIFIC FORUM.

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You can rent with a social landlord Lizzietinknicks!The rent is modest,its secure,you can swap your home and move somewhere else,and its yours for life if you want it.You can also decorate,make changes etc within reason.You have the added bonus of no maintenance costs as such for a new boiler or whatever.My mate lives in one,on a private housing estate and is laughing!!Of course people will argue there's the bedroom tax but you can always swap to a one bedroom place when you retire if you don't want to pay the extra.There are always alternatives in life.The thing is,everything is always temporary.Even home ownership!And no you can't take it with you!lol


lol good luck trying to get a place in social housing! whilst you're right about the conditions, eligibility is limited and the waiting lists are a mile long. most people end up in private accommodation relying on HB (which doesn't necessarily cover all the rent, especially as it's capped now, and is subject to the whims of the government and private landlords).


i'm not even sure that social landlords exist to that extent in australia?


(PS I am a renter, have been all my adult life so far - it's suited us up till now but we'll be buying within the next year or two to put down roots and get some security)

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I don't think we're living in the same city Fryertuck! Certainly not my experience with Brisbane (about it being 'boring', that is!)


I'd agree it's useful to have a job already lined up for when you come over here though, that's a given for any cross-continental move really. Best of luck for your future endeavors though, it's not for everyone. Hope you find happiness in your next adventure. :)

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[quote=Peccavi;1936385428MBTTUK should be a 'safe haven' of discussion for those who have reason to post here. It is not against forum rules.

They should not have to repeatedly run the gamut of harping criticism ON THIS SPECIFIC FORUM.


There is a private forum that you can request admin to add you to. MBTUK on the general forum remains open to all members.

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Well done for trying.


I've been in Oz 2 months now, I was under no illusions or preconceptions. I work hard, like I did in England, I check my finances like I did in England. Things are different, which I expected. I think part of it is that people have high expectations, my kids still goto school, we still argue..lol, xmas is weird, but hey, at least we've tried. Better to try and not like it than never try and wonder.


All the best for the future.

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Different strokes for different folk and all that...

There's no right or wrong answers here, we are all different, we all have different aspirations, beliefs, values, expectations etc.

We don't all like Marmite after all. The world would be boring if we were all the same....


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There is a private forum that you can request admin to add you to. MBTUK on the general forum remains open to all members.


I was simply explaining why it shouldn't be necessary.

Those not embracing the living dream should not have to do so 'in hiding'.

The fact that a private forum was created for them is very telling.


I am extremely grateful to those who have the courage to relate their experiences on an open forum.


...........just like everyone else.


Personally my very recent return to the UK was akin to waking from a 37 year coma. I am quite serious.

I care little that others might not like this view.


(...................and when I can get my damned email operating I might even say hello to a few folks. Currently I cannot.....)




Thank-you for your post though.

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Guest Guest 47403
Specific to MBTTUK ONLY:


WHY on Earth do posters have to incessantly justify their decisions?

WHY are they unable to explain WHY they are returning to the UK?

WHY do they have to be 'deeply unhappy' (even in their relationships??? Is nothing sacred?) Any and every aspect of the outlook of those who are unhappy in Australia/are returning to the UK/want to return to the UK-becomes fair game?

WHY if Australia is such a wonderful place should migrants have to take paper rounds or work as orderlies?

This opinion is based SOLELY on the principle of 'you can't have it both ways'. IF Australia is so good then why is it necessary to downgrade on skills? As a First World country that has been over promoted for many decades as the primary location for British migration -WHY is there the necessity to downgrade skills?


Because of course it is NOT 'living the dream' at all.


WHY is it so necessary to suggest to those here on THIS forum- that they had some kind of over inflated view of Australia (ergo: it is your fault), when both Governments and media in both countries have incessantly over marketed Australia?

To see and hear the misleading nonsense that is constantly peddled by UK and Australian media of sun/surf/sand/BBQ/.....Fantasy homes downunder (fantasy being the operative word there)-is frustrating in the extreme. Because it sends a false message.

WHY is there such a need to blame the UK migrant when the over promotion has come from such powerful sources?

WHY do they end up having to 'explain themselves' as if they are in some kind of Tribunal?


WHY if you and you and you who have settled in Australia successfully repeatedly come to this forum to criticise returnees?

Are you not confident in your own decisions?

Do you not have a wide choice of topics here on PIO to discuss the merits of Australian living?


.............and the worst offenders are our fellow countrymen and women- whether now naturalised Australian or not. THE worst offenders.


And it will continue won't it?

You won't quit the compelling and obsessive need to question the intelligence/personality/and general outlook of those who do not wholeheartedly embrace the one true God: Australia.

Does it ever occur to you that this actually says a lot more about you then those you feel the need to criticise?


Tbh- if those who are returning/want to return/.....and shock! horror! those who simply do not like Australia venture into other forums to take a shot at Australia; go for it. You have plenty of areas here to do so.


MBTTUK should be a 'safe haven' of discussion for those who have reason to post here. It is not against forum rules.

They should not have to repeatedly run the gamut of harping criticism ON THIS SPECIFIC FORUM.


Feeling a little sensitive today?


Thankfully it works both ways on this forum those that are emigrating or are happily living in Australia constantly have there sanity questioned by those that have either MBTTUK or dislike living in Australia.


As pointed out by two moderators if you prefer a totally bleached view of returning to the UK ask to join the 'private' forum afforded to those MBTTUK, those moving the other way don't have that luxury we just take it on the chin.

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Feeling a little sensitive today?


Thankfully it works both ways on this forum those that are emigrating or are happily living in Australia constantly have there sanity questioned by those that have either MBTTUK or dislike living in Australia.


As pointed out by two moderators if you prefer a totally bleached view of returning to the UK ask to join the 'private' forum afforded to those MBTTUK, those moving the other way don't have that luxury we just take it on the chin.


Sanity? It's a subjective thing isn't it? I appreciate you proving your point so well. Thank-you.

However there (sic) sanity need not be questioned on their own forum section, though I note you feel the need to repeatedly visit and do so. There's that sanity thing again!


If I were you I would have a field day with the wicked souls who question there (sic) sanity on the Happyozzie section/s, it's a damned disgrace.


And I must say I do love the deference to 'two moderators'. It has such kudos doesn't it? Who (in their right mind???) would want to be in lockdown with a 'totally bleached view of returning to the UK?'

Come outside and take it on the chin like the brave ozzies is what I say.


.....I suppose you could get up a petition to be afforded the same 'luxury' and not have the chin damage? What do you think?




(And my original post still stands. I appreciate your zealous assistance in proving its point. Thank-you again).

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Guest Guest 47403
Sanity? It's a subjective thing isn't it? I appreciate you proving your point so well. Thank-you.

However there (sic) sanity need not be questioned on their own forum section, though I note you feel the need to repeatedly visit and do so. There's that sanity thing again!


If I were you I would have a field day with the wicked souls who question there (sic) sanity on the Happyozzie section/s, it's a damned disgrace.


And I must say I do love the deference to 'two moderators'. It has such kudos doesn't it? Who (in their right mind???) would want to be in lockdown with a 'totally bleached view of returning to the UK?'

Come outside and take it on the chin like the brave ozzies is what I say.


.....I suppose you could get up a petition to be afforded the same 'luxury' and not have the chin damage? What do you think?




(And my original post still stands. I appreciate your zealous assistance in proving its point. Thank-you again).


Firstly I'm always dubious about folk that choose to use latin words when talking/writing sort of implies they are some what superior being or more highly edumacated than us oiks oh well!


I like choice.........thankfully it's something we have living in a first world democracy, and I choose to pop in to the MBTTUK area as I quite like to hear both sides of the story, even the most distorted 'I miss tesco' thread sometimes has something that makes me think 'damn hadn't considered that!'


No need for petition we're a hardy bunch 'Made in England' and all that, we don't need to hide behind closed doors :wink:

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Obviously posts are hitting the nerve a bit here and people feel the need to justify their sensitivity and thoughts. Personally if I had decided to return to the Uk for whatever reason I would not bare my sole on why, I would know why, and I would be off. The forum is all about helping people with run of the mill stuff really and if people want to put troubled threads on to a public forum then they are asking for public responses from people who do not know them and never will and these responses are not always going to be to the op's liking.


If one is a sensitive sole, read don't post on public forums.


As has been said there is a special closed forum for those that want to return to the UK and its not difficult to become a part of it.

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Obviously posts are hitting the nerve a bit here and people feel the need to justify their sensitivity and thoughts. Personally if I had decided to return to the Uk for whatever reason I would not bare my sole on why, I would know why, and I would be off. The forum is all about helping people with run of the mill stuff really and if people want to put troubled threads on to a public forum then they are asking for public responses from people who do not know them and never will and these responses are not always going to be to the op's liking.


If one is a sensitive sole, read don't post on public forums.


As has been said there is a special closed forum for those that want to return to the UK and its not difficult to become a part of it.


It does come as a surprise at times the personal detail some reveal on a forum. Does that infer they have few if any in real life to relate their inner selves to? Not a little sad that being the case and can only reveal such personal angst to complete strangers.

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I dont understand people like Baz and petals who are constantly on the mbttuk forum arguing the point for Australia, we know you love Oz let those who found it difficult or simply found its not for them and feel the UK is far better say it on the forum.

Baz are you still in the UK?, ifso you know not of Oz, if in Oz you seem to waste a lot of time on pio gushing about the virtues of Oz rather than enjoying them.

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Who (in their right mind???) would want to be in lockdown with a 'totally bleached view of returning to the UK?'

Come outside and take it on the chin like the brave ozzies is what I say.


For some they prefer to discuss their moving back to the UK away from those who are not returning, have no desire to or who are actually migrating the other way. Quite simply, its a place where they can post freely without this *looks at pretty much the entire thread* sort of thing happening.


Some choose to use it, some don't. End of the day, its up to the individual.

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Guest Guest 47403
I dont understand people like Baz and petals who are constantly on the mbttuk forum arguing the point for Australia, we know you love Oz let those who found it difficult or simply found its not for them and feel the UK is far better say it on the forum.

Baz are you still in the UK?, ifso you know not of Oz, if in Oz you seem to waste a lot of time on pio gushing about the virtues of Oz rather than enjoying them.


Love it I'm constantly on MBTTUK according to legoman arguing for the Oz corner :skeptical:

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I was simply explaining why it shouldn't be necessary.

Those not embracing the living dream should not have to do so 'in hiding'.

The fact that a private forum was created for them is very telling.


I am extremely grateful to those who have the courage to relate their experiences on an open forum.


...........just like everyone else.


Personally my very recent return to the UK was akin to waking from a 37 year coma. I am quite serious.

I care little that others might not like this view.


(...................and when I can get my damned email operating I might even say hello to a few folks. Currently I cannot.....)




Thank-you for your post though.


I understand what you mean, and yes it is telling that a private forum was started and that admin had the foresight to do that. I keep asking for a Perth private forum as we seem to take a similar bashing for liking it here, but Kate keeps telling me NO lol - Joking aside though, the MBTUK was started for people to gain support, the majority of our membership are able to give that despite their liking Aus.

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Firstly I'm always dubious about folk that choose to use latin words when talking/writing sort of implies they are some what superior being or more highly edumacated than us oiks oh well!


I do agree.


I like choice.........thankfully it's something we have living in a first world democracy, and I choose to pop in to the MBTTUK area as I quite like to hear both sides of the story, even the most distorted 'I miss tesco' thread sometimes has something that makes me think 'damn hadn't considered that!'


No need for petition we're a hardy bunch 'Made in England' and all that, we don't need to hide behind closed doors :wink:


I do agree.


Obviously posts are hitting the nerve a bit here and people feel the need to justify their sensitivity and thoughts. Personally if I had decided to return to the Uk for whatever reason I would not bare my sole on why, I would know why, and I would be off. The forum is all about helping people with run of the mill stuff really and if people want to put troubled threads on to a public forum then they are asking for public responses from people who do not know them and never will and these responses are not always going to be to the op's liking.


If one is a sensitive sole, read don't post on public forums.


As has been said there is a special closed forum for those that want to return to the UK and its not difficult to become a part of it.


Thankfully this one is not a sensitive...soul, it was another poster who incorrectly asserted that..


Personally I have the absolute right to give my reasons for returning, as have others.


This is a discussion forum; how can discussion occur unless an opinion is expressed rather than a simple statement? Inevitably other posters are going to ask the obvious question: 'why are you returning?' I suggest the real 'sensitivity' lies with those who need to justify their decision to migrate to Aus and/or those who are simply obsessed with preserving the SSS image of Australia.


For some they prefer to discuss their moving back to the UK away from those who are not returning, have no desire to or who are actually migrating the other way. Quite simply, its a place where they can post freely without this *looks at pretty much the entire thread* sort of thing happening.


Some choose to use it, some don't. End of the day, its up to the individual.


I fully understand private forums for private issues, OR if each forum is matched with a private counterpart.

However, I'm happy that many here are comfortable relating their experience-negative or positive on an open forum just like others are able to do in other forums here.

I also believe something quite simple: go onto the Ausforum/s and bag Aus and expect the flack. In my view that is like being invited to someones house and then criticising their decor. I won't do it.


Talking about return reasons in the appropriate forum should not engender the harping criticism incessantly happening here-usually from the same posters.


That is all I'm saying.



I understand what you mean, and yes it is telling that a private forum was started and that admin had the foresight to do that. I keep asking for a Perth private forum as we seem to take a similar bashing for liking it here, but Kate keeps telling me NO lol - Joking aside though, the MBTUK was started for people to gain support, the majority of our membership are able to give that despite their liking Aus.


Yes. This saddens me. Here I am at odds with some here whose opinions I would broadly support.

I have to admit I find it surprising that-given the defensiveness* of Ausbodies (*is that to be the next 'discussion'?), there are such spirited attacks on other States. Adelaide usually takes a drubbing, but on PIO it appears to be Perth.


I lived in Adelaide. Relatives in Perth. Preferred Perth. I think MetroPerth is vastly superior to Adelaide. Tasmania was my favourite.


I hated my time in Australia, but I will not attack any individual State. Those that love the State of their choice should not have to have their home constantly ridiculed.


That sounds so familiar......

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